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gangsterboy's Chalkboard
# 8
Tifaes @ May 12, 2015
Hey, i can trade you my oscar robertson for your D wade? Let me know if youre interested
# 7
NightWolf149 @ May 11, 2015
# 5
NightWolf149 @ May 11, 2015
Hey, you still have that trained Leg Celtics Rondo? If so, what are you offering for buyback?
# 4
Mzong @ May 10, 2015
Hi! I have a fully trained 3 star odom. Willing to trade him for dwyane wade/david robinson/big o in order of preference. Pm me!
# 3
Daniel83 @ May 9, 2015
Interested in your deandre jordan leg. How much buyback can you give with it?
# 2
king Leonidis @ May 9, 2015
I have a 3 slot fully trained Odom. I'll trade you for your fully trained Star Shaq
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