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Friday, June 12, 2020
Posted on June 12, 2020 at 09:47 AM.
I am going to try to keep this entry brief since I tend to write novels when it comes to the subject of Madden. I just want to give a quick review of what I consider "sim" versus "unsim" play in Madden and then shed some light on how abilities are negatively impacting the game.

Sim to me is trying to emulate (as best you can in a video game) what happens on Sunday. I have played in a sim league since way back in the PS2 days of spawn and merge issues. The rules we have used have always ... Read More
Monday, April 13, 2020
Posted on April 13, 2020 at 02:36 PM.
I haven’t written my Madden CFM wish list in several years because it has felt like a futile effort. Everyone knows that MUT is EA’s cash cow and CFM is the forgotten child that gets a fraction of the development time and focus. With so many years without a true online franchise mode, I have remained happy just to have the online franchise mode in the game and the opportunity to continue playing year round with my BFSL brothers. This year’s game has been my least enjoyable in quite some time though ... Read More
Monday, March 16, 2015
Posted on March 16, 2015 at 11:43 AM.
Been following @Shopmaster on Twitter and appreciating his efforts to keep Madden’s Connected Franchise Mode (CFM) relevant in the eyes of EA’s developers. I have been playing in Madden leagues since the spawn and merge days on the PS2, so needless to say CFM is a big priority for me. I am in a league (BFSL) that plays year round. We are currently heading down the backstretch of our 4th season, so I think I have spent enough time with the current game to re-visit my wish-list for Madden 16. Not ... Read More
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Posted on November 21, 2013 at 03:59 PM.
After reading the Madden 25 Next-Gen review by Robert Kollars today, I was motivated to revisit my previous blog entry on what Madden needed going forward with the series. I will admit I have recently been more happy with the series than I have in quite some time. The biggest reason is that the online franchise feature is finally quite robust. With that being said, I think the power of the new consoles should allow for some large leaps in all aspects of the game going forward. I will again outline ... Read More
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Posted on January 26, 2012 at 12:41 PM.
I have read the OS staff's entries on what they feel Madden needs to add moving forward. Like many who frequent this site, I have spent many hours thinking about what my vision of the ultimate Madden game would be. I'll break it down in in three areas.....gameplay, presentation/misc, and online franchise. (Advanced is lengthy)

1) Ratings have to matter more. During the course of an entire game a mediocre RT should not be able to stone Demarcus Ware 99% of ... Read More
Posted on July 26, 2011 at 12:23 PM.
While my anger towards EA for ignoring online franchise for the second year did not completely disappear, it did subside slightly for a couple of reasons:
1) NCAA released and I am in full swing having fun in a few online dynasties.

2) Derek at League Manager has talked me off the ledge with his promises to make up for EA's laziness (my words not his) by implimenting all the tools needed for a true salary cap structure.

So although my respect for the Madden team ... Read More
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Posted on July 21, 2011 at 04:07 PM.
One final reveal is coming July 25 that Dewiel promised “is going to change the way you guys look at playing Madden online forever.”

Only a few days left until EA makes the big reveal about Madden's online gaming. With the quote above that Mr. Dewiel made, I don't know if I can hardly contain myself. I mean it has GOT to be huuuuuge if it is going to change the way I look at playing Madden online forever right? I am totally prepared to have my mind blown.

Ok ... Read More
Friday, July 8, 2011
So EA announced that the Madden game would see no improvements to the online franchise feature for the second consecutive year. A lot of people (including myself) are very upset. Others seem confused about why we would be so angry. I totally get that not everyone plays Madden online, so to them it is not a big deal. Other people (including EA team members) want us to focus on what improvements have been made and to forgive and forget that poor online franchise had to be skipped over for the greater ... Read More

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