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mkul2509's Chalkboard
HustlinOwl is offline
# 3
HustlinOwl @ Apr 6, 2015
Originally Posted by mkul2509
Haven't created one yet. Getting a group of guys together and them started it. Wanted to get more information before diving into it.

I was more meaning. If I'm at game 20 and game 21 is against a user team and that user team is at game 12 I would have to wait until he got to that game.

Appreciate the help with this. I've been playing the show for years but have never done an online franchise.
no you would not need to wait for him and thats why I encourage everyone to create open (manual) schedule, so you can play any team at any time. Im always available for a party chat if you need more Q&A
HustlinOwl is offline
# 2
HustlinOwl @ Apr 6, 2015
Originally Posted by mkul2509
THANKS! Another question... So when a series against a user controlled team arrives we obviously play against each other. What happens if one user team is further ahead than the rest of the user controlled teams? Like I'm in week 3 of April but everyone else is stuck on week 2. How does that work?
did you select open (manual) schedule type? Where one team could have 20 games played and others 10? If so you would just pitch your next scheduled starter for 21st game.
HustlinOwl is offline
# 1
HustlinOwl @ Apr 6, 2015
online franchise, CPU vs CPU sim those games, games user controlled vs CPU play!
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