
Why Buy The Show 21

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Old 03-03-2021, 10:28 AM   #1
Ranger Fan's Arena
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Why Buy The Show 21

There hasn't been 1 single thing put out that makes me want to go out and buy this years version. Unless you have a PS5 and can get stadium creator it looks like nothing else was added other than cross platform. With the rosters being a mess and the fact the game isn't coming out until the middle of April then why would anyone buy this years version of the show and this comes from someone who has purchased every version since its inception. If there were any other updates then they would have mentioned them by now. As a franchise only player I keep hoping that the basic things can be fixed and yet year after year it is ignored

1. Rotate Inner League schedules ( Simply no excuse on why this hasn't been fixed.
2. Auto base running (Singles on balls hit to the wall, Guys not tagging from 3rd on Fly balls in the gap)
3. Not nearly enough injuries to pitchers. Most are just hurt and still make the next start
4. Progression of rookies suck. A rated prospects are still rated in the 60's 5 years in to a franchise

The Interleague scheduling is mind boggling. Its unreal the graphics on this game but to not pay any attention to something game platforms could do 15 years ago is just pure lazy. To play the same teams year after year because no one in the development team is smart or cares enough to put this simple feature in is ridiculous. Hell just save schedules from the past 4 cycles and put them in the game. There has to be a logical solution. I'm not even going to get in to rain outs and double hitters. Why can games of 15 years ago make this happen but the Show ignores this year after year

Last edited by Ranger Fan; 03-03-2021 at 10:32 AM. Reason: Misspelling
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Old 03-03-2021, 11:02 AM   #2
Archie56's Arena
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Re: Why Buy The Show 21

Originally Posted by Ranger Fan
There hasn't been 1 single thing put out that makes me want to go out and buy this years version. Unless you have a PS5 and can get stadium creator it looks like nothing else was added other than cross platform. With the rosters being a mess and the fact the game isn't coming out until the middle of April then why would anyone buy this years version of the show and this comes from someone who has purchased every version since its inception. If there were any other updates then they would have mentioned them by now. As a franchise only player I keep hoping that the basic things can be fixed and yet year after year it is ignored

1. Rotate Inner League schedules ( Simply no excuse on why this hasn't been fixed.

2. Auto base running (Singles on balls hit to the wall, Guys not tagging from 3rd on Fly balls in the gap)

3. Not nearly enough injuries to pitchers. Most are just hurt and still make the next start

4. Progression of rookies suck. A rated prospects are still rated in the 60's 5 years in to a franchise

The Interleague scheduling is mind boggling. Its unreal the graphics on this game but to not pay any attention to something game platforms could do 15 years ago is just pure lazy. To play the same teams year after year because no one in the development team is smart or cares enough to put this simple feature in is ridiculous. Hell just save schedules from the past 4 cycles and put them in the game. There has to be a logical solution. I'm not even going to get in to rain outs and double hitters. Why can games of 15 years ago make this happen but the Show ignores this year after year
They haven't even gotten into their Twitch streams yet. That's when most of the information gets released. This thread is not going to end well. Also, calling devs lazy in these forums is definitely not a good idea, just sayin.

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Old 03-03-2021, 11:46 AM   #3
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Re: Why Buy The Show 21

I won't be making my final decision about MLBTS 21 until most of the developer streams have been tabled. With that said, things do not look very promising at this time that I will pick up the game. Disclaimer: I do NOT own one of the new next gen consoles and it doesn't look likely that us mere mortals who are not willing to pay grossly inflated scalper prices will get our hands on a new console until the summer of 2021 at the earliest though it could take even much longer due to severe shortage of microchips across the globe.

Yes I am a little curious as to what fielding changes were made this year, but other than that I see nothing in the new game that has been announced so far that has me overly intrigued. Ignore for a second that SDS still has not explained why they want me to kill my various RTTS players created before MLBTS 21 thanks to them turfing y2y carry over saves. Then on top of that the mid to late April release of the game is also rather discouraging seeing as I have already begun Spring Training games for the 2021 season inside of MLBTS 20.

Yes there are plenty of people who have been playing the MLB The Show series longer than yours truly. But I have bought the game every year since MLBTS 12 and right now its not looking very promising that this trend will continue. Only time will tell.

Last edited by My993C2; 03-03-2021 at 11:49 AM.
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Old 03-03-2021, 12:08 PM   #4
The Lama
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Re: Why Buy The Show 21

Originally Posted by My993C2
I won't be making my final decision about MLBTS 21 until most of the developer streams have been tabled. With that said, things do not look very promising at this time that I will pick up the game. Disclaimer: I do NOT own one of the new next gen consoles and it doesn't look likely that us mere mortals who are not willing to pay grossly inflated scalper prices will get our hands on a new console until the summer of 2021 at the earliest though it could take even much longer due to severe shortage of microchips across the globe.

Yes I am a little curious as to what fielding changes were made this year, but other than that I see nothing in the new game that has been announced so far that has me overly intrigued. Ignore for a second that SDS still has not explained why they want me to kill my various RTTS players created before MLBTS 21 thanks to them turfing y2y carry over saves. Then on top of that the mid to late April release of the game is also rather discouraging seeing as I have already begun Spring Training games for the 2021 season inside of MLBTS 20.

Yes there are plenty of people who have been playing the MLB The Show series longer than yours truly. But I have bought the game every year since MLBTS 12 and right now its not looking very promising that this trend will continue. Only time will tell.

Your not alone. Turfing Y2Y made
My decision very easy.

The only caveat is if the roster import feature is still in for PS4. If so....and gameplay is as stellar as 20, I can see myself picking it up later in the year to play all my classic rosters on and even start a new Bacon Fictional franchise and 1980’s Strat-O-Matic fantasy draft chise.

But I am not very encouraged it will still be there.

I wish someone from SDS would simply confirm if the roster import feature is still in.

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Old 03-03-2021, 12:36 PM   #5
Archie56's Arena
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Re: Why Buy The Show 21

Originally Posted by My993C2
Then on top of that the mid to late April release of the game is also rather discouraging seeing as I have already begun Spring Training games for the 2021 season inside of MLBTS 20.
It's funny you mention that bc I remember people sometimes complaining about the game releasing earlier in March bc they had to wait to get their franchises going since opening day rosters weren't out yet. And now I've seen several people complain about the mid April release date. It just goes to show not everyone can be pleased and we just gotta take what we can get. Also, I meant this all in a general sense, wasn't attacking your post so I hope you don't take it that way.

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Old 03-03-2021, 01:14 PM   #6
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Re: Why Buy The Show 21

Originally Posted by Archie56
It's funny you mention that bc I remember people sometimes complaining about the game releasing earlier in March bc they had to wait to get their franchises going since opening day rosters weren't out yet. And now I've seen several people complain about the mid April release date. It just goes to show not everyone can be pleased and we just gotta take what we can get. Also, I meant this all in a general sense, wasn't attacking your post so I hope you don't take it that way.
For franchise folks, in the past it made sense to wait since many of them want the OSFM rosters to be finalized before they began a new franchise. But I am not a pure franchise player. I am more of a season mode player where all I really cared about is one single season and where I attempt to emulate the schedule of the real world teams. Ideally for me the game would release sometime during the real world Spring Training and I would be ready to jump into the season once April rolled around. Plus with my RTTS players, following the real world calendar was always desired as well.

So yes, different folks play the game differently and no offense is taken from your post. There is one good thing SDS has done as they do provide many different ways to play this fine game of theirs. Obviously RTTS and DD attract most people, but how many people out there (when time permits) like to play full presentation RTTS games (or player-lock franchise games) where every batter bats in a game not just the player you control. I am one of those rare breeds who actually enjoys playing this way.

Last edited by My993C2; 03-03-2021 at 01:21 PM.
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Old 03-03-2021, 01:20 PM   #7
Therebelyell626's Arena
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Re: Why Buy The Show 21

Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
Your not alone. Turfing Y2Y made
My decision very easy.

The only caveat is if the roster import feature is still in for PS4. If so....and gameplay is as stellar as 20, I can see myself picking it up later in the year to play all my classic rosters on and even start a new Bacon Fictional franchise and 1980’s Strat-O-Matic fantasy draft chise.

But I am not very encouraged it will still be there.

I wish someone from SDS would simply confirm if the roster import feature is still in.

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Shoot man. If armor is thinking about sitting the year out, you KNOW the news has been underwhelming lol.

I am leaning towards a skip this year as well. I have picked up every edition on day 1 since ‘06. I just don’t feel the urge this year. The late release also has killed my motivation, as my favorite time to delve into my franchise is during tea life spring training when I can make my own roster decisions and see how they coincide with the real Angels.
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Old 03-03-2021, 01:30 PM   #8
The Lama
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Re: Why Buy The Show 21

Originally Posted by Therebelyell626
Shoot man. If armor is thinking about sitting the year out, you KNOW the news has been underwhelming lol.

I am leaning towards a skip this year as well. I have picked up every edition on day 1 since ‘06. I just don’t feel the urge this year. The late release also has killed my motivation, as my favorite time to delve into my franchise is during tea life spring training when I can make my own roster decisions and see how they coincide with the real Angels.

It is a bummer for me. I love this time of year not only because Spring training is here, but I was always excited gearing up for MLB The Show’s release.

I am clinging by a fingernail to the hope that the roster import option is still available for the PS4 version of the game.


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