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knucklar's Blog
Football Frenzy 
Posted on July 31, 2011 at 03:05 AM.
As a Bucs fan, this week has been absolutely terrible. Not only has Carolina re-signed DeAngelo Williams AND Beason, the Saints and Falcons have already made several moves to their defenses.

What have the Bucs done?


Well, I lied. They released Barrett Ruud (the leader of tackles on the team four years in a row) and let him get away and sign with the Titans. Then they sign a C level, no name linebacker to fill his shoes. Oh, and they re-signed most of their solid offensive line.

What the hell?

The Bucs organization is currently sitting on a LOAD of cash. I'm talking 35-45 million of cap space they can spend on a solid second back to complement LaGarrette Blount and a whole new linebacker core.

I guess Buc fans will have to wait till next week to see what happens.
# 1 RUFFNREADY @ Jul 31
With Freeman and Blount; you team should be alright. The defense may still need a piece or two; so have faith that they (BUCS) will have a winning season and make the playoffs. This is why we are fans of or teams; you either ride with them (thick or thin)or jump off the wagon, son.

# 2 RUFFNREADY @ Jul 31
Also this football FRENZY is absolutely GREAT; everyday i am on edge about players signings with diffrent teams, to see whom has made the biggest splash! I wish they had this condensed version of FA market every year like this; it would make for some exciting football all the time. BOOM or BUST baby!
btw, lets not forget, that after these players have got their money from their new respected teams; they have to gel together as a unit, and get to the playoffs; and only then you can comment oon their signnings of months ago.

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