mastershake88's Blog

Dear MLB THE SHOW: If you don't care about stadium creator why do you keep it around?
Posted on March 15, 2025 at 03:39 PM.
For some reason I continue to come back every year and lower my standards...Until this year. If you purchased MLB the Show 25 for early access like we in the SC community do you will know that this mode is a glitched mess. Botched crowd numbers and weird elevations rear their ugly head yet again. To add, the stadiums that were promised to be transferred over have disappeared only to show up as the rushed and disheveled pre-conceived creations already blessing the screen.
Again, Memory usage makes zero sense this season. Upon entering in a blank design you're already set at 13% which makes zero sense. You have 87% left to make any sound decision on what you create. Gamers asked for the removal of batter eyes and full customization of everything on the other side of the foul pole so was that listened to and fixed this season? No. Yet again when we asked for memory to make sense for us to create more they give us problems to increase memory in more unnecessary things that will randomly allocate itself in fence changing or props.
Every single thing's gravitational pull in this game now revolves around Diamond Dynasty. Every single stream, every single developer comment and live feed single handedly elevates this mode above everything else. The only thing that worked correctly for early access was diamond dynasty and maybe road to the show if you forget the fact that they forgot the player model still has "The Show 24"on their jersey. Vast majority of youtubers got a head start yesterday with their awkward blown up faces on a screenshot for their videos basting about cards like its a pokemon or yugioh tournement during recess. Nothing else matters during this period as you have gamers blowing $500.00 to $2,000.00 for digital cards. Seeing these things playout tells me everything I need to know as offline modes are second fiddle and outdated. The year is 2025, why are there subtitles in the game? Where are next gen graphics? Does not even matter because the only people who will buy this game early are the card heads, and whatever has been promoted to work. Everything else can wait.
Because stadium creator is not a cashcow. Online franchise is not a cashcow. The only thing that has to continue working fine is Diamond Dynasty and its players cards. Everything else be damned and that's just sad and even that mode has the glitches and things that hasn't been updated since the PS3 days. Why can't you have other options to change numbers for custom uniforms? Exactly how many years has it been since the stadium community asked for assets already in the game? State Flags, movable bullpens, elevations and even different fence distances to be shown? Nothing. THe only obseration I can make is that as long as Diamond Dynasty works and all the cards brought up in every single stream is accountable then nothing else matters.
OOTP has an effective history of full customization when it comes to ballpark building of all sorts and they don't have the reach as SDS or MLB THE SHOW has. This ballpark creation is the only option to fulfill years and years worth dreams and it does not seem to be a useful asset to DD anymore so now it is discarded. I can't help but to ask if you don't care about this mode then why did you even bother to add it? why make it so unbearable and glitched to deter people away from the mode? My only answer is to make this mode soo difficult and soo unpopular so it can be gotten rid of altogether. Once it was determined that Diamond Dynasty players could care less about this mode that was when its market value was scattered to the wind and that's just sad.
From Madden to 2k,releasing a sports title in 2025 with as many glitches in its mode should be considered QA malpractice. There is zero reason to have these sport games diminish in quality only because of modes that are pay to win. Nothing in this game thrives unless it has a life force connection to diamond dynasty and if it has no significance to that then the mode itself falls to the side. Online franchise, sounds of the show, immersive franchise options like setting jersey prices or ticket sales makes zero appearances in what was coined as the next gen cycle of gaming. Eventually gamers will wake up and realize that this isn't a sports game anymore but just a roster update with complacent developing cycles just pushing out a lazy effort to grab 99.00 from all their fans to play digital baseball card collector. Anything else will be phased out or ran off.
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