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Posted on April 24, 2012 at 04:48 PM.
we have all heard them. they are either utube celebs, novice gamers, or hard core pros. admit it or not in some point in our lives we all complained about a game. but what really bothers me is people that complain have no input to fix or resolve the issue or just plain suck at the game itself.
my sgt. in the army used to tell me if i wasnt part of the solution i was part of the problem. words to live by people truly. now you might be saying to yourself, how can one consumer make a difference by crying or ranting about a topic. and i will explain to you why. most people who are hard core sports freaks go on utube for tips tricks replays and some occasional *** shaking video. some of the commentators who have a huge following are misrepresenting the games. now people are entitled to there own opinion believe me i understand that 100%. but when they say a certain feature is broken or needs fixing and are wrong. there followers are gonna take heed to what they say as if its gold. in my opinion in nba 2k12 theres a ton of features that need to be resolved. but saying the speed button dosent work or you cant rebound or my player is not fun is irresponsible.
i dont have a magic xbox, i am know way better then anyone but i have no problem with the speed button. i have no problem getting to the rim. i have no problem using sizeups effectively. now the biggest problem is 2k didnt explain to us the consumers how to effectively use these features. there was zero tutorials that helped user gameplay. i guess they figured that people would figure it out and work it out themselves. but ask yourselfs this. do you want a game that actually challenges you or do you want nba jam. cause i promise you if enough people complain, 2k will dumb this game down. and i really hope that dosent happen. so before makeing judgement ask someone who knows or is willing to help. dont be quick to jump on the bandwagon. keep the game we grown to love challegeing and fix the little things that matter. most of all....... before saying something is broken find out for yourself if you can fix it.
# 1 bigdoc85 @ Apr 24
Neither NBA 2K12 nor MLB 12 The Show are perfect games. But they are pretty darn good, very playable and a lot better than Madden!
# 2 sactown_13 @ Apr 24
I think the speed issue u hear complaints about is a issue but not a gamebreaker by any means. That is if ur referring to the lack of difference between lamarcus aldrige and ty Lawson running the break
# 3 bigdoc85 @ Apr 24
And the one thing about NBA 2K12 that some the younger folks don't appreciate as much is the inclusion of the classic teams. Those are pretty amazing. Sure, there are a few others that I would have liked to have seen but it adds some interesting gameplay and I ended up having a 12-team NBA 2K tournament the week of its release based on the classic teams.
# 4 tril @ Apr 25
I agree, the biggest issue with 2k is lack of tutorials, or in depth gameplay features/mechanics and how they are triggered etc.
I for one do not have an issue with 2k12 at all. for the most part, Ive enjoyed the game since release date. Inintially, I didnt like the first patch, and the broken stats That was the only issue i had
# 5 ironwork @ Apr 25
you all make valid points and i really couldn't agree with you more. its really up to us as consumers to shape the direction of or favorite game. we can do this by voicing our own opinions, help each other out as much as we can. and not be so quick to listen to someone else before attempting our own resolution. myself included. thanks for all the comments and taking your time to read this.
# 6 bumpyface @ Apr 27
In my opinion 2k12 is already dumbed down from the last installment. The lack of variable difficutly lobbies is a blow to the face as well as other perks that were present in 11. It's funny that I come across this thread because me and a couple co-workers were just talking about the gameplay. Trust me, I appreciate a challenge and I am very educated about the game of basketball. Certain gameplay flaws in 2k12 make the game less than sim. To just mention a few; Passing, speed issues, CPU difficulty, steel exploit, lack of defense, and online play (difficulty finding matches, game dropping). 2k12 is a good game, but far from great. I speak on behalf of all consumers who want top quality for their money. Whatever needs to be done to produce the most for the money should be done. Perhaps with re-surfaced competition the fundamental flaws found in 2k's basketball will be addressed. Peace.
# 7 ironwork @ Apr 27
@ bumpyface thanks for reading. i wanted to get peoples motor running and speak from the heart. you my friend are what i was trying to target. KNOWLEDGE. thank you for the read.
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