
NHL 08 News, Strategy Guides, Screenshots & Videos


  NHL 08
Xbox 360
Oct 05, 2007

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  NHL 08
Xbox 360
Apr 08, 2008

Sep 04, 2007
Sep 10, 2007
Oct 18, 2007
Oct 28, 2007
Nov 01, 2007

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Reader Score
NHL 08 currently has an average Reader Score of 9/10.
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# 5 ExtremeGamer @ 02/24/08 10:25 AM
Reader Score: 9

An amazing game all around.

# 4 Brandon 2006 @ 02/24/08 03:06 AM
Reader Score: 9

The best hockey game ever made. It still needs some work in the presentation department and the gameplay could be better. If it does that in 09, it is a 10.

# 3 thmst30 @ 02/23/08 06:58 PM
Reader Score: 9.5

SOOOOO close to hockey perfection, just a few things and a couple of glitches keeping it from a 10.

# 2 aukevin @ 02/23/08 02:56 PM
Reader Score: 8.5

First off let me say I am not a hockey fan, so I couldn't get into this game long term, but I will say this game played great. The fluid movements of the players was wonderful and the shot stick mechanics are very well done. This plays a great game of hockey. The biggest issue I had with the game was the load times. On a PS3, the sticky menus and long delays when loading was a bit concerning, but nothing hampered the actual playing of the games.

# 1 Jonesey @ 02/23/08 01:29 PM
Reader Score: 7.5

Graphics - Nearly flawless, still some transparency issues, as well as sticks through bodies, nets, boards. The goalies could also use more animations, and the hipcheck animation is too repetitive. Score = B+

Gameplay - When I first got the game, I thought to myself, wow, best sim hockey I've ever played. I still feel that way, but the more I play, the more frustrated I get. On Pro, I score double digits, on Super Star, I am lucky to score 2 and I have to get fluke goals to score every time. There are no breakaways, and I cannot pull off a single player deke to save my live on SS. More sliders are needed, as well as Human/CPU sliders. Score = B

Presentation - How come NHL games on Sega had more presentation than this year's version? No Pregame show, cutscenes are lame, PS2 users are told how many goals a player that scored has on the season, but 360 users don't? Doesn't make sense to me. Also, out of town highlights and an intermission show would be impressive. More locker room scenes or adjustments would be nice. Also, dynamic crowds would be nice. If I'm at home and I score, have them react. Please. Score = C

Franchise - I'll admit, I haven't played an entire season yet, but that's because I am so frustrated with the Franchise, I quit. I hate not being able to trade or cut people, or simply not resign them. Terrible EA, you really dropped the ball here. Score = D

Even with the bad letter grades, I still love the game, and it gets more play than any other 360 game I've owned.

Here's looking to 2009. Come on Littman, wow us.


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