
NBA Live 15 News, Strategy Guides, Screenshots & Videos

Dec 23, 2014
Nov 28, 2014
Oct 21, 2014
Apr 11, 2014

Oct 31, 2014

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Xbox One
Dec 22, 2014
May 28, 2015


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Reader Score
NBA Live 15 currently has an average Reader Score of 6/10.
Vote Now to contribute to this score. Before NBA Live 15 was released, 45 OS members voted and gave it a Hype Score of 5.5/10.
# 18 LordLamont @ 09/03/14 08:49 PM
Hype Score: 7

2 K fanboys giving it a 1 really? honestly the only reason live fell off was because they got complacent in the past. 2k was selling they game for 19.99 then 39.99 live was putting out trash now they finally making great progress and these 2k stans hate real talk I was a 2k fan but they putting out complacent things as well. Honestly live look better this year and the players body types are spot on 2k looks amazing but the players are 2 skinny shaq looks like cookie monster and wow the added dance team whoop to f-ing do I bet its not sim I bet player shorts glitch i bet you can play D and still get dunked on I bet the passing is still dumb and slow I bet association still is dead on next gen and that B.S. VC crap. Why do people not like comp I hope live blows 2k away ps all u fan boys for 2k can eat a dick that is all.

# 17 Beastly Wayz @ 09/03/14 01:07 PM
Hype Score: 4

With all due respect to EA, I think the Live series needs to perform well or the should stop making it. I personally don't care about how the shoes or arenas look. I want superb gameplay. I want to be able to play the game and feel the action. It looks to have some promise, but it's EA, and somehow they always seem to disappoint.

# 16 Neerghal @ 09/03/14 12:18 PM
Hype Score: 7

Hype level definitely raised after the watching the trailer.

# 15 wisdom @ 09/03/14 02:39 AM
Hype Score: 8


# 14 grodbetatted @ 09/02/14 07:00 PM
Hype Score: 10


# 13 Lisac @ 09/02/14 06:18 PM
Hype Score: 8

2k looks the same to me and visual Live looks better- for me comes down to gameplay. If 2k tuned down the dunkfest and stepped up the help D I'm in. If not Live will be my choice this year!

# 12 willh313 @ 09/02/14 04:27 PM
Hype Score: 7

Not bad....Not ready to say it will be great...but at least an effort is there so far....

# 11 sscoville.com @ 09/02/14 02:06 PM
Hype Score: 8

They've got their work cut out for them but they are coming back.

# 10 thagrandson @ 08/31/14 06:12 PM
Hype Score: 1

Its obvious this game is gonna suck. These guys are years away from putting anything in the same arena with NBA2K.................................

# 9 TheRealMrRager_ @ 08/28/14 02:56 PM
Hype Score: 3

They should just stop lol