malachijohn666's Blog

I wonder if this has anything to do with the old practice of payola. Here is an article about what payola is for those that don't know Now I am not accusing review sites of receiving money in return for positive reviews. The payoff could be in early access, "community days" and other such activities.
I personally like the idea of a more interactive relationship between the players and the companies that make the games we love, but I can't help but think that when I log into the various sites (IGN, OS, Gamespot, etc) am I really reading an honest take on a game or am I reading the excitment induced by the various companies providing perks and benefits in return for positive marketing.
I realize that each and every review is a particular reviewer's opinion, but I dunno... it seems strange.
Anyways this is just a thought...
# 1
nolan273 @ Sep 7
I don't know if it's about payola, but it is a good question. I think it could be a case of the reviewers trying to rate the game based on its own merit and not against last years version or a title from a competitor. At least that's what I hope the case is.
# 4
jugganott @ Sep 7
How I understood it was that you have a guy..who reviews games, whether it be a blog or whatever. He forms a relationship with DEVS or companies and he has more insight because he will get to talk to the Devs and understand more than the usual person. For example if EA notices that a great deal of traffic comes to then they will be obligated to help help THEM right? I'm would like to believe, or HOPE that they are getting with those guys to explain a great deal of the thought process of why _________ was put into the game or That was taken out. In return I'm sure that they would give them the game to check it out early, or invite them to events.
Now just flat out payola, I'm not sure....again, I would like to believe that most of the people who are writing the reviews have built a rapport with companies.
Now just flat out payola, I'm not sure....again, I would like to believe that most of the people who are writing the reviews have built a rapport with companies.
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