
Major League Baseball 2K8 Fantasy All-Stars News, Strategy Guides, Screenshots & Videos

Reader Score
Major League Baseball 2K8 Fantasy All-Stars currently has an average Reader Score of 4/10.
Vote Now to contribute to this score. Before Major League Baseball 2K8 Fantasy All-Stars was released, 10 OS members voted and gave it a Hype Score of 3.5/10.
# 12 NAFBUC @ 01/16/09 01:52 PM
Reader Score: 3

Played this at a freinds house. So based on a single game it is way to arcadey for me.

# 11 dkgojackets @ 11/13/08 10:01 PM
Reader Score: 4.5


As of April 15, 2008 Major League Baseball 2K8 Fantasy All-Stars has been released. It received a Hype Score of 3.5/10 from 10 voters.
# 10 NAFBUC @ 04/01/08 04:38 PM
Hype Score: 2

You still have a medicore game as the base.

# 9 DannyMac910 @ 02/27/08 08:27 PM
Hype Score: 0.5

This seems like a game for girls? Well anyway it looks like a real "belly itcher."

# 8 jczar78 @ 02/27/08 08:22 PM
Hype Score: 3

I guess i will still have to wait for good baseball game for my DS, oh well.

# 7 ExtremeGamer @ 02/27/08 10:07 AM
Hype Score: 0.5

LOL, that looks TERRIBLE. What a joke.

# 6 Steelerfan2k1 @ 02/27/08 06:43 AM
Hype Score: 1

I'm going to need some serious convincing before this gets on my radar screen.

# 5 RedLine @ 02/27/08 01:51 AM
Hype Score: 4.5

Interesting ballparks for sure...

# 4 Gennataos @ 02/27/08 12:33 AM
Hype Score: 7

Baseball on the DS....I need something on my handheld.

# 3 Steve_OS @ 02/27/08 12:13 AM
Hype Score: 5

Not many good sports games at all on the DS. I'll keep my fingers crossed.


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