Friday, February 13, 2015

During the spring and early summer, I play what what we call "Club Football". It is just the teams in the Greater Port Boyerton Area and some of the teams are divided up like Port Boyerton North is divided into the red team, the blue team, and the white team. This league is useful for developing skills in the off-season and working on plays for the regular football season. The level of competition isn't as high because some of the better players choose not to play for fear of injury or fatigue and if you win the championship it isn't really a major deal like winning the state championship would be but it is still fun and a good way to work on aspects of my game during the off season.
For this season coming up, coach has already named ME as the starting QB for varsity. Is'nt that absurd?! A Freshman QB starting on Varsity. But I do feel better knowing that Jackson Pines has developed a good football program on the backs of Jack Boyer and the other players on his team. The guys are all sticking together there and working as hard as they can to make themselves a better team. The Jackson Pines radio show says we will finish with a 5-5 record this year and miss the new, smaller playoff field. But who knows. We are a tough group of kids and none of us want to lose. Maybe some teams will underestimate us and we will come out of nowhere and surprise some people. My biggest goal though is to win a conference title for the Blue Jays. They have never won one during my lifetime, and I think that I can lead them to one.
Thursday, October 16, 2014

You see, Jackson Pines never had much football tradition, but our trip to the playoffs got the school district thinking. After seeing the community rally around our school and athletes, the school partnered with the Jackson Pines Broadcasting Company to create a weekly show that would be broadcast throughout Jackson Pines. It just so happened that for their first ever broadcast, they would do a live shoot of a preseason press conference (also new to us) and neither of us really knew how to handle all of this new found attention.
"Jack," I snapped out of my daze and looked down over the room speckled with silouettes "In the preseason scrimmage against Port Boyerton South, the team looked good, and many people who were watching said that Jackson Pines would have won if that were a real game. Can you give us your thoughts about that game? Would Jackson Pines have won if that was an official contest?"
I looked at the woman who asked the question and took a moment to gather my thoughts. "Well..." I started, "I think.. I think we played well as a unit. But..." The words were not coming easily for me. "But... I think our kicking game really showed up, our kicker, Soloman Barry went 3 for 3 and a quality kicker in high school is a rarity." I looked at coach Thompson and noticed he was nodding his head.
"Do you think Jackson Pines won that game?" The woman asked again.
"You know, I'm not sure. We play against them week 4 this year, so I'll give you an answer then!"
The audience laughed and I saw another hand shoot up.
"Coach Thompson," A man with a deeper grizzled voice said "Do you see yourself in the playoffs again this season? What needs to happen for you to make the playoffs?"
I looked at coach Thompson as he was collecting himself, and I could tell he was beginning to feel more confident. He was happy that I had to answer the first question and not him. Coach Thompson started "You know, last year a lot of things fell into place for us. We snuck into the playoffs with a 5-3 record as a #10 seed. This year, our schedule really looks favorable. We are playing a lot of northern tier teams so we will have to see how well our kids travel on some of these long bus rides but I think we will manage. Honestly, the guy sitting next to me is going to be a big part of our teams production."
I felt a powerful feeling in the pit of my stomach, as coach Thompson continued "The team knows who the captain is, our opponents know who we are giving the ball to, and the college scouts are going to know who to send scholarships to. This kid has more talent than any athlete I have ever seen."
I felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety and excitemet at one time. The rest of the interview seems like a blur from there. I felt locked in from that point on. I knew that coach wasnt lying. I needed to carry the team on my back to get us to a playoff spot again this year.
2016 Schedule
9/9 @ Hopewell
9/23 BYE
9/30 @ Port Boyerton South
10/21 HUSS
10/28 @ Hendrickson
11/4 @ Tyloria
The hype train is running late this year in Jackson Pines. The Local sportscasters in Port Boyerton are picking the Jays to finish an all too familiar 3-5 this year. Honestly, I dont know if I can blame them. But I'm sure not going to let some sportscasters who dont know us tell us how my senior season will end. But I will admit, this season will really challenge us if we are going to make a playoff run.
College offers by week (** CURRENT CALIBER**)
1: Lock Haven University of PA (*)
Friday, June 27, 2014

"This is Jake the Jay here in Studio A of the Jackson Pines Radio Tower. I know a lot of you Jays fans are singing the blues after last seasons collapse of our blue jays, but this season may be different. We got a chance to speak with coach Thompson earlier this week, and he told us he "is confident in his returning starters and the new players he has coming into the program. He went on to say that his Junior Running back, Jack Boyer has got to step into his role as a leader this year, and take control of this team." I think Boyer better be ready for a challenge, because last years starting QB is riding the pine, and he was sat down by a freshman! This Blue Jays team could be riding high or sitting low at the seasons end, I guess time will tell"
I glanced out the window and saw the familiar pine tree forest and radio tower that was broadcasting the station I was listening to. It was about time to hop off the train. I pulled out my ear buds and stood up as the train arrived in the station. As I walked off the train, the kid in the Letterman jacket said: "Hey, Blue Jays, huh?" as he pointed to my shirt. I looked down and realized I was wearing my Jackson Pines Lift-A-Thon shirt. "Good luck, buddy, you are our conference doubleheader this year(meaning we played them 2 times this season). You looked solid last year, so hopefully it will be a good game." I looked at him and said "It will be better than you could imagine". Since Jackson Pines is the end of the A Line, he walked with me down a block to the main intersection in Jackson Pines just outside the radio tower. We shook hands and i asked him his name, "Andrew Attinger" he said. "I am a Junior Strong Safety, I'll be looking forward to playing you this season, Jack." He headed up the hill, right past our stadium. He dosent know I'm planning on ruining his teams chances of making the playoffs this year.
2015 Jackson Pines Schedule (5 - 3)
Week 2: FARMING HAVEN W 9 - 3 OT
Week 3: @Port Boyerton North L 7 - 27
Week 5: MATTHEWSBURG L 0 - 10 (Homecoming)
Week 6: @Diamond Falls W 5 - 0
Week 7: FORT SCULLY W 9 - 0
Week 8: ST. MICHAELS W 14 - 6 (Senior Night)
Week 9: Bye
Week 10 (round 1) @ Mellasec L 0 - 20 (First Playoff game since 1999)
We have 6 home games this year....SIX!! Hopefully we can get it done. The news report on the television said we are projected to go 4 -4 and miss the playoffs, but I promised myself I wouldnt let that happen again. Here we are, 5 days away from the first game of the season, I am in the best shape of my life and I am ready to make Jackson Pines history.
Regular season Recap:
We did it!! For the first time since 1999, we made the playoffs! After losing our homecoming game to Matthewsburg and dropping our record to 2 - 3, I thought we were done for.But somehow the gods of football were smiling upon us and we won our last 3 games in a row, including a road win at perrenial power, Diamond Falls! After we won our last game against St. Michaels, I was in shock... BEfore the game, reporters were constantly broadcastin g the news of "Win and we're in" for the playoffs. However, it wasnt that simple. there are only 8 at large bids for the entire state and 11 teams qualified for those spots. Strength of schedule came into effect for the tie breaker and our jays qualified for the 6th wildcard spot out of the 12 avalible. The stands were packed for the game because the town knew they could witness something incredible with a win over a very beatable St. Michaels team. The rickety old wooden stands looked like they were at maximum capacity and some folks who have been around the area for a while said it looked like a game from the 1999 season when the Jays won tyhe conference. Either way, it felt great to finally get out of the regular season with a new game on the schedule. Lets see if we can make a splash in the playoffs and win our first ever playoff game.
Regular season stats
Rush Att: 189
Rush Yds: 778
Rush TD: 2
AVG YPC: 4.1
AVG RYPG: 97.25
Receptions: 10
Rec Yds: 146
Rec TD: 0
Avg YPC: 14.6
Avg RYPG: 18.25
Post Season Recap:
Well... That about sums up Jackson Pines football. You know, a lot of people say we should be proud of just making it to the playoffs. But seriously, why would you be proud of that? 23 other teams also made the playoffs, so we were nothing special. At least one win would have been nice. make it to the next round and play against some real top level opposition, but I guess we just didnt prove ourselves today. To be honest, I think we were all expecting to lose. We all just seemed to accept it. I dont know if losing had become something we were used to, or if maybe a lot of the guys were just happy to make the playoffs, but it just seemed strange to me.
Anyway, on a positive note, I got a scholarship offer!!! I mean, its from a small, Division II university in Pennsylvania called Lock Haven University" I did some research and found out that they hold the record for the longest collegiate losing streak, but they are winning at least one game a season recently. The only problem with LHU is that they run a lot of singleback, which is not a formation that I particuarly like... But On the other hand, their campus looks great and I really dig the small campus life style (Its a little bit of a step up from Jackson Pines anyway). Hopefully I get a few more offers my senior year.. But Lock Haven holds a special place in my heart being the first offer I got! I cant wait for this season! I think some great things are about to happen!
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Week 1. @ Enterline Point* W 12 - 0
Week 2. @ Lemon Ridge L 10 - 14
Week 4. @ Dietz Mountain W 13 - 7
Week 5. ENTERLINE Point* L 0 - 24 (Homecoming)
Week 6. TYLORIA L 0 - 13
Week 7. ----------BYE-------
Week 8. DIFILLIPSBURG L 0 - 10
Week 9. MACKLE VALLEY L 7 - 24 (Senior Night)
Week 10. TBA
This season we have a great chance of making the playoffs for the first time since 1991! Our schedule is not very difficult and our team has gotten so much better since last season! The Jackson Times paper says we should finish 5 - 3 and be in the running for a low playoff seed. My stomach is churning just thinking abot how incredible it would feel to make the playoffs for the first time in what seems like forever...
Whats even better (For me, anyway...) is that I am back in the starting lineup and completely healed up from last years injury, and I have been working so hard in the off season to get ready for our big chance this year at a conference championship! Furthermore, as a Sophomore, I am officially eligible to receive recruiting letters from colleges across the nation! Not that anyone will be interested in my after last seasons injury, but again, that just adds more fuel to the fire!
Wow.... what a terrible season.. Our record was bad... but its they way we got our record that hurt the most.. We started off 3 - 1 with some big wins over big time schools like Port Boyerton South who made it to the District 1 Championship game but lost to diamond falls. We were riding high and we knew if we could win 2 of our last 4 games, we would almost definitely be riding into the playoffs for the first time in a long time. The it started. The monumental meltdown. Coach blamed it on fatigue, we are a small school playing against big city competition and we just dont have the depth that the Port Boyertons and the sarita Cities have. But I think it is more than that. I think there is a curse that sits over our small town team and wont let us make it to the district playoffs. At one point in the season, we hadnt scored a single point in over a month, and our homcoming game was laugher as the enterline point tigers (who are becoming a bit of an unexpected rival) came into town and just blew us away after we beat them in week one. Our QB, he threw 5 picks in one game and our offense couldnt get a running game established because there was no threat of a passing game. We finished the season on a four game losing streak and the pain was unbearable, especially for the seniors who thought after the first half of the season, we were a shoe-in for the playoffs. Next season, I will be a junior and definately a team leader. I wont let this happen to the Blue Jays again. It was something I never want to experience again...
Season stats
Games played: 5
Rushing Yards: 313
Rush Att: 75
Rush YPG:62.6
Rush YPC: 4.17
Rush TDs: 2
Games played: 5
Receptions: 6
Rec Yards: 43
rec YPG: 8.6
rec YPC: 7.16
Rec TDs: 1
Rushing Yds:
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

NORTH SemiFinals Region Finals
1.PB North (8-0) 45
8.Lemon Ridge (5-3) 12
-------------------------1.PBN 35
4.Lake Andrew (6-2) 10--5.DF 15
5.Diamond Falls (6-2)13-------------1.PBN 14
------------------------------------2.MV 8
3.PB South (7-1) 14
6.Farming Haven (6-2) 0---3.PBS 10
--------------------------2.MV 40
2.Mackle Valley (8-0) 55
7.Collinsville (5-3) 3
1. Sarita City (8-0) 56
8. Nikkita City (4-4) 0---1.SC 21
---------------------------4.RP 7
4. Randal Park (6-2) 34
5. Dalytown (6-2) 25-----------------1.SC 23
----------------------------------------2.LOW 21
3. Figo City (6-2) 14
6. Spawnington (5-3)21-----6.SPA 6
---------------------------2.LOW 33
2. Lowytown (7-1) 13
7. Haneytown (5-3) 12
State Championship game
1. Port Boyerton North (11-0)---- 13
1. Sarita City (11-0)------------ 17
National High School Tournament
North. Isles 28
Midway 17----NI 14
-------------------BIT 24
Bithia 30
Vaughnland 23-------------BIT 23
----------------------------BOX 35
West Vaughnland 24
West Auringham 17
-------------------WA 17
Portland 14----BOX 35----------------Boxam 20
Boxam 24--------------------------Lakoya 16
Adihannah 20
Terra 31
------------------TER 13
Troplin 31---TRO 14
Nike 13
---------------------------TRO 13
Lakoya 17------------LAK 21
Norford 14
------------------LAK 31
East Auringham 24-EA 28
Cutstom 20
National Champion
Aquatova Army Academy (11-1)
---First Ever ACAA championship (In any sport)
Davidson Trophy Winner
James Rankin QB SR. Aquatova Army Academy
Professional AFL
Port Boyerton 28
Bayshore 17
USA Runs the table, winning every game by at least 21 points. The closest game was the World title game against Germany, where the USA won 42-21.

The first play, I remember it like it was yesterday... "Stud Right, 48 toss." The most simple, and most commonly run play in our playbook. A halfback toss to the right. For some reason, I remember this all vividly, as if my brain had taken a recording because it knew something was about to happen. The linemen rushed up to the ball, creating a giant wall of white jerseys and silver pants, as they crouched into their stances, I began to see the intimidating PB North Defense come into view. These Juggernauts were foaming at the mouth to come after this freshman who is primed to make the District 1 Allstar team. My focus snapped back to the QB, as he began his cadence and made a dummy call to our wide receiver to try to throw the defense off. Luckily for us, his acting was considerably better than his actual quarterbacking, but he is much too ugly to make a splash on the silver screen. Anyway, The snap was quick and precise, and I began my trek wide out to the right and received the end over end pitch from te quarterback, noticing the whites in his eyes for just a moment as he turned to relay the ball to me. I grabbed the ball, ran about a yard when one defender dove at me and missed. As I was finishing my juke, I had run into a Linebacker (Who would later make all State and sign with the Vaughnland University Team) who drove me backwards as the player who I juked grabbed my leg from behind. Everything was going in slow motion, I heard a loud 'crack', felt my helmet hit hard off of the turf at PB north Stadium, and then blackness.
I awoke in a hospital bed in Port Boyerton, The game was over, and my mom and Dad were both there, making sure I was ok. As it turned out, I had a broken Femur, (Hurt like you wouldnt belive) and would be out for the rest of the season. We lost that game by a score of 45- 0, and fell to 1-3 at the halfway point of my freshman season. The team ended up finishing at 2 - 6,with wins over Fort Scully and Quiggle Tech just as predicted, and I began an intense rehab process. I saved a few newspaper clippings for motivation for next season...I will be back.
1. PB North 8-0 (5-0)
2. PB South 7-1 (4-1)
3. Enterline Pt. 4-4 (3-2)
4. Jackson Pines 2-6 (2-3)
5. Quiggle Tech 1-7 (1-4)
6. Fort Scully 0-8 (0-5)
New World Conf Final Standings
1. Diamond Falls 6-2 (4-1)
2. Farming Haven 6-2 (4-1)
3. Towarnicki Pt 5-3 (3-2)
4. Hackerville 3-5 (1-4)
5. Dietz Mt. 4-4 (1-4)
6. Wallaceburg 2-6 (0-5)
Synergy Bowl Game 2013
Port Boyerton North---38
Diamond Falls---------13
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Put the team on my shoulders.
In a single game, I broke multiple school records, became the conference, district, and state player of the week, and gained all but 11 of our teams offensive yards. the week three game that saw a perennial loser in Fort Scully coming to Jackson Pines to try to get their first victory of the season was squandered almost single handedly by me! (and our defense that played outstanding as well!)
Just how bad was our QB this week? Well, he was so bad, that we pulled him after missing his first 6 attempts, in comes another senior, Jonathan Huges, he didnt fare much better after going 1 for 16 for 11 yards and 3 interceptions. That was when Coach Crestwood realized it was time to start running. I was in rare form today, breaking the old school record for yards rushed for in one game, set in 1993 (I rushed for 358 today), Breaking the school record for longest run that had been set in 2006 at 76 yards (I took one 80 yards to the house) and I tied the school record for touchdowns in a single game, with 4. The best thing about the game this afternoon was getting our first win on the season in front of the home crowd! Next week, we take the short trip to the city of Port Boyerton to take on PB north Bombers. hopefully I can put up some numbers against a big name program like this!
Stat line
ATT: 22 Yds: 358 Avg: 16.2 TD:4
REC: 0 Fum: 0
Broke school record for yards in a single game
Broke School record for longest run
Tied School record for TD in a single game
District POTW
State POTW
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

attempts: 6
Rushyds: 6
AVG: 1.0
Rec: 3
Oh, and I have a fumble in there too.. Varsity football is a lot harder than Junior High... Maybe I'm not ready for this yet... Next week is our first conference game against Enterline Point... they won their first game against Waltersburg, by a score of 24 - 10. But thats not saying much as waltersburg is a small school like us.. maybe we will at least have a chance... at this point, i dont know at all...

We only have one good player on our team, our kicker, Eddie Phillips.. He is getting offers from some colleges to kick for them, and he is only a junior! It must be fun getting recruited, but he said he is holding out until he gets an offer from Vaughnland State, which is in Port Boyerton. He dosent want to move far from home, but I dont know if he is THAT good... I guess we will see!
I read in the paper this morning that we are supposed to lose to sarita city by a score of 42-7. Wow... Are they THAT Good? I understand they won the state championship two years ago, but come on! Whatever, I guess. I'm just so nervous to go out there and just play! OHHH and by the way! Sarita City High School plays in the Sarita City Arena! The same arena their old professional team played in before they moved out. Just think of all the people who will be there watching everything I do. Just think how loud it will be, I better stop writing while I still can! I'm so nervous! I'll be back after the game tomorrow! Wish me luck!

A little about myself, I am a freshman in high school. I live in Jackson Pines, a small tourist town in the state of Vaughnland, one of the 16 states in the country Aquatova. Jackson Pines is nestled just about 20 minutes from the commercial, industrial, and awesomeness hub of our country, Port Boyerton. This whole region was founded around Port Boyerton, and without it, we would have almost nothing. People are always visiting Jackson Pines for its beautiful fir trees and when the snows fall, it is the perfect scene for skiing and winter festivities. However, it seems like there are a lot of people coming and going, but not many staying here for the long haul.
The school that I attend, Jackson Pines high school is a single A (A) school, we only graduate about 100 students a year, and we struggle in almost every sport, except bowling (Three time state champions since 1990!). We are officially the Jackson Pines Blue Jays, however, our local newspaper has apparently grown tired of writing the word "Blue", so we have unofficially become simply, the "Jays". Jackson Pines High School football... We are how you might say, "bad". Our football team has only won one conference championship, and that was way back in 1999. While that might not SEEM bad, please remember there are only 6 teams in the conference. Oh, and in the last four years, our football team had a combined record of 13 - 27.
In the 23 years of athletics in the state of Vaughnland, 19 years saw the trophy go home with either Port Boyerton North or South. It’s almost not fair for us to be competing against the other schools in our conference like Port Boyerton North, and Port Boyerton South, who have graduating classes in the 400 - 500 student range and combine for 4 state championships since 1990 (The most recent being Port Boyerton South winning their first state title in 2010.
You might be asking, "Well, why did you only play 40 games in the last four years?" or "Why do you only go back to the year 1990?" Well, here in this region of Vaughnland, we play an 8 game football season. Whoever wins OUR conference, "The old World Conference" goes on to play the winner of the "New World Conference" for the 9th game of the season. Typically, both of these teams will make the district playoffs regardless of the outcome of that game, but it’s always nice to take home the "synergy cup trophy" for beating those new world guys, on top of the Old world conference championship trophy. My school has only one trophy in their trophy case, the 1999 old world championship trophy... That team went on to lose in the Synergy bowl to Diamond Falls by a score of 17 - 27. Diamond Falls went on to win the state Championship that year, while we got upset in the first round of the district playoffs by a lowly Enterline Point team.
But that’s enough about the past. let’s talk about now! Again, I am Jack Boyer, a freshman at Jackson Pines High School, and a fairly successful halfback. I have played all my life, and love everything about football. My dream is to playcollege football in my home state of Vaughnland for the Vaughnland State Lions in Port Boyerton. Maybe If I am on the team, we can finally beat Vaughnland University team that seems to make the ACAA Tournament year in and year out. After college, If I am good enough, I want to get drafted to play in the AFL (Aquatova football league) for the Port Boyerton Bombers, the professional team that plays in Port Boyerton. But that could be a long way off!! haha right... like I'll ever play pro football..... Anyway, Coach says I have a great shot at starting for Jackson Pines this year... AS A FRESHMAN!! I don’t know what to think! I'm so nervous, but I am working out with the team every day so I can hopefully make an impact! I wear #11 in honor of my cousin who came to JPHS before me and was an all-state fullback, obviously, he also wore #11. Our first game is in a few weeks against a HUGE school, the Sarita City High School Lemurs. Yes, the lemurs. I know, what a stupid name, but they are a perennial powerhouse and honestly, it would be one of the biggest upsets in state history if we could pull off a victory against them. I just hope we can at least keep it close in that game...Oh, let me write my schedule in case i lose mine....
Week 1 @ Sarita City (AAAA)
Week 3 FORT SCULLY (A) *
Week 4 @ Port Boyerton North (AAAA)*
Week 6 @ Port Boyerton South (AAA)*
Week 7 @ Mackle Valley (AA)
Week 8 Dietz Mountain (AA)
Week 9 Synergy Bowl
Our local newspaper the Jackson Times predicts a 2 - 6 record this year, with wins over Fort Scully, and Quiggle Tech, the two punching bags in our conference. I don’t know... I just want to get our first winning record in 7 years. We will see what happens I guess. Anyway, its getting late, and I'm getting tired... I have to be up early for practice tomorrow, then school afterwards. Good night all, GO JAYS!!

to begin: The events of the story take place in the state of Vaughnland, a large state on the east coast of Aquatova, which is bordered by West Vaughnland on its west, Bithia to its south, and Norford on the North side, along with the Ania Ocean to its east. Vaughnland has a temperate climate throughout most of the state, and gets cooler as you head north, especially once you pass Ownie Mountain.
A map of Vaughnland showing the Ownie Mountain range and the cities that field High School Football teams...

link incase image does not display....
The country of Aquatova is medium sized, there are a lot of attractions, especially on the east coast. The country was built on trading up and down the rivers, which is why the capitol city of Landin Center is at the base of the Clover Valley River.
A map of Aquatova for the fine people.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

High School:
The high school season is 8 games (Weeks) long, followed by a championship game between two conferences if both parties agree, This is the ninth, and last possible regular season game for any team.
Although the schools are classified (A, AA, AAA, or AAAA) based on their student enrollment, all schools are elligable to compete against any other school regardless of class. This rule applies to regular season and post season, this gives us the opportunity to dub one state champion. The best team will prevail, regardless of school size.
The state of Vaughnland is divided into two sections, or Districts. The districts are determined by location in the state, The Northern division, and the southern division. Teams will compete in a post season playoff pitting the top 8 northern teams against each other, and the top 8 southern teams against each other. The top team in the north, will go on to play the top team in the South for the State Championship.
The winner of the State Championship Qualifies for the National Tournament. The tournament has teams represented from each of the 16 states who will play in a single elimination tournament to declare a national Championship. Seeding for the national tournament will be randomized.
College athletics take place under the watchful eye of the ACAA, or the Aquatova Collegiate Athletic Association. Currently, there are 32 teams competing for the national championship, but that number fluctuates all the time, as some years there have been up to 70 schools competing, and other years, there have been 20.
The ACAA is composed of a number of conferences, the conferences, much like the league itself, fluctuate with the teams entering and leaving the league. The Power conferences, tend to be harder to gain access to unless a school has proven its worth. Many Schools choose to be independent until they can first decide if they can support a stable football program, and secondly, prove that they have the skill to hang with the big boys.
At the end of the season, the top teams are invited to a national tournament. the number of teams invited is dependant on the mumber of teams competing in a given year.
The AFA (Aquatova Football Association) is currently composed of 12 teams. the teams are all in one league with no conferences or divisions. Each team will play each other team one time in the regular season, and the top four teams will make it to the league playoffs.
At the completion of the season, the league Champion will be entered into a tournament where they will compete with the championship teams from 15 other nations, these nations being:
United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan, China, Australia, South Korea, Germany, Poland, Russia, Spain, France, Thailand, South Africa, and India.
The winner of this single elimination tournament will be crowned world Champions.
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