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knighthawksfan's Blog
All the women I have ever dated are liars and cheaters 
Posted on January 20, 2010 at 12:09 PM.
What is up people? I am so pissed off since this girl I was dating lied to me through out the whole relationship. Wow how can a person say they love u and then turn right now and leave u hanging and kick u to the curb. It sucks that i get treated like ****. But hey I guess that is how our american women are now a days. They treat nice guys full of bull **** and drama. Well that is alright because I am just going to focus on me and nothing else. Me getting my degree this year and graduate college. Move out of my parents house. Get my life back to where I want it to be. If that bitch calls me anytime between now and then. I will not pick up my phone, I am going to continue doing me. Get things that I want to do in life forget about my friends and everyone. Just do me and I don't think I am going to get back in a relationship for a long long time. This is the best thing to do for now since women don't know how to shoot straight with me. Go sam the man get that degree!!!!!!!!!!
# 1 nolan273 @ Jan 20
Dude, I'm sorry you had to go through that, but life goes on. Don't let that one experience ruin you. Trust me, it ain't worth it. When I was younger, I dated a girl for about a year and gave all I could to make it work. She didn't reciprocate and I took the same attitude you seem to be taking. For the next few years, I did some pretty rotten things because I let her actions shape my actions. It really sucks when you get older and you realize you really dogged some people out and there's no way to make it right. Don't do that to yourself, bro. Move on and let it be.
# 2 stlstudios189 @ Jan 20
women can't live with them cant have sex w/o them
# 3 videlsports @ Jan 21
Hey man , I feel sorry for ya. I kow hw you feel because I used to get laughed at by Girls from 7-9th grade, then something changed for me. God told me to work on myself , which you seemed to be doing, and I did.And once I followed his plan, belive me the Women came, out of nowhere too. Get your Degree, you are Going to a very pestigous School in IOWA. Trust me you are in a blessed spot, because once they see your resume, your life will pitch itself. GOD and Family is the KEY. I will be Rooting For ya.(It'snot the First time I Rooted for a Hawkeye LOL GO Penn ST.) I know you beat us.Well we will come to Iowa and get revenge. God Bless.
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