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ncaa09-10's Blog
Madden 15 implementation list #3 / De-helmeting with consequences 
Posted on April 8, 2014 at 10:05 PM.
This topic is on how the " EA Sports team should show the Nfl how they can appropriately use the de- helmeting element in the game, instead of bringing it up to them as if they want something that will intimidated players to brag about knowing safety is important nowadays .And truly it plays a major role in the game, best believe I and the community would like to have the opposing team to cause themselves a dead play keeping someone from scoring, sort of how the NBA has intentional Fouls." I'm saying the technology is there, use it appropriately if it happens let the commentators have plenty of dynamic lines expressing how important it is for the teens/Kids, and adult audience how safety matters and how its imperative to keep their helmets on, or they will have to sit down or suffer injuries; Concussions.
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