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Why the anger towards EA over one skipped over feature? 
Posted on July 8, 2011 at 05:44 PM.
So EA announced that the Madden game would see no improvements to the online franchise feature for the second consecutive year. A lot of people (including myself) are very upset. Others seem confused about why we would be so angry. I totally get that not everyone plays Madden online, so to them it is not a big deal. Other people (including EA team members) want us to focus on what improvements have been made and to forgive and forget that poor online franchise had to be skipped over for the greater good of other elements. You want to get a glimpse into what has caused my anger? Let us take a look into history to see how today's announcement from EA has caused myself and other to reach the boiling point.

Above is a link to a chat on EA's site on August 26, 2009. I am going to reference a couple of quotes from that chat. Here is the first:

Ryan Ferwerda:
Thanks Kentuckiana. Server side implementation had us absolutely start from scratch. Basically, every single feature has to live on the server. This adds quite a lot of complexity to the feature itself. This is also why you see some things that are in offline franchise that aren't in online. We have to bring each of them over individually. That being said, the advantages are huge!

The advantage is that you can access and use your franchise from anywhere, be it your PC or your iPhone. Also, we can make changes and fixes on the fly to many of the features in the mode, as some of you who follow me on Twitter have already seen. We are really proud of getting all of this on the server and can't wait to add more.

Wow Ryan I can't wait to SEE you add more!!! Especially since nothing has been added yet. I'd hate to see if you were less enthusiastic. It might take 10 years to make an addition to the mode.

Just so you don't think I grabbed a single isolated item and took it out of context, look at this next example. It is a blog from Donny Moore again in 2009:

Does online franchise have player contracts or the salary cap?
A: No, this was the hardest pill to swallow for the entire design and development team this year as far as cut features go. But the reality of this decision was that we were able to get all of the other features of online franchise, and we were able to make it all in time to get into the Madden NFL 10 box. Just like with CPU trade logic, we will balance what features are most important to the community and try to attack those first after the game comes out.

Gee Donny, that does seem like a bitter pill to swallow. The Madden team must have that pill still stuck in their throats two years later.

The point I am trying to make is that last year when it was announced that no upgrades to online franchise would occur there was certainly disappointment. But to get the news today that for a second year not a single upgrade would happen it came as a complete slap in the face. To not have a salary cap, free agency, or the ability to import NCAA draft classes from online dynasties, etc is shameful. The promise of next year gets old. Especially when MUT, Superstar, team entrances, etc are added to in lieu of online franchise additions. EA hides behind the excuse they can't fix everything in one year. I think it is sad the flagship title has to make this excuse, but I'll throw them a bone and grudgingly give them the benefit of the doubt here. So they skip it over not once, but twice now? Two full development cycles and they can't add a salary cap?

Can you understand the venom now?

You still can't? Ok well then let us consider that Derek Adams from League Manager has has done more to add to the feature in his spare time (just as a hobby) then the EA development team has. This guy isn't getting paid. He is not employed by EA nor does he get health benefits, yet he has added missing features in less time than one development cycle that EA couldn't do in 2! If I was on the Madden team I would be embarassed and ashamed that I couldn't at least add a salary cap and free agency to this mode in two years time.

Can you understand the anger and frustration now? Well if not at this point then I doubt you ever will. Continue to play the CPU and be happy.

# 1 mike24forever @ Jul 8
Stop your crying. If you do not like it, DON'T BUY IT! They have made huge improvements in this years edition. This site has gone downhill because of members like you. You're mad! We get it, now get over it!
# 2 labguy @ Jul 8
Why has the site gone downhill? Because I post my opinion? If you don't like my opinion don't read it!
# 3 Eski33 @ Jul 9
I agree with you. Online Dynasty is what I am most pumped about regarding NCAA. I am not an online gamer but OD witg friends is awesome. Not to have a similar feature in Madden hurts. But it is definitely not a deal breaker.

Madden has improved in so many ways to not have any upgrades to the online portion is minor.
# 4 ctrob @ Jul 9
I was extremely upset when I heard this news. I run online sports leagues and obviously madden is a big part of that. Updates were promised to the online franchise mode since day 1. It could use a complete makeover but not adding a single new feature is unacceptable.

They complain about the usage of the feature but with a little innovation it could be more accessible to mainstream players. For someone like myself who only plays online it's a huge disappointment.

I mean a real FA system would be nice with salary caps, but at least offer up some simple additions like trading draft picks, more detailed stats, more detailed player scouting for the draft, a more reliable site, anything. Even more commissioner control, how about the ability to reset a game, build custom conferences, advance the schedule from the website since everything is server side now?

Any one of these options added would have been at least something in the right direction but nothing is unacceptable especially like lab said when the guys at sites like league manager or XFN put together a lot of these features in a matter of months. The development cycle excuse is getting old.

And is it a deal, because most of us have found ways to compensate for missing features and still host successful leagues and franchises. But as online players and online franchise players specifically we were promised updates during Madden 10 never got it. Then updates were to come with 11...never got it. Now Madden 12 another nothing. And it's the same excuse used since Summer of 2009.
# 5 padsfan92 @ Jul 9
To those that say "Stop your crying" if no one makes a big deal out of skipped features like this, then the development team will find no need to change anything. I don't understand how NCAA can completely transfer it's dynasty system to online, while Madden gives you a stripped away version of Franchise mode.
# 6 Elgin2311 @ Jul 9
Great post! Everything posted is backed by factual evidence from the horses mouth.
# 7 lewski19 @ Jul 10
I do not disagree that is important to point out when an important feature is left out, and I understand why online players are upset. But, I think this was likely a calculated decision by EA. The percentage of people that play Madden online is miniscule compared to those who play it offline. Therefore, given scant resources it only makes sense to spend a vast majority on those modes rather than seldom used modes. It sucks for those people who play online, but I loved the college baseball game EA made for the last generation. Unfortunately, nobody played it either so it went away. You have to know going in that whenever you are doing something that the vast majority of people do not do then you are more susceptible to being let down.
# 8 So Cal @ Jul 10
I do see where the Venom is coming from and though I recognize the improvments being made, I dont see why those could be made and not any one thing to the Online franchise. Me and a couple of guys I play in an online league where talking the other day, before this news broke that maybe EA was saving the best news for last. A shame that it was not so. I am not one to care about MUT and no offense to anyone who is into that mode, but it looks like more effort was put into it. I didnt really want much as far as additions this year to the online franchise, just at least the ability for a salary cap....we have seen more franchises run off of creativity and like mentioned the League manager and for those who have seen him, Vince from the XFN site. These two guys have done more to bring some sort of reality to the franchise that Madden developers. Yes this is all in their spare time and they take donations so why cant developers get it right and they are receiving a pay check. If you not gonna do it right, hire one of them two guys or both let them collaborate and put something together and let them focus on it. Every yr its, hopeful to put it in next yr...and they wonder why NCAA is the more successful younger brother. How come in online dynasty I can recruit, fully edit my players, practice with my team and all, but madden have to wait a year? Does it take time...sure it does, but not this much time, your own competition is under the same umbrella and showing that things can upgrade over night.
# 9 kbmnm247 @ Jul 11
Great writeup LABGUY, and I totally agree with your view.

It's sad that EA can't add something as simple as a salary cap to the online franchise mode. That is the reason some of my friends will not participate because it makes it a Madden Online Fantasy Draft Season rather than a franchise. But hey, we got DPP and every camera in the NFL!!! /sarcasm

Oh and don't forget we have all of the entrances!!! What a joke. EA loves the fluff because it's the lazy way out. I'm not sure when they will realize people will care more about how the game plays than how it looks. Such a joke. I'm done with EA football games and that's sad for me to say because they are the only company that makes them.
# 10 labguy @ Jul 11
KBMNM247, you made a great point that I did not even mention in my blog. The people who are skipping purchasing Madden because of a the lack of a "true" online franchise mode. I know a lot of people come to the forums and declare they are boycotting the game. I generally shell my $60 out and still play because I love the NFL and there are no other options. I do have 4 friends who I use to play Madden with every year during my time in the military. All 4 of them have skipped purchasing Madden for the PS3 though. The last year they bought it was the spawn/merge year on the PS2. They still purchase NCAA (which I guess is a win for EA) and play online dynasty mode with me, but they are more stubborn and refuse to buy Madden.

So in summary I think EA has lost some regular consumers (as you pointed out) by not fully building a true online franchise. How many? I don't know. Obviously not enough to change their priorities.
# 11 mwjr @ Jul 11
Frankly, I'm just happy that they've finally paid attention to the offline franchise, a major feature (perhaps the major feature of the game, as evidenced by a recent poll here at OS) that had gone largely untouched this entire generation.

I understand your frustration, but you won't be getting a lot of sympathy from players like me and many others who play primarily offline franchise. We've had to wait a heck of a lot longer than 2 years.
# 12 blocknose @ Jul 11
i dont play online but completely agree the problem is that they know the public will do the work on their own
# 13 druez @ Jul 12
Great post.

The reason I don't play online franchise is that it isn't done well. Back in the day on computer, like 2k1 version I think we had a real online franchise.

You have to give us online, what we get for single player.

If you aren't going to give us CPU logic for drafts, caps, strats etc... then at least let us customize the league size to six teams or something like that. That would allow us to have an all Human team league with my core group of friends.

Come on EA you can do better.
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