12:11 AM - February 29, 2008 by hdaniel1
Shawn Drotar of 5W-G has posted a interview with Ben Brinkman, Producer of Major League Baseball 2K8.
Shawn Drotar: "What did you look at in last year’s game as something that just didn’t work, design-wise, and how have you changed that?"
Ben Brinkman: "Last year - and in previous years - it was more about looking good than feeling good. We decided early on that that wasn’t going to cut it. In fact, that was decided for us, and it was the correct decision, absolutely. There’s nothing fun about having an icon on screen that says, ‘push stick’ or whatever - and the guy just runs… There’s no point to hitting people over the head with this stuff; this is an interactive medium, and you want to do something and see a result, not do something and watch it play out."