
Franchise Mode Discussion Group - NHL22 Slider Set (Superstar - Realistic Stats)

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Old 10-29-2021, 06:15 AM   #1
supersonician's Arena
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Franchise Mode Discussion Group - NHL22 Slider Set (Superstar - Realistic Stats)

Hi all,

thought I'd post on here the slider set we're using in our discord group. The aim here is to create a set which is fun and challenging to play but also creates realistic stats.

Those who know me from the Madden and Fifa groups know I'm an offline franchise mode lover. So for me I want something that sims right and plays right.

I'm really happy to be able to bring you version 2 of our slider set. Many of you DM'd me your thoughts on the first version and I'm hoping this set meets all those requirements.

Rather than post every single number on here I'll drop it as a google sheet to allow you guys to see it, I'll try and drop it as an image as well but it's large!

Google Sheet Doc:

What's New With Version 2.0?
So what's changed I hear you ask, well quite a few small tweaks which in my opinion have helped keep the ferocity of the original slider set but slowed the overall gameplay down a few notches.

Lets go through the main areas:

Period Length 6 Minutes
Huge element of contention within our group and the wider NHL community, my opinion is this, whilst 20 minute periods is clearly the most 'true to life' I like being able to hop through career modes which isn't exactly doable if you're spending 60 minutes a game.

So for me this is a trade off, the key question for me isn't how many minutes is realistic, it's how many minutes with the slider set we've created is needed for accurate stats. I believe with 6 mins we have that.

Game Speed 2/6
This is first change you'll see in an attempt to slow the game down without nerfing the shots the CPU takes.

Was originally 3/6 but I've dropped this and the player acceleration to make it a more realistic speed.

Player Acceleration 60/60 (CPU/HUM)
Down 5 from 65, this again helps stop the game speed feel to arcade like

Shooting- Multiple Changes
Few changes here, most importantly is the reduction in the 'One Timer Accuracy' which goes down to 25

The other change is shot accuracy for both general and slapshot which also reduce by 5 respectively.

Passing- multiple changes
Two changes for passing, first is the reduction of the CPU accuracy to 0 and the second is to drop the bouncing puck receptions to 40

Goalies - multiple changes

Goalies is something I've been tinkering with a lot! But I've found a set up now which creates realistic save percentages but doesn't lead to impossible to score games.

Reaction times for both CPU and HUM have been increased to 55 for cross crease and save reaction times, but NOT deflection.

Like real life I want to make it difficult for goalies to save in traffic and this has allowed that.

It also means the types of goals you and the CPU will score will differ.

Aggression 75/65 (CPU/HUM)

Aggression is next up. This one is vital, increasing this stat really puts pressure on the puck carrier and ensures that the CPU doesn't just let you pass it around without any sort of pressure.

Whilst this won't change the number of shots, I have found increasing this means that the 'time on the attack' numbers become a lot closer

CPU Strategy Adjustment
Last one, and a slider I dont think was in NHL21. CPU strategy adjustment has been in for a few years now and in franchise mode especially is supposed to represent the Head Coach making changes on the fly.

Well now we have a User Strategy Adjustment bar. I've tested it and set at 3/6 it will mean the user teams strategies will change in game.

For example when I played against Ottawa, I went 3-0 up and the CPU toned down the aggressiveness for a more balanced approach. This is fantastic for the Franchise Mode lovers among us as this helps make it feel like your Head Coach is more than just some muppet on the bench.
So that's it, V2.0 is done and I hope you enjoy it.


Enjoy guys and as always feedback is welcomed.

Discord Group - https://discord.gg/gY46PuSnf5
Website - https://theoffensivezone.com/

Last edited by supersonician; 10-31-2021 at 11:42 AM.
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Old 10-29-2021, 08:07 AM   #2
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Re: Franchise Mode Discussion Group - NHL22 Slider Set (Superstar - Realistic Stats)

Originally Posted by supersonician
Hi all,

thought I'd post on here the slider set we're using in our discord group. The aim here is to create a set which is fun and challenging to play but also creates realistic stats.

Those who know me from the Madden and Fifa groups know I'm an offline franchise mode lover. So for me I want something that sims right and plays right.

Rather than writing war and peace on here check out our youtube video which details our V1.0 slider set


Enjoy guys and as always feedback is welcomed.

Discord Group - https://discord.gg/gY46PuSnf5
Website - https://theoffensivezone.com/

Could you post your sliders instead of us having to watch a 20 min video.
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Old 10-29-2021, 01:10 PM   #3
supersonician's Arena
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Re: Franchise Mode Discussion Group - NHL22 Slider Set (Superstar - Realistic Stats)

They’re in the discord group bud, but I’ll do a pdf version over the weekend for here 👍🏻🏒
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Old 10-29-2021, 02:12 PM   #4
supersonician's Arena
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Re: Franchise Mode Discussion Group - NHL22 Slider Set (Superstar - Realistic Stats)

As Requested here is a graphical version of what is discussed on the YouTube Link.


First and foremost before you began editing anything make sure you set the gamestyle to 'COMPETITIVE' as that's the basis for these sliders.

Right lets cover some of the basics:

Franchise Mode Rules
Post whistle rules - authentic
rules - NHL
fighting - 1
icing - hybrid icing
injuries - on
offsides - delayed
penalties - 3
Trapezoid rule - on

Period Length - 6 Minutes
Difficulty - Superstar

Auto scouting - both
Fog of War - ON
Trade Difficulty - Hard
Penalty time scaling - 3
Coincidental penalties - 1

Attribute Effects - keep at 5
Broken Stick Frequency - 35
Game Speed - 3/6 (V1.2) (was originally 2/6)
Fatigue Effect 50
Fatigue Recovery - 50
Injury Occurrence - 50

Back Skating - 50
Hustle Type - Authentic
Puck Carrier Agility - 50
Puck Carrier Skating - 50
Player Acceleration - 60/60 (CPU/HUM)
Skating Speed - 50/50
Skating Agility - 50/50

One Timer Accuracy - 30/30 (CPU/HUM)
Shot Accuracy - 40/40
Shot Power - 50/50
Slap Shot Accuracy - 45/45
Slap Shot Power - 50/50

Manual Passing - ON
Pass Assist - 33
Min Pass Speed - 35
Max Pass Speed - 65
Saucer Pass Speed - 50

Pass Accuracy - 0/50 (CPU/HUM)
Pass Interceptions - 85/85
Pass Reception Ease - 25/25
Reception Reaction Time - 50/50
Puck Control Rating Effect - 50/50
Puck Speed Reception Effect - 50/50
Pickup Type Effect - 50/50
Bouncing Puck Receptions - 45/45

Puck Control - 33/33 (CPU/HUM)
Deking Impact - 20/20
Spin Deke Impact - 50/50
Skating Impact - 0/0

Goalie Cover Frequency - 75
Goalie Passing - 83
Goalie Cross Crease Reaction Time - 55/55 (CPU/HUM)
Goalie Save Reaction Time - 55/55
Goalie Deflection Reaction Time - 50/50
Goalie Screen Effect - 60/60
Goalie Screen Persistence - 60/60

Board Effect Non-puck carrier - 40
Board Effect Puck Carrier - 0
Hitting Assistance - 11
Stumble Threshold - 30
Fall and Stumble Ease - 30
Aggression - 50/50 (CPU/HUM)
Hitting Power - 50/50
Size Effect - 25/25
Speed Effect - 33/33
Checking/Balance Rating Effect - 83/83
Preparedness Effect - 51/51
Incidental Contact Effect - 20/20
Poke Checking Accuracy - 30/30
Poke Checking Power - 50/50
Stick Lift Effectiveness - 50/50

CPU Penalties - 40
CPU Teammate Penalties - 35

the rest of the penalty sliders are at their default ratings except for the below:
Cross Checking - 60/60

Hope you enjoy them and to get involved in the discussion to help develop these further please head over to the discord group.

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Old 10-29-2021, 03:28 PM   #5
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Re: Franchise Mode Discussion Group - NHL22 Slider Set (Superstar - Realistic Stats)

Personally 6 minutes to me is not realistic. 20 minutes would be. But no one wants to try those sliders. I like 14 minutes as TNK has posted those. They play well.
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Old 10-30-2021, 04:54 AM   #6
supersonician's Arena
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Re: Franchise Mode Discussion Group - NHL22 Slider Set (Superstar - Realistic Stats)

That’s your opinion bud and you’re entitled to it. But for me I haven’t got time to sit for 14 per period. 🤷🏼*♂️
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Old 10-30-2021, 08:30 PM   #7
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Re: Franchise Mode Discussion Group - NHL22 Slider Set (Superstar - Realistic Stats)

Originally Posted by supersonician
That’s your opinion bud and you’re entitled to it. But for me I haven’t got time to sit for 14 per period. 🤷🏼*♂️

Oh I get it. I was trying to see what other people thought. I would love a realistic 20 minute one. But none to be found.

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Old 10-30-2021, 09:33 PM   #8
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Re: Franchise Mode Discussion Group - NHL22 Slider Set (Superstar - Realistic Stats)

Originally Posted by supersonician
As Requested here is a graphical version of what is discussed on the YouTube Link.


First and foremost before you began editing anything make sure you set the gamestyle to 'COMPETITIVE' as that's the basis for these sliders.

Right lets cover some of the basics:

Franchise Mode Rules
Post whistle rules - authentic
rules - NHL
fighting - 1
icing - hybrid icing
injuries - on
offsides - delayed
penalties - 3
Trapezoid rule - on

Period Length - 6 Minutes
Difficulty - Superstar

Auto scouting - both
Fog of War - ON
Trade Difficulty - Hard
Penalty time scaling - 3
Coincidental penalties - 1

Attribute Effects - keep at 5
Broken Stick Frequency - 35
Game Speed - 3/6 (V1.2) (was originally 2/6)
Fatigue Effect 50
Fatigue Recovery - 50
Injury Occurrence - 50

Back Skating - 50
Hustle Type - Authentic
Puck Carrier Agility - 50
Puck Carrier Skating - 50
Player Acceleration - 60/60 (CPU/HUM)
Skating Speed - 50/50
Skating Agility - 50/50

One Timer Accuracy - 30/30 (CPU/HUM)
Shot Accuracy - 40/40
Shot Power - 50/50
Slap Shot Accuracy - 45/45
Slap Shot Power - 50/50

Manual Passing - ON
Pass Assist - 33
Min Pass Speed - 35
Max Pass Speed - 65
Saucer Pass Speed - 50

Pass Accuracy - 0/50 (CPU/HUM)
Pass Interceptions - 85/85
Pass Reception Ease - 25/25
Reception Reaction Time - 50/50
Puck Control Rating Effect - 50/50
Puck Speed Reception Effect - 50/50
Pickup Type Effect - 50/50
Bouncing Puck Receptions - 45/45

Puck Control - 33/33 (CPU/HUM)
Deking Impact - 20/20
Spin Deke Impact - 50/50
Skating Impact - 0/0

Goalie Cover Frequency - 75
Goalie Passing - 83
Goalie Cross Crease Reaction Time - 55/55 (CPU/HUM)
Goalie Save Reaction Time - 55/55
Goalie Deflection Reaction Time - 50/50
Goalie Screen Effect - 60/60
Goalie Screen Persistence - 60/60

Board Effect Non-puck carrier - 40
Board Effect Puck Carrier - 0
Hitting Assistance - 11
Stumble Threshold - 30
Fall and Stumble Ease - 30
Aggression - 50/50 (CPU/HUM)
Hitting Power - 50/50
Size Effect - 25/25
Speed Effect - 33/33
Checking/Balance Rating Effect - 83/83
Preparedness Effect - 51/51
Incidental Contact Effect - 20/20
Poke Checking Accuracy - 30/30
Poke Checking Power - 50/50
Stick Lift Effectiveness - 50/50

CPU Penalties - 40
CPU Teammate Penalties - 35

the rest of the penalty sliders are at their default ratings except for the below:
Cross Checking - 60/60

Hope you enjoy them and to get involved in the discussion to help develop these further please head over to the discord group.

These look good ,what is your ai settings and cpu difficulty.
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