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Will MLB 11 the Show have an impact on Microsoft? 2K? 
Posted on December 17, 2010 at 02:23 PM.
So OS is bursting at the seams with MLB 11 info and as a gamer whose main squeeze of the virtual world is baseball video games, I can say without hesitation that I have NEVER been this excited for a release...EVER.

I mean they are two different animals and I get that but by comparison, MLB 11 is making NBA 2k11 look like Double Dribble in my eyes (although DD was fantastic for back in the day).

I am not going to go over all the new features, you can read about those in one of the many articles and threads now appearing on OS. However, the inclusion of analog control on a large scale and balks and weather effects on a smaller scale, is going to make this easily the best baseball game ever. We can finally stop talking about MVP 2005 thank goodness.

No, what I want to ask is what affect do you think that this game, by itself, may have on the sale of the PS3 and conversly, the Xbox 360? What affect will it have on 2k's baseball sales. We all know that there are gamers out there that bought a PS3 or switched from Xbox 360 just for lesser versions of The Show. I am among the the latter group and have seen many people say the same.

Personally, I dont expect the impact to be large scale (like it would be if say NBA 2k11 was only available on one platform) only because baseball is less popular, but I do expect the impact to be significant.

The ONLY thing that 2k had on the Show as analong control and that is gone.

I just find it interesting that one game can affect a gamers buying decison, or decison to switch consoles entirely.

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