MLB 2K8 News Post

We have just posted some Major League Baseball 2K8 screenshots, from our beta copy of the game. I'll be playing quite a bit this weekend answering questions. Keep an eye out for it.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 41 Stroehms @ 02/28/08 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by TwinsTerritory
So I guess they made the Santana trade before they launched it?

The Twins were 8th and now 14th, and I'd guess that is why. Pretty good that they got that in...
no i don't think so. Since you counted down from the Angels spot all the way to the Twins, you came up with number 14. well, they should be lower and they probably are.

Those teams are all in alphabetical order.

Angels vs. Astros? lol.
# 42 The Gamer @ 02/28/08 02:11 PM
Does that "Around the Horn" toggle mean we'll be able to throw the ball all the way around the infield after an out and not just to the shortstop? I've missed this. this is one way I've been able to learn new throwing mechanisms. I hope this is the case
# 43 SPTO @ 02/28/08 02:12 PM
I didn't look through this thread but can anyone tell me what step influence is?
# 44 dodgerblue @ 02/28/08 02:20 PM
Total Control Pitching Slider:

This one looks really interesting to me. This could make the difference to accurate walks if it is implemented correctly!
# 45 drterb @ 02/28/08 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by SPTO
I didn't look through this thread but can anyone tell me what step influence is?
It determines how much your step (or the timing of you pulling back on the swing stick before pushing forward) influences the efficiency/power of your swing. I believe KushGamer stated that it accounts for 25% of your swing efficiency by default.
# 46 jerk @ 02/28/08 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
me too, it got a real MVP look. Which I think it great.
Thats the first thing that popped into my mind when i saw the screeens.
# 47 SPTO @ 02/28/08 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by drterb
It determines how much your step (or the timing of you pulling back on the swing stick before pushing forward) influences the efficiency/power of your swing. I believe KushGamer stated that it accounts for 25% of your swing efficiency by default.
Hmm I see, i'll leave it at the default setting for now then.
# 48 dschifftyy @ 02/28/08 05:18 PM
The visual style of the menu's and the font reminds me of Bioshock actually
Maybe that's just me but I'm liking what I'm seeing
# 49 blackngoldfan @ 02/28/08 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Foo4Everlong
Am I the only one thinking that posting the Sliders on the boards this year might be harder considering that there isn't numbers to go by this year. Last year it went in increments of 5 (ala 5-10-15 and all the way to 100), but this year it just seems to be a bar with no numbers. Pardon me for sounding stupid, but is there a way around this for people that like to use sliders? Thanks. Later
Hopefully, the numbers fade away and re-appear when adjusted.
# 50 blackngoldfan @ 02/28/08 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
The only big downside I saw is they eliminated throwing speed sliders. I only hope they throw just right...
I thought we determined the throwing speed as the bar loads up before we throw it. If you're talking about the CPU, I don't know that's adjustable.
# 51 Spectre @ 02/28/08 08:26 PM
One thing I hope is that the sliders work better this year, which I anticipate to be true since they redid so much of the code.

I'd have AI take pitch at maximum and most of the time they'd swing at the first pitch.

Still, the sliders look very good.
# 52 cubsfan203 @ 02/28/08 08:37 PM
Not bad, the only thing that bothers me as someone mentioned is no numbers for the sliders. Hopefully they at least got that in the player editing and create a player so it isn't such a pain like last year.
# 53 Blzer @ 02/28/08 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by blackngoldfan
I thought we determined the throwing speed as the bar loads up before we throw it. If you're talking about the CPU, I don't know that's adjustable.
While that's true, throwing was pressure-sensitive last year (just no bar), and pitching has an effort meter, but there is still a pitch speed slider.

I hope that makes sense.
# 54 blackngoldfan @ 02/28/08 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
While that's true, throwing was pressure-sensitive last year (just no bar), and pitching has an effort meter, but there is still a pitch speed slider.

I hope that makes sense.
I get it now as it does make sense. Notice the "Throw meter difficulty" bar in this screenshot. Do you know what that meter does? I wonder if it changes how long it takes the bar to load up when attempting to make a strong throw.
# 55 DIESEL @ 02/28/08 09:36 PM
Thanks for the pics Steve.

Menus look great and I'm happy to see the foul ball slider. I am a little disappointed they still have the "Batting Skill" slider.

You have contact and power sliders which are pretty self explanatory, but this skill slider has never been fully explained. Finding difficult, but fair A.I. hitting sliders was my biggest challenge in last years game.

If you read this Kushgamer, could you please define the purpose of the batting skill slider?
# 56 TwinsTerritory @ 02/28/08 09:38 PM
I like the look of the new menus too...
# 57 HK-47 @ 02/28/08 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by El_MaYiMbE
The fact u had to point out who he is....makes it clear he doesnt deserve a sig stance....I know him....but most people dont...
People will know about him real soon!!!
# 58 King Gro23 @ 02/28/08 10:43 PM
The menus is real good along with the new sliders i question the team and player ranks alot i dont like em at all and the prsentation looks real good
# 59 Fatalah @ 02/28/08 10:56 PM
The new sliders system looks identical to NHL08--- I really think Brinkman took several of cues from that lovely little hockey game!

Originally Posted by Foo4Everlong
Am I the only one thinking that posting the Sliders on the boards this year might be harder considering that there isn't numbers to go by this year. Last year it went in increments of 5 (ala 5-10-15 and all the way to 100), but this year it just seems to be a bar with no numbers. Pardon me for sounding stupid, but is there a way around this for people that like to use sliders? Thanks. Later
# 60 Blzer @ 02/29/08 02:17 AM
This is the first year that they have had a Batting Skill slider for the user. It has always been for AI only, but this year it seems they have added yet another dynamic. I wonder how it works as well. Maybe it differentiates the great hitters from the decent hitters, much like the Pitching Effectiveness slider last year or whatever it was called.

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