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Coach fired after 100 point win 
Posted on January 26, 2009 at 10:52 AM.

I'm sure many of you have read this story or heard about it on the news. A girls high school basketball game in Dallas, Texas, ended with a 100-0 final. The two schools involved (the way I understand) are relgiously affiliated schools and are relatively small in enrollment.

So you have a case of one team getting excited over trying to reach the century mark while another struggles to find the offensive side of the court at all.

Pretty nasty game, but the score easily could have been we just let it be and move on correct?

No, sir.

The coach of the winning team has been fired by school officials for the lopsided victory over a team that hasn't won in game in like 4 years.

The coach is defending himself saying that his girls played with "honor and integrity".

There is no mercy rule in girls basketball in the state of Texas for a stoppage of the game or a constantly running clock.

So who is at fault? Or is anyone to blame? Is this just a lesson in something that is out of everyone's control?
# 1 rudyjuly2 @ Jan 26
I'd like to think that the entire bench of the winning team played the majority of minutes. If any starter played in the second half it would be in poor taste. It probably was a case of running up the score and that's bad. But if the loser hadn't won a game in 4 years, why do they even field a team? The players and coaches are obviously brutal.
# 2 GSW @ Jan 26
lol @ “It is shameful and an embarrassment that this happened. This clearly does not reflect a Christlike and honorable approach to competition”.

Yes, Jesus would have assited the other team in scoring.
Isnt the whole point of competition to win?… in basketball specifically the whole point is to, score as much as possible, and to stop the other team from scoring.

this world is getting soft…first nomore dodgeball or “taG” in school because you might hurt a kids feelings by making him “it”… now a coach being fired for one of the most impressive wins in sports history.

what a joke.
# 3 matt8204 @ Jan 26
I agree, GSW. This idea of "fairness" is getting out of control. I fear that we're raising an entire generation of kids who won't be able to handle any adversity whatsoever because they never had to deal with it as a kid. Parents are trying too hard to shelter their kids from reality and everyday situations that must be dealt with. Guess what? Life is going to kick your *** sooner or later, so use a loss in sports as a metaphor and learn how to deal with it. You lost? Learn from the defeat and use it as motivation to get better.
# 4 jmik58 @ Jan 26
I would think that the administration from schools this small might understand what they are getting into by having an athletic team in the first place. If the coach in question had backed off completely, they may have still won 60-8 or something to that effect. Is that truly any different in the grand scheme?

If they are going to nitpick over the score, then they are obviously showing that they are missing the bigger issue. Why does this team even exist if they weren't prepared for these results?
# 5 matt8204 @ Jan 26
Good point. If they're not physically or mentally able to compete because of certain disabilities, why are they even out there? Aside from the humiliation factor, they could also get hurt if they're not paying attention.
# 6 kdeal4 @ Jan 26
I heard there were starters in the entire game. Also heard the winning team were making 3-pointers in the 4th quarter. The losing team has 8 total players and 20 total students in the ENTIRE school. It is also a school for slow learner and kids with dyslexia(sp). Now, if I were a coach, I'd feel pretty crappy beating a team by a 100 that had 8 total players, a team that hasn't won a game since they got a basketball team, and a team full of kids with diabilities. Do I think the other coach should have been fired? No, but he should have eased up in the 2nd half... the score was 58-0 at halftime.

I was in a game in high school where we were up 97-50 and the crowd was chanting for 100 pts. I got fouled which put me at 2 free throws (double bonus). I made the first one which put us at 98 points, and then my coach made me purposely miss a free throw. He said he wouldn't count it against me... haha. But, at least he wasn't trying to pour it on. We had the game in the bag, he just wanted us to end it as soon as possible and not score 100 points and embarrass the opposing team (even though missing a free throw on purpose sounds pretty bad), he got a lot of praise from the other teams fans and coaches. They were also our rival.

I'm just trying to point out that the coach of the team that won by 100 could have done something to show a little bit of sportsmanship. Only my opinion, it is what it is.
# 7 jmik58 @ Jan 27
I'll have to take your word for it. I think that would violate some kind of teacher/student code of ethics.
# 8 Eski33 @ Jan 27
I had read that the coach of the winning team continued to play his starters. I am in agreement that too many of today's sports circle around everyone getting a trophy, which I feel disintegrates any sort of achievement.

However, I am also under the belief that sportsmanship is top priority. Once the score reached 50-0, there is no way the other team had a chance of coming back. The coach of the winning team could have asked the other coach to keep the clock running OR moved to a spread offense to use some time. Winning is one thing but humiliating other competitors is not part of any game.

As much as we see youth leagues today ensure every kid is recognized (which, again, I do not agree with) we see unsportsmanlike behavior on ESPN daily.

I don't believe the coach should have been fired however he should have been reprimanded and reminded that running up the score isn't necessary nor defensible.
# 9 GaryT531 @ Jan 27
This game should have been called at halftime. Hello, mercy rule anyone?
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