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Should Montgomery Lose Job for Shoving Player? Stuck
Posted on February 18, 2013 at 09:10 PM.

Cal basketball coach, Mike Montgomery, believes in a very "hands-on" approach to motivation.

A well-timed motivational tactic or a physical assault worthy of suspension, firing, or criminal charges?

For each person who believes it was harmless, chances are there are an equal number of individuals who find the actions of Cal basketball coach, Mike Montgomery, deplorable.

Sunday, during a televised game, Montgomery confronted Golden Bears player Allen Crabbe as he walked toward the bench during a time out. Coach Montgomery, who was visibly angered, intercepted Crabbe with a two-handed blast to the chest. The shock of the move caught the young player off guard as he had to be restrained by teammates before gathering his composure in the tunnel to the locker rooms.

The biggest jolt, however; may have been felt by the thousands in attendance and the viewers watching on television in the fact that Montgomery allowed himself to cross such a line. It had the surreal shock-value of a live broadcast f-bomb slip.

Did he really just do that?

Montgomery has since apologized for snapping in the heat of the moment but chances are this isn't over. Not in the era of Jerry Sandusky, Mike Leach, band hazing deaths, football two-a-days tragedies, or any act in the presence of a coach who could be held responsible.

It's not about whether a literal hands-on approach is effective -- in Montgomery's case it arguable was just that. But instead, it's about restraint in a zero tolerance profession where the worst is assumed of many thanks to the idiotic acts of a few.

There is little room or need for assumption here, though. No need to use our imaginations on what really happened. The only guessing now is whether Mike Montgomery will still have a job when next Sunday rolls around.

Sound Off: What is your reaction to Mike Montomery "shoving" one of his players? Should he be suspended, fired, or do you see nothing wrong with his actions?

Justin Mikels is a staff writer for Operation Sports. Give him hell in the comments or on Twitter: @long_snapper
# 1 DirtyJerz32 @ Feb 18
Yes he should. Ever other coach who's ever touched a player in a fit of rage has been fired. Why should he be any different?
# 2 BJNT @ Feb 19
One of these times a coach is going to do something like that to a player. And the player is going to push,hit,slap,etc the coach back. It will be really interesting how people respond when it happens.
# 3 fsufan4423 @ Feb 19
What would happen if a player shoved a coach in rage? He would be kicked off them team and destroyed by the media. This coach has to go, no place for this in sports.
# 4 SkillzKillz719 @ Feb 19
I think this is being made a bigger deal than what it is really... If it happens again then take serious action, but more or less I think you get one mess up. Crabbe has moved on and the coach regrets what he did.

He should use it as a dose of reality and learn from it.
Also, I like the fact he is passionate. Took it out in the wrong way, but passionate nevertheless.
# 5 solofx7 @ Feb 19
It is sort of two sided. I think that a line needs to be made by the NCAA that coaches cannot touch players in that fashions because players will be kicked of the team for touching a school official in that manner. The flip side is that I think that the coach needs to get some sort of real reprimand other that the school condemning the action, because for real, what does that mean. The coach needs to lose pay and games. The school needs to punish the coach and itself to prove that it means business. The coach is an adult and even in the heat of the moment should know the difference between right and wrong. The student is punished for "not respecting a school official" when they take action such as this, so why should the coach not be held to the same high standard?
I think that it is only fair. A student can face expulsion from school for actions like this so why not the coach? Is it because the coach has more financial returns than a student over the long haul? This is where the NCAA should be clear about this sort of thing. The NCAA needs to set a bar for this, not be a backseat driver...
# 6 DGMikeBarker @ Feb 19
No. Personally, I don't believe the push was that bad. It was very light and the players reactions made it look worst than it was. I still think a fine or a visit with the AD is in order though. Mostly for perception or to note his action was borderline offensive.

Players shouldn't get pushed by coaches unless they hit a game-winner out of excitement or if they've been pushed themselves. But on the other hand, I feel worst about Frank Martin and Will Muschamp's antics than this light shove.

I think people are getting a little soft/sensitive these days. As long as people aren't getting assaulted (punch, kicks, etc,), I'm okay with it...In private.
# 7 scottyo60 @ Feb 19
The problem is two fold in my eyes. Older coaches were raised in a day where everyone gave effort and busted their butts all the time. At 24, even my age group is like the 18,19,20 year olds in me me me and give me everything from 75%. I suspect a lot of what is going on is older coaches getting mad about a lack of effort or lack if respect shown and losing control because that's what would have happened to them as a player. We are in a world though where even now time out is viewed as a bad thing so gotta be honest and say problems like this will continue. The old school will think the youth are entitled and needing discipline, the youth thinking the old people need to lighten up and respect them.

I have no problem with the shove for the moment, but older coaches need better training into handling youth and what is now acceptable. They are simply doing what would have been done to them IMO
# 8 airjoca @ Feb 19
Wow, considering the title, I expected MUCH worse.

This was nothing, if he apologised later all is well. I mean, what about Phil Jackson pushing Gasol around? That was Ok wasn't it?

Political correctness in your country is just too damn high.
# 9 HustlinOwl @ Feb 19
I personally dont have a problem with it, but in today's world this will not be tolerated and heard he has been suspended for a game. Sure he will get some counseling etc.
# 10 IowaAJ @ Feb 19
Obviously it was over the line but I don't think he should lose his job.
# 11 Greatness @ Feb 19
Yes, Montgomery should lose his job for shoving a player but if that where my son he shoved, he'd DEFINITELY lose more than that.
# 12 Kentucky_Wildcat23 @ Feb 20
No he shouldn't be fired. Today's society makes such a big deal about little things. This is nothing compared to how Bob Knight used to act. I'm sure the player was either not listening to the coach or purposely not doing what he was asked for the coach to give him a little shove to wake up.
# 13 cgalligan @ Feb 20
The "wussification of america"

He didn't "shove" the kid... He gave him the equivalent to an "helmet slap" to tell him to GET HIS HEAD IN THE GAME!

Ask anyone who's ever played for a coach that was tough on them and they'll tell you they were better for it in the long run...

Oh yeah, after this incident, the kid went out, and dropped 24 points and his team won the game... Obvious, this particular player is the type of player that NEEDS to be "kicked in the ***" every now and then...

I'd send my son to play for Bobby Knight, Woody Hayes and any other coach that demands the most out of them...

In NO WAY shape of form did this "incident" cross the line
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