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joshtree14's Blog
football gamers: a victim of an elongated console cycle 
Posted on July 31, 2010 at 05:36 PM.
I believe the madden franchise is a case of the boy who cried wolf. Every year they hype up their game with no real change to the stale core gameplay. The madden community sees through the smoke and mirrors, and pretty much demands change. The thing i feel that these gamers desire is a real physics based engine. Now comes the problem. will madden adapt a new engine 5 or 6 years into a consoles cycle. We as gamers have never had to wait this long for a change in hardware. 2005- 2012 if we are lucky, so we could put up with a game engine for 4 years because we new the next console was on its way. If the the next piece of hardware were to arrive in 2012 will madden change its engine 3/4 through a console cycle, and if they do will they just port the new engine to the next piece of hardware which would enrage us all over again. I think madden has no choice but to adapt a real physics engine for madden12. you would think the owner of the nfl license would be ahead of the other franchises. nhl, nba elite, not behind the curve. i can only imagine the outrage if madden puts out madden 12 with the same engine in place
# 1 AlphaTrojan @ Jul 31
Yo, thanks for stoppin by my blog. Your blog echos my thoughts exactly.
# 2 joshtree14 @ Jul 31
so basically im saying what are the odds that the madden dev team will scrap the current engine and go to an all physics engine 5 years into a "we hope" 7 year xbox console cycle
# 3 stlstudios189 @ Jul 31
A complete redo could be worse than you guys think
# 4 tbach @ Jul 31
Yeah a starting over could result in a lot of the same problems.
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