MLB 2K8 News Post

IGN has posted a article called MLB 2K8 Minor League Stars.
"The game has real names and attributes for every player who's appeared in the major leagues at one point or another, but those players who haven't yet cracked the major-league ranks have facsimiles a la heroes like Jim Dowd or QB Eagles."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 lived @ 02/29/08 07:11 PM
Nice this answers that question of whether players will in the game with different names. Too bad Travis Snyder wasn't in that top 10.
# 2 lived @ 02/29/08 07:15 PM
IGN came out with a lot of baseball content today. They rated "the show" and gave it 8.7 which is easily the highest rated baseball game in the past few years. It's sure gonna be hard for 2k8 to top that
# 3 ehh @ 02/29/08 07:18 PM
Good info. I like that they guessed Bob Dixon was Julian Tavarez. Doesn't IGN know that 2K helps us out w. the same first/last initials! Though Brendan Donnelly shouldn't be rated that high.
# 4 Rebel10 @ 02/29/08 09:16 PM
Eh, I was hoping for top prospects, not just all of the rejects/IR from the majors

Tavarez and Donnolly should both be named in the game... Heck, Tavarez was one of the starting pitchers for the Red Sox two consecutive years
# 5 lived @ 02/29/08 09:22 PM
Bob dixon is Brandon Donnely not Tavarez. The reason they don't have Donnely's name is because he isn't part of the union
# 6 metal134 @ 02/29/08 09:37 PM
Good to see they will have an Adam Miller counterpart in the game.
# 7 Stroehms @ 03/01/08 01:35 AM
I love Colby Rasmus' potential. They say he's a Steve Finely/Grady Sizemore Hybrid with more power. gotta love that
# 8 sirwoodz @ 03/01/08 02:24 AM
IGN seems to be going above and beyond with the 2k8 coverage...i'm expecting to see a pretty decent score from them
# 9 nymets3000 @ 03/01/08 11:40 AM
Fmart is gonna be amazing.
# 10 jrod1981 @ 03/01/08 12:18 PM
its pretty heart wrenching as a cubs fan to see mark prior up that high.
# 11 myghty @ 03/01/08 01:35 PM
Woooooo! Clayton Kershaw
# 12 EnigmaNemesis @ 03/02/08 10:25 AM
"7. Bob Dixon, Boston (AAA) -- We believe that Dixon is actually Julian Tavarez, who's here because he didn't make the Red Sox postseason roster. He'll likely be in the 25-man roster that starts the season, though."

Once again, IGN and their lack of baseball knowledge.

Bob Dixon, is Brendan Donnelly, who is not in the union cause he was a "scab" player. The rosters are locked down from early January, thus why he is still there.

And Julian Tavarez is in the game. They just didn't look hard enough (or at all).

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