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jczar78's Chalkboard
# 11
zeroice @ Jul 10, 2009
# 10
vaughn99 @ Dec 11, 2008
hahaha -- i just read I wrote "more on my Wood." I meant "More on my take on Wood." As much as I enjoy talking about mahogany, oak and birch . . .
*What? That's not what you were thinking? Get your head out of the gutter!
*What? That's not what you were thinking? Get your head out of the gutter!
# 9
vaughn99 @ Dec 11, 2008
THanks for the comment -- more on my Wood once it's announced official-like. If you want an interesting read deifying the Texas hurler tickle this linkle. In the comments is a conversation not unlike the one I had with a Cubs fan co-worker the other day. I guess so many things are universal.
# 7
PLite14 @ Nov 19, 2008
Unfortunately, I don't have much time to do any large mods. I've been having problems finishing mods, that's why rolie finished Wrigley for me and Pirate took over the Nationals Park project.
# 4
funky_chicken @ Nov 13, 2008
I can understand the Salukis for college basketball. Is college football team you root for also? For me it it the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame.
# 3
funky_chicken @ Nov 13, 2008
Are you a fan of the other Chicago teams (White Sox not included)? I follow the Bulls, Blackhawks, Bears and DePaul Basketball. Have lived in the Chicago burbs or NW Indiana too many years.
# 2
funky_chicken @ Nov 13, 2008
You and me both brother. I started being a Cubs fan when I was 8. They broke my heart in 84, 89, 2003 and 2008. I don't know any other way though.
# 1
funky_chicken @ Nov 13, 2008
Always nice to see a fellow Cubs fan on the OS boards. We have to wait until next year to have our hearts broken again.
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