
Denials are not responsive and you can't chain combos to takedowns

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Old 02-28-2021, 06:00 PM   #1
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Denials are not responsive and you can't chain combos to takedowns

I sat down the other day and played all the ufcs. All of them have vast improvements over the last. But there does seem to be a loss in responsiveness.

UFC 2 had very responsive denials. I attribute this to the denial windows. But what do I know😂. But when players transitioned I wasn't constantly questioning my reaction time. It made sense. I can understand side control needing a nerf. But each time I strike they receiving full ga makes no sense.

The same goes for top mount. Its very hard to deny in top mount even with full ga. Posture up is hard to deny. And when you do posture up its to easy to be swept and there's no impact momente and its hard to get damage off.

UFC 3 had slightly more responsive denials then 4 but less then UFC 2. But it had undeniable takedowns that required skill to get and you could effortlessly combo into a takedown or clinch attempts. In UFC 2 and UFC 3 you could get a takedown off of a hit stun much easier. These concepts seem virtually non existent in UFC 4 unless its off a jab. The jab is the only thing you can combo into a takedown from. In the clinch it feels like the same story.

I do enjoy the chain wrestling even if I don't understand some aspects like the turns and chaining into power singles and doubles and backturns. I just think the game needs a few slight tweaks to be legendary. I enjoy the career mode. The only thing it needs is interactive press conferences pre and post fight.
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Old 02-28-2021, 07:21 PM   #2
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Re: Denials are not responsive and you can't chain combos to takedowns

Didn’t read the whole thing, just read the title and immediately agreed, liked your post, and came to reiterate how crucial this is.

Going from a punch to a takedown attempt should be no less fluid than going from a punch to another punch.

As it is now, there is a clear, definitive, obvious pause between a combination and a takedown attempt *(with one partial exception, see below)*. It should not be that way.

The takedown system in the game right now only allows for reactive, or “opportunistic” shots. Think GSP, old school Mendes, Alexander Gustafson. Basically, you need to be patient, setting it up with movement and defense... then you try to time the shot right as the opportunity presents itself.

Now there’s nothing wrong with this - it’s a realistic strategy and I believe it’s reflected quite well in-game.

The problem is that this is NOT the only strategy fighters adhere by. A massive part of offensive wrestling - and thus the MMA gameplay as a whole - is totally missing.

**The most fluid strike —> TD sequence in the game right now is the jab to power single leg (basically just throw the jab - lead body hook combo, but hold the input for the body hook). Ironically, the fastest sequence into a TD is actually a power TD. Go figure.
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Old 03-01-2021, 05:55 AM   #3
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Re: Denials are not responsive and you can't chain combos to takedowns

I know some of the GCs have advocated for combos into takedowns .

I have no doubt that it will be added in time.

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Old 03-01-2021, 10:42 AM   #4
MeowingForVengeance's Arena
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Re: Denials are not responsive and you can't chain combos to takedowns

I've also been feeling like denials are very unresponsive. I don't have the greatest reflexes, so I expect to be late on some, but I have a much harder time denying grapple transitions than I did in UFC 3.

Nothing wrong with my controller, and I play on a gaming monitor with 1ms response time, so it's not TV lag or whatever the proper term is. But I have been playing on PS4 and thus have been stuck at 30fps.

Getting a Series S in a couple days and hoping 60fps animations will help at least make transitions easier to see and deny, but I understand the game's not going to run at a 'true' 60fps.
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Old 03-02-2021, 12:42 AM   #5
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Re: Denials are not responsive and you can't chain combos to takedowns

Grappling is simply unplayable if you’re on the original PS4/Xbox. In ufc 3 I could just about manage without the PS4 pro and 1ms monitor. I could still get into the top 100 but this game makes it impossible to grapple without it.

Even with the monitor and PS5/PS4 pro you still have to be pretty quick when denying posture ups and denying some takedowns. Some takedowns are unstoppable if it’s from a good wrestler even without grapple advantage as well.
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Old 03-08-2021, 06:10 PM   #6
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Re: Denials are not responsive and you can't chain combos to takedowns

With how well the devs responded before I hope this would have garnered a response too. Still - great job guys.
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Old 03-13-2021, 08:55 PM   #7
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Re: Denials are not responsive and you can't chain combos to takedowns

I think the issue is largely the new control scheme.
1. They mapped Takedowns to a strike, which in itself is limiting to setting up TD’s with strikes.
2. It’s also a button hold, which delays the TD attempt.

These decisions are completely baffling to me. It’s not near impossible to time a TD in between your opponents combos as in UFC 2 & 3. Fixing these alone would go a long way to dealing with the endless stamina pressure fighter meta.

TD’s are mainly effective when out of range in this game.
I wish they’d give us the option to remap the takedown to the Dpad or something else.
A legacy option for TD’s & TD defence would be great.
But even if that was fixed, we’d just have easier access to the horrible ground game which needs complete rework
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Old 03-14-2021, 05:45 AM   #8
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Re: Denials are not responsive and you can't chain combos to takedowns

Originally Posted by ryangil23
Grappling is simply unplayable if you’re on the original PS4/Xbox. In ufc 3 I could just about manage without the PS4 pro and 1ms monitor. I could still get into the top 100 but this game makes it impossible to grapple without it.

Even with the monitor and PS5/PS4 pro you still have to be pretty quick when denying posture ups and denying some takedowns. Some takedowns are unstoppable if it’s from a good wrestler even without grapple advantage as well.
I’m 80 in the world on quick fight with 2800 wins in 3200 fights but if I face someone with a monitor they can deny every single fake and transition I attempt. It makes me not want to play ranked because I know I’ll lose to serious players with monitors. It sucks because I use my Xbox to watch Netflix and movies in my living room so I don’t wanna move my Xbox just for this game.
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