MLB 2K8 News Post

Let's play ball! 2K Sports today announced that the highly anticipated baseball simulation title, Major League Baseball(r) 2K8, has gone gold and is now ready for production for Xbox 360(r) video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PLAYSTATION(r)3 computer entertainment system, PlayStation(r)2 computer entertainment system, PSP(r) (PlayStation(r)Portable) system, and Wii(tm) home video game system. Available on March 4th in retail stores nationwide, Major League Baseball 2K8 offers dedicated fans the opportunity to enjoy exciting and expanded features to provide the most fun and realistic baseball simulation experience available.

Major League Baseball 2K8 will revolutionize player control this year with brand-new pitching, fielding and baserunning, as well as a completely overhauled batting interface. To bring fans closer to the action than ever before, Major League Baseball 2K8 features authentic Major League Baseball and Minor League(tm) stadiums that have been completely redesigned for accuracy, complete with the detail and specific architecture of each ballpark and city.

Jon Miller and Hall of Famer Joe Morgan, the best announcing duo in baseball video games, are back in the booth to deliver the deepest commentary available, providing insightful analysis of each ball and strike. Other in-game features include a totally unique trading card system, robust Minor League system including 90 playable minor league teams, all-new Signature Style(tm) animations complete with homerun celebrations, and much more.

Major League Baseball 2K8, rated E for Everyone by the ESRB, will be available in retail stores March 4, 2008, for Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3, PlayStation 2, PSP (PlayStation Portable), and Wii.

For more information about Major League Baseball 2K8, please visit www.2Ksports.com.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 PVarck31 @ 02/28/08 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by gilgamesh348
The game has been done for several months.
I am pretty sure that is incorrect.
# 22 SPTO @ 02/28/08 01:42 PM
I think it's been more or less done for the last 2-3 weeks but not months.
# 23 StormJH1 @ 02/28/08 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by El_MaYiMbE
I honestly dont care bout the demo no more....the game is 5 days away....They took the fun out of playing a piece of the game when in 5 more days I can have the whole thing to myself...
And who ever said exclusive licenses don't work. You've already made up your mind that this is worth $60 to you.

Demos aren't for people like you. The point of a demo isn't to be able to play the game before paying for it...the point is to see if this is an improved game that's actually worth the investment. The fact that 500,000 people are willing to pay for something they haven't played doesn't sway me one bit. Millions pre-ordered Halo 3, and I haven't touched that game in months, or at least since CoD 4 came out.
# 24 PsychoBulk @ 02/28/08 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS

Jon Miller and Hall of Famer Joe Morgan, the best announcing duo in baseball video games
# 25 bukktown @ 02/28/08 02:02 PM
It seems really late for 2k8 to go gold. Does that mean that the code wasn't final up until the last few days? I think that is a good thing that they spent so much time polishing it up.
# 26 Blzer @ 02/28/08 02:04 PM
It's not gold until approved by Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo. In this case, it probably took Microsoft until now to approve it.

Still hoping on that demo...
# 27 SPTO @ 02/28/08 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by scott4171
I work from home, and I checked the marketplace. They took off Spiderwalk chronicles. Their are no demo's up. I think maybe they are updating today. Maybe we will see it today or tonight after all, but who know
If that's the case then HUZZAH!

But i'm not building up my hopes.
# 28 Stroehms @ 02/28/08 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by SPTO
If that's the case then HUZZAH!

But i'm not building up my hopes.
i second that notion.
# 29 ronnyballgame @ 02/28/08 03:27 PM
seriously, the game has been done for a few weeks now, they were just touching up things, but seriously, a demo of a baseball game isn't going to make or break the game, you know, it is just a little chunk of what there is too offer, esp. someone like me who loves the franchise modes. I trust this game will be worth the 60 bucks we shell out for it, demo or no demo. It will be worth the wait.
# 30 GnarlyKing @ 02/28/08 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by PsychoBulk

It's technically true if you only count current games. The Show has a 3 man booth.
# 31 ehh @ 02/28/08 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by StormJH1
Demos aren't for people like you. The point of a demo isn't to be able to play the game before paying for it...the point is to see if this is an improved game that's actually worth the investment.
This train of thought doesn't make much sense to me since demos are never as good as final builds. I would have never bought CH or NBA2K if I based my opinion on the demo. Both of those games are much, much better than the demo. Renting the final build is one thing, but making your decision based on the demo seems illogical since it's essentially a different game.
# 32 Bamboospine1998 @ 02/28/08 07:49 PM
I'm with you, if I have doubts I rent.
I have to admit, I do just buy some games if I have played the series before. 2K8, NCAA, Madden, etc.... I should be more selective, but I usually get the games on the first weekend they are out so I have 3 or 4 days to read some reviews before buying.

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