malachijohn666's Blog

Alright, I get that there is a Franchise glitch in 2014, or 13 if you are still playing the Show 10. I get a kick out of how some players take this issue on as if their civil liberties were in jeopardy. Who really has actually played the game for three or more seasons? In fact has anyone actually played the game for one season?
I am not talking about simming. It baffles me that people would do this when the game is meant to be played through. You have amazing graphics and all that jazz, and yet you treat the 70 dollar game as a text sim. I mean if you like text simming, and I do, play OOTP for crying in the sink.
I am actually hacking my way through franchise mode, playing each game. I have yet to make it out of April! But I still enjoy it very much. I like the little things that tie each game to each other. The ticker, the mentioning of how a certainly player is performing in the series thus far, etc. I realize that it may take more than a calendar year to make it through, but the Show has been the only game to hold my attention long enough. Incidentally, the only baseball franchise mode I have ever really gone deep in is MVP 05, and that was about 4-5 year ago!
If they fix the glitch, great! If not whoopdy do, I will most likely not run into this issue. I do hope that I won't have to re-start my franchise after the patch!
Now if they would just make it so that you could cotinue your franchise into the next iteration of the game...
# 1
Dazraz @ Mar 14
I never play beyond a single season in any Franchise mode. I play a season throughout the year then start a new season when the next game comes out. You hear many negative stories about many games that suffer for a variety of reasons when played across multiple seasons.
# 2
waspman3 @ Mar 14
Yeah I just bought and have begun playing the Mlb 2k11 game and like it pretty well. What are some of the differences between my game and yours. Been playing sports games for like 15 years and although they've gotten better don't have endless hours to stay and play them. Sound about right? Yeah it's hard getting a full season done. May try a little harder to do this year though.
# 3
solo0786 @ Mar 18
What is the point of a franchise mode if you are not going to try to play mutiple years? You want to develope my players. Good you dont play though more than a year or two but there are thousands who do. Not only do they want to build great teams they want be able to play in game with them as well. There is no need tell people that this issuse is not important just because some will play a through 162 game season one game at a time. Its their game and their money that bought it so they play anyway they want to.
# 4
malachijohn666 @ Mar 18
I am not telling people what to do. I am just asking what is the point about complaining about something most people won't ever see or run into.
I am not telling people what to do. I am just asking what is the point about complaining about something most people won't ever see or run into.
# 5
solo0786 @ Mar 18
i understand that and there are people who will only get a sean or two in, but i think you might be under estimating how many people play more than once season as you can see there is long threads about this issuse and many people trying to figure out ways to avoid it. Thats all i was really trying to say
# 6
solo0786 @ Mar 18
Also i forgot to mention that this problem also effects the RTTS mode as well because after the 6 years of major league time nobody bids and you can go unsigned and just have to pick a team before spring training. Which kinda ruins the excitement of being a free agent and have teams for fighting for your services.
# 7
malachijohn666 @ Mar 18
OK, I see the the RttS issue. I was more speaking to the actual play through of every game in Franchise mode.
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