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NBA 2k12 More Imersive My Player 
Posted on June 10, 2011 at 12:16 PM.
Things that need to happen in 2k12 to make my player better:

ADD REAL CONTRACTS- If you knew you could be stuck with a team for 1 to 6 years your going to put some real thought into your decisions. Teams should offer you a role and a salary. The role is important theres no endorsements for a bench player.

ADD A SALARY SYSTEM- Along with contracts will influence your decisions greatly. Make the salary spendable for tatts, trainers, equipment, lounge areas, download-able music, and other exclusives.

ADD ENDORSEMENTS THAT MATTER- If you choose a Jordan endorsement you get shoes with abilities. A Gatorade endorsements improve your stamina and athleticism. Nike, Adidas, Converse or Reebok gives you custom equipment and shows some of which comes with there own upgrades. You should only have the ability to have one endorsement at a time until your role on the team is star then you can have as many as you want.

PLAYING IN YOUR HOMETOWN: Playing in your hometown the fan support should be already through the roof. Leaving your home town all the fan support in the league for you takes a dive.

YOUR MORALE AND INTENT: every week the management should ask about how you feel about your role, contract situation and team record your answer directly affects your morale and attributes like the computers. But it could also force them to trade you or move you up in the line up.

EXPERIENCE POINTS (XP): Create a new point meter for xp.
25 xp for each game ending in 3 or less point difference.
50 xp for each go ahead basket.
100 xp for each game winning buzzer better.
150 xp for being selected to each all star game.
25 xp for each dunk contest, skill challenge or three point shootout.
25 xp for each playoff game additional
50 xp for each finals game.
50 xp for each play off game ending in 3 or less.
75 xp for each playoff go ahead basket.
200 xp for each playoff game winning basket.
For the finals every thing is doubled
game 7's every thing is doubled
finals game 7 every thing is tripled.
MVP 400 xp
6th man 100xp
ROY 200xp
def of year 150 xp
1st team all NBA 100xp
2nd team 75 xp
3rd team 50 xp
1st team def 100xp
2nd team 75 xp
3rd team 50 xp
most improved 25xp
Olympic invite 400xp
each Olympic game 100xp

xp helped get you selected for the Olympics, or put you in a mentoring role if your stats are low it also can give you a coaching option when you retire. Most importantly it could help you improve teammates (read getting old down below)

MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO TRADE AWAY A TEAMMATE- I like the fact that down the line you can request a player to trade for in 2k11. To bad they always seem to trade away someone you didn't want traded away. You should also have some clue of your teammates intent as far as his contract goes will he stay or leave next season.

POST GAME INTERVIEWS- Create different voices off the users choice for example a northern, southern and western African American voice. A northern southern or western Caucasian voice. European voice, African voice, Asian Voice. Make interview questions relevant by giving the player a choice of what when wants to answer if you hit a game winning shot, but Kobe Bryant dropped 30 on you, and your not attending practice you can choose 1 question to answer. Also when you request a trade for your self it should ask you why are you requesting the trade or why are you accepting this contract or why do you want that player traded so that you can respond accordingly in the post game interview.

COACHING STRATEGY- coaching strategy's should be visible for every coach in the league so you can find where you fit in best

HALF OF THE SEASON IS PRACTICE- In between every game (except maybe back to backs) there should be some kind of practice. NBA teams will practice there plays for the next game ex the 6 plays that are going to be ran most of the next game 5 times a piece. The 3 clutch plays that are going to be ran 3 times a piece. Practice point should be calculated the same way the teammate and performance points are now but added to practice points instead of skill points enough practice points will move you ahead in the rotation but to pass up say a derrick rose or Kobe Bryant the points needed SHOULD NOT BE obtainable in 1 or 2 years. Once your in the 6 man spot or starter half of the practice points should become skill points. Each practice should end with your opponents likely defensive match ups as well as there stats and tendencies. Studying these would be the key to playing successful defense. The next screen should show a team overview of your opponent what they do well and what you need to do to stop them. Now your prepared for you next game. Individual work outs should be totally optional but team practices should cost you salary points when you miss them 3 or 4 times in a row. After that the salary cost should just increase until its unbearable. Choosing and alternate activity like fishing, or beaching or watching movies will recover season fatigue and may give you temporary (3 game boost in other areas).

TEAM PERFORMANCE TRACKING- At the end of games the coach should determine the number of times each play resulted in points, misses or turnovers. Before the all star break experimental plays will be tried. After all star break only the most result full plays should be used for every team in the game until next season.

ESTABLISH SCORING OPTIONS AND TEAMMATE AI- this is more of an overall game improvement. The coach should let you know what he expects of you when you get on the floor ex the scoring order is Lebron#1 Wade#2 Bosh#3 Miller#4 and You#5 if your out there shooting and its not WIDE OPEN then you teammate grade is really gonna suffer unless it goes in then you just suffer a little either way you lose practice points which should keep you on the bench a little longer. coach should also tell you to push the tempo or slow it down or to play of on d or play tight or deny every time you get in the game. He should also switch the defensive match ups as he sees fit to win the game. After a time out a play should be shown to the user showing the number one scoring option this helps in crunch time.

ALL STAR WEEKEND: Dunk contest duh, three point shoot out, skills challenge, rookie game should all be there. Every NBA arena should have different all star decals and decor along with all star jerseys (home and away) relevant to that city. Every year it goes from east to west and vice versa. you should never see the same arena twice in your career.

THE PLAYOFFS- Strategy should be based on the season series for the first game then of the current playoff series for the next games for example Bulls vs Heat in the reg season Rose avg 30 points on the heat but only shot 20% from three now the playoff pregame strat is to limit his points in the paint. The 1st game goes by and the heat are out rebounded by 8 and 3 on the offensive boards game 2 strat team rebounding.

OFF SEASON- Option to hire trainer to improve on certain areas of your game greatly depending on what you can afford. You cant just switch teams if your still under contract.

OLYMPICS- Every 4 years someone gets selected to go play. there should be 4 jerseys for each Olympic team 1 for each year of the Olympics. 4 different arenas to house the games 1 for each year. teams should consist of the top 12 American players (selection should be based on and attitude, morale and handling interviews and you do need a small amount of experience points) and top 2 coaches and the top euro players and future prospects in the NBA on there respective teams with avg to below avg created players of that country to fill in the blanks. if your my player is from another country he will get selected to there team. Home of record not college attended.

GETTING OLD: After your 13th year in the league you will no longer get practice points or skill points or performance points these will be converted to xp points. your athleticism attributes will decrease RAPIDLY you can not build them back up. You can however give your xp points to teammates who can use them as skill points.

RETIRE: You can retire when ever you choose. Your jersey will be retired IF YOU EARNED it with the team where you had your greatest seasons(that takes alto of xp).

COACHING: After you retire you should be able to chose to coach a team usually the one that has your retired jersey want you the most then just any team available. your coaching attributes are dependent on your ratings the year before your potential started to decline (i think thats like when your 26 or 27 or something) the coaching strategy is all up to you and you also have way more say to the gm than you did as a player. coaching its self should be ala college hoops 2k

YOU CAN SIM EVERYTHING: You will only get 50 skill points 50 practice points and a c teammate rating for everything you Sim but siming is as easy as franchise mode.

# 1 redlink43 @ Jun 10
YES. This would make the game absolutely spectacular. Hopefully they can make that many changes in one year. Also - some sort of FA mechanic seems like a necessary thing that I have not seen from any sports game I've ever played. It would be great to have something like that.
# 2 woogie98 @ Jun 10
COOL ideas man!!! If they inputted this into the game then it would be freakin incredible!!
# 3 Ike04 @ Jun 10
Wow, if they do all of this, then it will be the single best "create a player" mode ever.
# 4 kareem434 @ Jun 13
@redlink43 care to elaborate on "Free Agent mechanic"?
# 5 kareem434 @ Jun 29
This is an excerpt from my newest blog but I felt it was relevant to expand on xp points

Veteran Leadership: Veteran leadership should be a part of the game play at some point Tim Duncan should say okay we acting up I'm taking control of the play book at any point in the game. ALL point guards regardless of rating should have control of the play book except for first plays after time outs, or if the coach prefers to control plays (usually only happens to rookie point guards), free offense teams, late game situations, and when a veteran pulls ranks on him to regain control of the momentum. No one out ranks Jason Kidd. If you are losing the momentum the vet on the floor or the coach will call a time out if they choose not to the vet on the floor will call a play or two at least till you get on the right track. As you grow in your career and gain leadership points (xp points) which I talked about in my last blog these options are up to you when your on the floor.
# 6 mreyes930 @ Aug 21
Great ideas. I hope 2K somehow implemented a few of these ideas into the game.
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