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juicey79's Blog
My personal experience to where EA Sports went wrong with B-Ball and Football 
Posted on November 5, 2013 at 10:28 PM.
I am an adult gamer that is fortunate and blessed enough to afford to play countless sports games over my 34 years. I remember the very first sports video game i played was EA's Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA Playoffs. I guess i should think Sega and EA for introducing me to the sport of basketball and the GOAT Michael Jordan. Afterwards it was Madden football, and i offically became a sports gaming addict. I have played many different b-ball games (NBA: In the Zone, NBA Shootout, NBA Action), no other football game caught my attention like Madden so I was married to Madden football. I owned every Madden and NBA Live up until my sophmore year of college when the Sega Dreamcast came out. This is when the game changed for me and in my opinion slowly for EA.

EA decided not to support Sega, and went with the PS2. This opened up the door for Visual Concepts (VC) to produce 2 games, NFL 2K and NBA 2K. The graphics was nothing like before, especially for NFL. The animations and commentary was unlike anything prior, and what was key for me is that Dreamcast had no competion at the time. So everyone I knew who gamed battled on this console. I had an appreciation for a VC and began to look at EA in a different lite. I had 2 games that i could truly contrast and compare with EA's games. From that point on my preference started swaying from EA and gravitating towards 2K.

Obviously the Dreamcast was discontinued and XBox and PS2 were contending with each other. I went with Xbox, and continued buying both VC's and EA's products. IMO 2K was elevating with realistic gameplay while EA began declining. Then 2 games came out and i totally made the switch. 1st was NFL2K5. After my first game i litterally told my son i think i just played the greatest football beginning to end game in my life. I even felt it was better than Tecmo's Super Bowl, and I absolutely love that game. Unfortunately, we all know what happened after that. The next game was NBA 2K6. I thought that was the best NBA game up to that point of time.

Now this is where EA lost me as a consumer.

I hate being taken advantage of with false adverstiments product deciet.

When i bought my Xbox 360 I bought both Madden 06 and Live 06.
Afterwhich i never purchased a NFL or NBA game developed by EA Sports.
When i look back at my childhood and early adulthood and think of the limited resources and technology available but the games were fun and did a great job at simulating the sport it represented. Sadly during those times it was a lot of different sports titles to choose from, conversly to today sports gaming world your lucky to get 2 game choices.

Overall, I do want NBA to survive, i want Madden and NFL 2K to coexist but i will not be supporting EA's effort, as much as i wanted to when NBA Live was announced along with the promise of info and transparency. Since then, no substantial gameplay info has been released. I dont regret switching my preorder of NBA Live 14 to COD Ghost for the PS4, because EA has forced my hand by failing to make me even a slight believer that they have produced a smooth playing game B-Ball game. As for Madden i am willing to give next gen a shot, but i have not paid the balance of that pre-order.

Anyway i dont mind eating crow when it comes to entertainment. So EA please make me eat crow, but I strongly doubt you will.

Overall, I guess i do owe EA for not supporting Dreamcast as i probably wouldnt have even given VC now known as 2Ksports a chance to run with me.

To those going next gen I hope you all enjoy your games and are happy with the console(s) you have choosen.

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