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jkaisen41's Blog
Madden11... dreams are my reality 
Posted on September 3, 2009 at 08:49 AM.
I'm an optimistic person and even though Madden10 still has some glaring issues it's an good game and I started dreaming. EA develeopers seem to be here so I guess I try my luck. I know a lot of things will never be in but hey... you can dream right!!! It's very very long!

Franchise - Coach Market
Coaches are so important on many different levels. They are important for progression of players, giving a team a new identy etc. Coach Market should be way bigger and more important. Every Coach should have his own playbook or at least a way of letting his team play. There are coaches who bring certain things to an organization. Let’s say Wade Phillips signs with a team... he is going to install a 3-4, will look for fast Linebackers and blitz a lot. Let’s say Mike Holmgren signs with a new team. He will install the West Coast Offense. Let’s say Mike Shanahan signs with a new team... he will install his zone-blocking run offense etc. Right now if you find a new coach it’s still the same playbook and approach. It has to change otherwise you don’t have to change coaches if all are the same.

Coaches should also affect some star players leaving because of choosing a different approach or whatever. Usually a guy like Cutler would never been traded. Probably if a team transitions to a new defensive scheme small DT’s are not needed anymore (get traded or released) or get changed into DE’s. Small DE’s are not needed anymore (get traded or released) or get changed into OLB’s. If your system needs a TE more as a blocker you probably will take a look into a guy like Antonio Gates and if he’s the right guy for you etc.

Coaches should also be important for Scouting rookies with there awareness for a position or there overall side of the ball knowledge. Defense Coaches should know which rating is important for which position (and especially in their own scheme) but I will get to that in my next topic.

Franchise - Scouting
Scouting should really be a long process because it’s about the future of your franchise. You should be able to visit players with your coaches and work them out. It doesn’t need to be that you see a player doing a drill. After working out your coach will give you a note. The note depends on how good your coach is. A Dick LeBeau has an defensive rating of let’s say 97. This means that he can tell you off 97% of the upcoming players in the draft on the defensive side of the ball if they are a fit in your system or not and can tell you 97% of there ratings. If you have a bad coach you pretty much have to live with a risk and it will be pretty hard to find gems in the Draft.

Part of scouting should also be about injuries. Some players have injuries that still carry over into Preseason or even the Regular Season. Probably a case were you don’t want to draft a player because he’s injured for a long time and won’t help you anytime soon. Rookies have learning curves... but that’s the next topic.

Franchise - Rookie Holdouts/ Learning Curve
1st round picks should really mean headaches to you. For rookies I would really love to have them separated from the rest. I would really like to have different difficulties of learning curves for every position. In my mind I would set it up as this. A rookie has to get aclimated to the NFL. You do that in Minicamps, OTA’s, Scrimmages, Training Camp and preseason games. With every thing he takes part in his learning curve should get smaller and smaller. What does mean is that he can play to his ratings that you drafted him. If you draft a running back with RB Vision of 90 he will get to you with a Vision of 60 or whatever (the NFL is faster and needs time to get aclimated to). So you have to give him reps and playing time and his learning curve will get smaller and his stats will get up again. So if a guy holds out long enough you will have a hard time getting him up to play shape in his first year. Because after the season starts you still train but you ain’t got no scrimmages or friendly games anymore. It results in an lost year almost like many long holdouts have.

Learning Curve is also an interesting idea if a player gets assigned to a new position or if a team through a coach changes it philsophy. The player will need to get reps and games to play according to his ratings in the new scheme or position. That could very well result into a coach searching for players that know their system etc. (like in real life).

Franchise - Player Progression/ Initial Player Ratings
I understand that in some areas the ratings were spread to make special players more special and it should be that way that special players are special but not because of unrealistic stats. No WR with speed under 84 would play in the NFL. No RB in the NFL is stronger then Offensive Lineman etc. Initial player ratings have to change back. And they have to change as well for the benefit of a realistic player progression.

There are things that can be learned by anyone and then there are things that can’t be learned (not possible to improve in or not much). It simply can’t be that you draft a guy who has 72 speed and after being developed has 90 speed. Not even 80 would be realistic. You either got speed or you don’t. A guy like Justin Gage will never be as fast as DeSean Jackson. A guy like Malcolm Kelly will never be as fast Percy Harvin so there is no need to let them progress. The ratings have to be right in key aspects and other things like awareness, route running are learnable but speed, strength, agility, arm strength etc. are not or at least not in capacity that should be any higher then 3 or 4 points. Player progression is such an important key to franchise that I really hope you consider a change.

Franchise - Camp Battles
Would be nice if you could decide which position is up for grabs. There should be benefits of it. If you are in a battle you will take reps with the first team which should help you to get better (or a boast for as long as the battle goes). The winner keeps his boost and the looser falls back to his old ratings. There should also be negatives. For example if you have a great player at a position (rating 90+ or whatever) and you call out a battle for his spot he should be angry and probably won’t sign the extension or wants to get traded.

Franchise - 1st Pick
Would be nice if you have the first pick and could negotiate before the draft with up to 5 players and sign your pick before the Draft even starts like it is in real life.

Franchise - Videos of the overall Top20 of the upcoming Draft
The Draft Classes are made with a lot of love and are really great but it still does not change that these are fantasy players. If a Dez Bryant comes out you know what you would get or a Tim Tebow. It would be to nice if there would be short snippets of the Top Players in the upcoming Draft. Highlighting there biggest strengths. If a RB has 90 vision you show some nice clips of him cutting back and taking another lane. A LB who hits like ton of brick walls... show some tackles. A WR with great hands show some spectacular catches or whatever. Just give these imaginal football players some life it would be awesome.

Background Info’s to players would be welcomed as well.

Franchise - Real Draft Classes
The created Draft Classes are great and everybody like to play with them but still I think everybody will agree that the first 4 years of Draft Classes we want the real thing. I simply know too much about guys like Taylor Mays, Dez Bryant, Julio Jones, Matt Barkley etc. as that I want them to be part of my franchise. The problem with importing them is that either the ratings doesn’t reflect the real thing or you don’t have NCAA (me personally I live in Germany and don’t even have the chance of getting NCAA).

The conclusion is easy... simply put these guys in the first 4 years. Make them 100% right (height, weight, birthday and birthplace, college, ratings) and simply give them wrong names. For the first 4 classes you should give us the opportunity to edit player names (not ratings or whatsoever it would take away the drafting fun to know everybody’s rating, only the name) and we have the real thing. After year 4 it goes on with your own created Draft Classes.

Creation - Importable Draft Classes
If it’s not possible to have real players with wrong names please let us do our own Draft Classes but saveable. That you can do them in a normal menu (not in franchise) because if you do them in Franchise you would have to create them always again everytime you start a franchise. So you can always work on them don’t need to finish them all at once and can always go back at it and import them whenever needed in Franchise Mode. This would take away the draft thing because you know what the ratings are but like mentioned I want real players in for 4 years.

I know that importing Draft Classes is probably a big selling point of NCAA but that shouldn’t worry Madden because you guys are there to satisfy the Madden consumers and real players for the first 4 years is something that everybody wants (and even with importing them they don’t play like there real life counterparts).

Franchise - Mr. Looman’s Draft Classes
They are great as mentioned before but sometimes unrealistic. I mean Ozzie Jones (who should resemble Barry Sanders) is an good idea but the handling simply makes it unrealistic. If there ever should be a guy who is like Barry Sanders the chances that he’s from Oklahoma State like Barry should be like winning a Lottery.

Other things like LeRon James are simply unneccassary because it makes the hard work you do for most simply look stupid. LeRon and James are names that are often used but we all know who this guy is based on. If you do a guy like this don’t give him a high rating and make him the LeBron James of Football. The last thing that I want to invision is my Running Back being LeBron James... he plays freakin Basketball!

Franchise - Hall of Fame Game
It would be a nice touch to have it in even if you don’t play in it. Probably show some highlights of this game to start the Preseason.

Franchise - SuperBowl
The presentation is there and the playooffs games really feel good and special... with the logo sprayed on the turf and everything (crowd could be better) but I would really love for the SuperBowl to be even more special. I mean that’s the thing that you work for, trade for, draft for etc. I don’t know how many franchise seasons are possible but they are limited... so it would be nice if you could get singers into the game who actually sing the national anthem. During that you can show the players etc. I’m not an American but I’m always looking forward to the playing of the national anthem before SuperBowl it’s such an emotional moment... you see some players cry etc. And if you could get 20 singers to appear in this game and everybody sings his version of the national anthem you would have something different every year which gives this game an unscripted feel.
The Winning frequence should be longer as well... this is what you worked for all year and by the way I’ve never seen a Coach still wearing his headset when getting the Lombardi Trophy!

Franchise - Different Draft Projections
The projection of Top5 players and everything should only be an overall. Every team really should have their own draftboard. If a team picks 3rd and really needs an defensive end it shouldn’t mean that they automatically pick the best available. If the one who is availabe is a small pass rusher and you defensive plays out of a 3-4 scheme you won’t take him because in your scheme he would be an OLB. Every team should really have their own preference... Tampa 2 defenses will rank fast LB’s higher even though they seem to small to play in the NFL.

Franchise - Schedule-Maker
I very much like to have the same season game schedule as in real life but obvisiouly after the first season it ain’t possible. Would be nice to have the opportunity to make the whole season schedule of games before the new season starts. If guys abused it well, it’s offline.

Franchise - Simmed Stats
Very few Rushing TD’s. A guy like Peterson should have at least over 10 Rushing TD’s. Defensive Stats are weird at times too. If playing out of a 3-4 scheme OLB’s should have high sack numbers. There are very talented 3-4 lineman who also get sacks like Seymour or Freeney but most are simply there to stuff the running game. Same for DT’s in 3-4 scheme. Most of them simply don’t sack the QB. They get double teamed all the time. There a few expections like Ratliff who still gets to the QB but most not. If playing out of an 4-3 scheme you DE’s usually the sack leaders. More realistic stats simply... D-Ware never had over 10 sacks in all the simmed seasons. Merriman as well. Instead a guy like Wilfork had over 10 sacks... simply unrealistic.

Franchise/ Superstar - Real Season Setup
After the SuperBowl it starts with the Rookie Scouting. Draft. Draft aftermath with signing of drafted and undrafted players. Rookie Minicamp. OTA’s. Training Camp... Hall of Fame game. Preaseason games. Final Roster cut to 53. Start of Regular Season. Things like Practice Squad would be a welcomed addition as well.

If you don’t include these things in Franchise Mode it would be nice to have it at least in Superstar Mode. To compete in the different camps etc. Probably get cut and join another team etc.

Everywhere - Retired Numbers
Don’t forget to put in Retired Jersey Numbers. Some franchises simply don’t give out every number anymore. I simply don’t want to see a Giants player running around in a 56! A Bronocs player in a 7 etc.

Everywhere - Player Likeliness
The NFL is not so much about the face like other sports because the face is mostly covered. I think and it drives me crazy because so many attire things we’re included but simple things like arm bands doesn’t. There should be 3 different ones. First the one on the wrist (worn by Eli Manning, Peyton Manning etc.). The one who is a little higher then the wrist (worn by Romo, Favre etc.) The one who is short underneath the elbow (worn by Roethlisberger on his right arm, Breaston etc.). It takes so much away from Players like Romo... because he has his Throwing Motion and everything but the bands are wrong and it doesn’t look like him. It can’t be so hard to include these... pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease... it’s really killing me.

Everywhere - Crowd
Crowd noise AI or whatever you call it needs always work. Would be nice to have team specific things in it... also player specific... some players as soon as they touch the ball get an special reaction... Muhammad (Mooooose), Bruce (Bruuuuuuuuuuuce) etc.

Creation - Free Agency/ Draft Picks/ Injuries
If you play the game for over a year a lot of things happen in the league which are not re-creatable in past Maddens. For example if somebody signs a new contract I can only give him a 3 year contract. I should be able to give Contracts of length of my choosing and the money of my choosing.
Same goes out for Draft Picks. Some players get traded for Draft Picks. It should be possible to re-create in the edit-menu. Would be nice to have Draft Picks available from the actual year, the next year and the year after. And it should be taken over to Franchise Mode... so that teams really don’t have their first round pick if they traded a player for it etc.
Injuries and Suspensions should be in as well. Some guys are out for the season before the season even starts. If I release a player (closest thing to suspension) he gets signed by another team. Would be great if something like that is in the game... from which time to which time a player is hurt or suspended so if I start Franchise the player is injured or not allowed to play.

Gameplay - Player of the Game/ End of an Game
If a game is not decided by the time the player of the game gets shown it shouldn’t be shown. If you reach overtime or the other team wins in the last second the Player of the game should probably be someone different. If the game is decided you can show it but if it’s not it shouldn’t be shown.
If I lead with 20 points or whatever and the game is in his last minute (even if the opponent has timouts left) it should be enough if I kneel once to close the game... probably once more and then everybody should walk onto the field etc.
If the computer has the ball he should not run plays till the end and kneel as well.

Gameplay - Player Situational and Field Awareness
Thinks like knowing where the field ends should be in. Not every player can stay in bounds but every WR tries it and if the ball is thrown to him tries to get his feet inbounds.

Clock Management, Playcalling is suspect at times. Computer AI almost never runs out of bounds in these situations etc.

Gameplay - Blind Side Sack
If the QB stands with the back to you and has only one hand on the ball it would be nice if there is a button or whatever (stick move or something) that you can go for the ball... this would make game wreckers like Ware or Harrison more special. Not every player should be able to this should be special for Playmakers. Back in the days guys like Derrick Thomas and LT could wreck havoc this would be a chance to really give them an impact. But like said only for special players.

Gameplay - Agile Players
I think good steps have be done but still there are very agile/elusive players who simply can’t be tackled 1 on 1 in the open field. Usually in Madden it is that with an elusive guy who is fast you can run around somebody but not juke him. It would be nice if you could string together moves (like in Fight Night Round 4). So you give in a combo of jukes or cuts and probably a spin to it... and your player pulls off these moves one after another. Of yourse this should only work for players like Westbrook, DeAngelo Williams, DeSean Jackson etc. You can do it with others to but it shouldn’t have the change of succeeding with Brandon Jacobs or Jamal Lewis for example.

Gameplay - Gameplay
I do understand that a lot of presentation work went into this game and it’s absolutely a positive thing. But if you buy a football game you buy it because of football and not because of the gras or cutscenes. Almost in every aspect of gameplay you can find something wrong sometimes more, sometimes less important. I will just call out a few things:
- Defensive Overall (especially playcalling)
- Defensive reacts only to formation and not the talent of the players (can change my nr. 1 WR to 3rd WR and he will get covered by the 3rd CB on their depth chart)
- Pursuit Angles
- Offense AI Playcalling

Gameplay - Team’s Identity/ Specific Playbooks
It’s better then previous but still not what it should be. Also don’t forget special defensive Playbooks. Ravens and now Jets have very exotic blitzes. Steelers and Cowboys blitz a lot etc. Tennessee almost never etc.

Animation - General lack of
Animations are missing all over or there are not enough off.
One handed catches (need more animations).
WR’s joggling balls and catching it or not catching it.
Balls flying through WR hands (until now there are only drops).
Players muffing punts (until now there are only fumbles after contact).
Players laying on the field without getting evaluated and coming back the next play.
Referee cutscenes (they never argue over a call in the middle of the field. If somebody goes for the pylon there will be some arguing about if he was in or out probably if the feet was in or not or if somebody catched the ball at the end of the endzone if his feet was in.
QB’s putting there mouthpieces in or have them on their facemask (guys like Romo have it on the outside of his facemask and put it in before the play goes under way).

Animation - QB Throwing Style
It’s so nice to have them in finally something that makes it actually different seeing QB’s play. I would love to expand them to as many as you can (please also reinvestigate the actual ones, some are wrong) and if you have legends it’s time to have the Throwing Styles of Marino, Elway, Aikman, Montana etc. in the game. I’m dying to draft a Franchise QB who releases the ball like Marino or whatever.

Running Styles would be a welcome addition as well.

Animation - Running/ Sprinting/ Juking etc. is wrong
They simply look wrong. Please fix it. It simply doesn’t look like a human being running. The knees are definitely too high in the air. If they run full speed it still looks like they are jogging. If a RB for example cuts he’s getting low and stays relatively low until he explodes. He starts to get more straight and straight after he accels to full speed. It’s physical impossible to juke and cut fast and stay straight up!

I even got more :-)
# 1 TreyIM2 @ Sep 3
Post this on the feedback site -

If you don't want to post it there, give Ian the link to this page. I didn't read through all this but I will when I get a moment and it seems like you REALLY put some thought into this. I am all for a bigger, better Madden, myself, and have posted a laundry list on that site as well as created a blog for Ian to read, up here.
I didn't really touch franchise, though, because I don't get all into that like that. Time to time I will get out pen and pad then do my offseason deals but other times, I let the CPU do it just to see what they come up with (I got this GREAT kicker to replace the weak sauce kicker I had on my Jets thanks to the CPU).

Anyway, good post. Let's get Madden to be the best it can be (sound corny, eh? lmao!) going forward, although I believe that the Madden engine may be "tapped" and/or the fact that the 360 doesn't utilize Blu-ray and included HDDs in all it's SKUs could be holding it back since EA doesn't seem to want to go harder on the PS3 since it has those things to take advantage of. Damn MS! Lol...
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