Tuesday, July 26, 2011

After reading an interesting thread in the forums about some players that went back to playing NHL 2k8, I thought I might give it a go.
I picked my copy up for around 5 bucks, and man I can't turn it off. I am not using up-to-date rosters, because I don't care about that stuff, besides even if I update the rosters, I still have to play the 07-08 schedule. Which is the 'unbalanced' schedule, and I am not sure if I like this or not.
I must admit ... Read More
Monday, March 14, 2011

Alright, I get that there is a Franchise glitch in 2014, or 13 if you are still playing the Show 10. I get a kick out of how some players take this issue on as if their civil liberties were in jeopardy. Who really has actually played the game for three or more seasons? In fact has anyone actually played the game for one season?
I am not talking about simming. It baffles me that people would do this when the game is meant to be played through. You have ... Read More
Thursday, March 3, 2011

I was just curious when OS was going to review Fight Night Champion? I am on the fence about buying and wasn't impressed after reading IGN's review. That being said, I would like to hear the opinion of the fair people at OS.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

If you don't know about this, you should. There is a website called GameChanger.io. It is a sight that you can used to post your team's stats in real baseball. Obviously you can use this for your team in whatever baseball game you are playing. The link is here http://www.gamechanger.io
Now what is really neat is if you have an ipad/iphone you can get a free app called GameChanger. This is an electronic scoring system for baseball. The neat this is that ... Read More
Saturday, October 16, 2010

I am not sure how many of you were watching the game last night, but with the come back that happened, I would have done two things had that occurred in MLB the Show. 1. I would have hit the reset button and then stormed out of the room in a huff... 2. I would come to OS and probably make a post in the forums accusing the game of a "comeback ai."
Personally I think the Yanks will take it all. I am not a fan. I am a Jays fan in real life. Personally I ... Read More
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I was just wondering if there was an area on OS that hosted all of Da Czars vids in one spot? If not there should be!
Thanks to Da Czar for the vids I have seen. They were great!!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

So I picked up 2k11, not sure what to expect. I played a NBA Today game and loved the presentation. I may just follow my team this year playing the Today games...
I started an Association with the Bulls. I am not sure why I picked them, but I wanted a team that was close to 500. I won the first game 68-66 over the Thunder. Rose had 22 points!
One thing I learned after playing my first game is to watch my passing. I had 17 turnovers via ... Read More
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I wonder if this has anything to do with the old practice of payola. Here is an article about what payola is for those that don't know http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Payola Now I am ... Read More
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Now to be honest if I was coming over from 2k or NHL 09, then my jaw would hit the floor. But coming from NHL 10? I have to say... meh. I mean the faceoff engine is new, which is alright, passing is harder. You could do that in 10, just turn the passing assist lower. You now have hip-checks, yay. The overlays are new and the music is new. Is it going to be worth another $60? I am not sure at the moment. ... Read More

I was walking down the hall at the University I work at, and this mook jumps out from a door way with a folding chair and smokes me across the shoulder area. Man that f'n hurt. To top it all off as I am recovering on the ground, he jumps in my face, points and yells boo yah! Then he books it out of there.
I am pretty sore, right ... Read More
Saturday, August 14, 2010

I just finished playing the Giants @ Astros. Matt Cain was pitching a gem and going 3 for 3 at the plate.
There was a funny glitch in my benefit though. Matt Cain's first at bat, I went for the bunt. It goes foul, strike one, then I go for a bunt on the next pitch, it goes foul, the commentators call it foul, the players all react as if it were foul, but, BUT, Matt Cain reaches first and it is called a hit!! The two runners on base advance to load the ... Read More
Friday, August 13, 2010

24 hours later I get a response asking me to prove I bought any games via their service. I have bought around 20 or so games from them over the past few years.
So I ... Read More
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I don't blog very much here, but I would like to do so more in the future.
Is it just me or are the product placemnets in video games getting out of hand. I realize the sponsorships are necessary to off set the cost of production, and it does add to the realism a bit when we see more accurate adds on the boards in a Hockey game, but come on!
I am happy with NCAA 11, which like many of you I just bought, but the adds either have to go or mix ... Read More
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Game 003:
Thursday April 8, 2010 - St. Louis (0-2) @ Cincinnati (2-0)
Game Time: 1:05 p.m.
33,328 in attendance, 58 degrees and clear
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