malachijohn666's Blog

If you don't know about this, you should. There is a website called It is a sight that you can used to post your team's stats in real baseball. Obviously you can use this for your team in whatever baseball game you are playing. The link is here
Now what is really neat is if you have an ipad/iphone you can get a free app called GameChanger. This is an electronic scoring system for baseball. The neat this is that it synchs up with your profile on the website. So no more transfering stats by hand! Obviously this will only appeal to those of us that like manually keeping score while playing the show.
The app is super easy to use and it will even create a play-by-play break down of your game.
Here is the link to my team's profile I am not sure if you will be able to access it or not.
Here is an example of what you can do!
# 1
malachijohn666 @ Feb 23
What is really neat is that in the scoreboard above the April 7th game is in progress. I was too tired last night to finish it. You can save at any point in the game and then go back to it later. Obviously you can do this in the show as well.
# 2
malachijohn666 @ Feb 23
all this was generated automatically via the app and website. All I did was press buttons.
# 5
humaca80 @ Feb 25
Just checked it out. Man, way too much work to setup unless your bored out of your mind. Thanks for the heads up though! I think I would use it like once and never do it again.
# 6
malachijohn666 @ Feb 25
Wait, what? It takes no time at all, just dl the app to your iphon or iPad and it does it all for you. I did nothing the actual site.
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