
Gameplay Version Tuner

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Old 11-30-2021, 09:35 AM   #1
tcnumba10's Arena
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Gameplay Version Tuner

I got NHL 22 last week and have been playing it almost everyday since. At first I was satisfied with the gameplay and “changes” but the more I played, the more I got better at it and the more it reminded me of NHL 21 besides the graphical “glossy” changes.

Unfortunately I did not experience NHL 22 before the big patch came out but I from what I can tell, a lot of ppl feel that NHL 22 plays like 21 post patch now?

Has anyone tried changing the Gameplay Version Tuner to the older one to see if the game plays like it did out of the box?
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Old 12-01-2021, 01:10 AM   #2
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Re: Gameplay Version Tuner


I can confirm, that changing the gameplay version back to 1.00 has had a huge impact to the gameplay. I just did it a few days ago and have been very happy (i play only offline of course). Please try and report if your findings are similar to mine.
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Old 12-01-2021, 06:28 AM   #3
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Re: Gameplay Version Tuner

And as an addition to my previous post, I have the november patch installed.
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Old 12-01-2021, 06:58 AM   #4
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Re: Gameplay Version Tuner

Originally Posted by jarrett1971
And as an addition to my previous post, I have the november patch installed.
Are you telling us, that 1.00 plays different than "latest"? This would be EA logic at its best.

Last edited by Sauce12; 12-01-2021 at 07:04 AM.
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Old 12-01-2021, 02:09 PM   #5
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Re: Gameplay Version Tuner

Hiya Jarett....What notable differences are you seeing in the game play?
Thanks buddy
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Old 12-01-2021, 02:46 PM   #6
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Re: Gameplay Version Tuner

Hi Johnny, I like the offline gameplay to be slow or at least slowish, and with the latest tuner update it has been very hard to achieve. With the game speed set to 0 or 1, the game speed has also been very inconsistent. The game speed for example accelerates considerably every time before an upcoming penalty (you can actually tell there is a penalty coming up just from the suddenly increased game speed, which is ridiculous in many different ways -the players are flying all over the rink as they were weightless) and at the last few minutes of the periods. This speed glitch has happened to me (and as I have read, also others) with the previous NHL games, 19, 20 and 21 at times, so nothing new here, but with 22 it didn't happen at first so that's why it has been even more frustrating.

This too fast and inconsistent game speed basically ruined the experience for me, so when someone at this forum recommended trying to change the gameplay version back to 1.00 I decided to take a shot. For my surprise, it made a big difference. The game speed is now considerably slower (as I remember it was when I first got the game), the players don't feel weightless and the game speed is very consistent. I can achieve a nice slowish gameplay with gamespeed set to 3 and just reducing the skating speed. I have now played 10 games with my Dallas Stars season, and haven't had any issues.The game plays very nice with my slider settings and it has been a blast.

I don't quite understand how the EA update system works, because as I mentioned earlier, I have both the November batch and the gameplay tuner installed. Changing the gameplay version can't possibly reset the November update patch (or can it?), but if I'm not totally delusional it resets the gameplay tuner update -or at least does something to it. It would be nice to hear from your findings, if you decide to try the version 1.00 also.

Regards, Jyrki
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Old 12-01-2021, 03:16 PM   #7
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Re: Gameplay Version Tuner

Originally Posted by jarrett1971
Hi Johnny, I like the offline gameplay to be slow or at least slowish, and with the latest tuner update it has been very hard to achieve. With the game speed set to 0 or 1, the game speed has also been very inconsistent. The game speed for example accelerates considerably every time before an upcoming penalty (you can actually tell there is a penalty coming up just from the suddenly increased game speed, which is ridiculous in many different ways -the players are flying all over the rink as they were weightless) and at the last few minutes of the periods. This speed glitch has happened to me (and as I have read, also others) with the previous NHL games, 19, 20 and 21 at times, so nothing new here, but with 22 it didn't happen at first so that's why it has been even more frustrating.

This too fast and inconsistent game speed basically ruined the experience for me, so when someone at this forum recommended trying to change the gameplay version back to 1.00 I decided to take a shot. For my surprise, it made a big difference. The game speed is now considerably slower (as I remember it was when I first got the game), the players don't feel weightless and the game speed is very consistent. I can achieve a nice slowish gameplay with gamespeed set to 3 and just reducing the skating speed. I have now played 10 games with my Dallas Stars season, and haven't had any issues.The game plays very nice with my slider settings and it has been a blast.

I don't quite understand how the EA update system works, because as I mentioned earlier, I have both the November batch and the gameplay tuner installed. Changing the gameplay version can't possibly reset the November update patch (or can it?), but if I'm not totally delusional it resets the gameplay tuner update -or at least does something to it. It would be nice to hear from your findings, if you decide to try the version 1.00 also.

Regards, Jyrki
Hello from the UK.
THANK YOU that was a great Post.
I actually only ever play OFF LINE SEASON MODE ---and after 2 months of editing (lowering pretty much every single players attributes)--i enjoyed playing NHL 21 as the Stars (huge Gurianov fan)
I am trying to do the same with NHL 22 (PS4) BUT as pretty much everyone is saying, its one fault after another.
I read your post with great interest.
But didnt the NEW TUNER fix (or part fix) the Goal -loop glitch?
Have you came across it after you reverted back to Tuner 1.0?
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Old 12-01-2021, 03:29 PM   #8
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MizzouRah's Arena
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Re: Gameplay Version Tuner

The newest tuner took out a problem cutscene that was causing the goal loop glitch. I still get that pan to the mascot but it then moves on.
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