09-05-2021, 03:23 PM
Anyone Else Losing Online Franchise Progress?
I'm running into a weird new issue since the patch. I don't see anyone else having this issue, though.
What's happening is I'm playing my online franchise and I get to a certain point, exit the game, and when I come back in later, I get sent back to a point in my franchise that I played 4 or 5 hours ago - I lose so much progress when the game should be autosaving to the EA cloud constantly.
To give an example, in my franchise, it has me in the middle of my draft, year 1. I get all the way to week 3 or 4 the following season, exit the game, get back in to make sure it saved (it does), and then put the game down for a few hours. When I go back in again, I'm back to that same point in the middle of the draft from a few saves ago.
It's such a strange (and frustrating) issue that I've never encountered before. I know there's that offline glitch where you get losses when you won (or vice versa), but I thought online franchise was stable?