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ESPN Ruins NFL Draft 
Posted on April 23, 2010 at 02:12 PM.
New Article @ | ESPN Ruins NFL Draft

Imagine sitting around the tree on Christmas morning. You've been waiting for weeks to see what that giant gift wrapped present is with your name on it. As you begin to rip into the gift you're overcome with anticipation and excitement.

But at that moment, something very strange happens.

Your father blurts out the phrase; "With the first gift of the 2010 Christmas, little Johnny receives a new Playstation 3!"

The obvious excitement would be abound, but the moment was cheapened. Why did he announce it before I ever got to open the gift? Why did he steal my moment?

The truth. Your dad just wanted to be the one to tell you what you got before your mother got credit for telling you.

What, you might ask, does this have to do with the NFL draft?

Well, our sports "father" ESPN, has ruined the NFL draft and stolen our moment...[READ MORE]
# 1 DJ @ Apr 23
Yeah, I did find it odd that a lot of the picks were revelaed before they were announced. ESPN started doing that last year with the whole Mark Sanchez situation.

One of the many reasons I don't watch the draft anymore. I'll just read about it later. I'd rather watch NBA playoffs or NHL playoffs.
# 2 EyeAmBaldman @ Apr 23
I quit watching ESPN do the draft a couple years ago for this very reason. However, NFL Network did the same thing, just not as bad as ESPN. "Jason LaConfora says Seattle will draft Russell Okung." Then 1 minute later they draft Okung.

I don't care how "smart" these so-called experts are..or how plugged in to the NFL sources they are...I just want to see the draft and be surprised. Isn't that supposed to be why we watch it? ESPN has ruined a lot of things I liked about sports. I refuse to watch the channel because of idiots like Todd McShay or Mel Kiper. Ugh.
# 3 FroznYogurt @ Apr 23
Yeah, it took the whole suspense of hearing Roger Goodell walk up and read out the selection.
# 4 elgreazy1 @ Apr 23
I'll agree with that. I didn't even get to watch it live (DVR'd) and it was annoying. Seems like every talking-head on the network was jumping over the other simply just to be heard, or the ESPN on-screen interface was too ready to simply post the pick before Mr. Goodell walked up to the podium.

But my biggest problem was basically the analysts talking over each other. This has been an issue with ESPN for some time now on their Sunday Morning shows but this just got to be too much. Young would interrupt Jackson, Jackson to Gruden, etc etc. I don't even recall really hearing anything from Mr Draft (Mel Kiper Jr) most of the broadcast... seems almost as if he's been made irrelevant.
# 5 edaddy @ Apr 23
I really dont see the big deal this has been going on for years and NFL Network did the exact same thing last night..I have no problem getting the emotion of a player as he is being called by their team to get drafted thats part of the draft package...I think this is just nitpicking..Now had they said something about berman stumbling on his word throughout the night or the so called draft experts on espn fighting amongst themseleves for the lasrt word last night that would have been a better story...
# 6 stlstudios189 @ Apr 23
The draft is overhyped and primetime will triple that hype
# 7 LingeringRegime @ Apr 23
Yeah, I felt that way watching it last night. I was like damn, let's not show these guys until their is announced by the commish. Kind of sucks all the excitement out of it.
# 8 videlsports @ Apr 25
To be fair The NFL Network did the cut aways to the players when they were on the phone too.
# 9 jmik58 @ Apr 26
A lot of you made the point that the NFL Network did the same things during the first round of the draft (and beyond). I personally watched ESPN exclusively but spoke with a friend who was watching on the NFL Network. I think one of the biggest gripes I had with the joke coverage of the draft was that the reason ESPN and NFL Network were doing this, was because they were competing with each other. In other words, they turned into "network breaking news" mode, which has no place in the NFL draft. Breaking news happens at random. The NFL draft has a set place and time that we all know we have to wait for. We all suffered for the competition between ESPN and the NFL Network.
# 10 sinc79 @ Apr 26
They think they are breaking news if they announce the news before the commish. They feel like reporters or something. That combined with all the loosers booing every pick, makes the draft hard to watch.
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