
"Rising from the Reckage: Ryan Blacwood's Journey" (An NCAA14 Coaching Dynasty)

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Old 02-07-2021, 02:25 AM   #1
tsallen89's Arena
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"Rising from the Reckage: Ryan Blacwood's Journey" (An NCAA14 Coaching Dynasty)

Hey everyone, I've recently gotten the old PS3 out of the garage and thanks to the awesome crew at CFB Revamped, I've been spending quite a bit of time playing some NCAA 14. I've got a Mac, so at least for now I won't be able to implement the playoff.

Going with the updated conference realignment as of 2020. As the Dynasty progresses there may be some team movement. I don't have great technology or time to upload much gameplay footage, so this is going to be more story driven than anything else.

As for house rules: May only actually play 1 game per year. (I'll make sure to note what game I play). Heisman difficulty. 9 minute quarters. Can't remember who I got the sliders from but someone on the forums.

I'll do my best to keep this thing going pretty regularly, but with 2 kids and my family about to move across the country for work, there may be some dead time here and there.

Anyway, hope y'all enjoy this attempt of mine.



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Old 02-07-2021, 02:25 AM   #2
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Re: "Rising from the Reckage: Ryan Blacwood's Journey" (An NCAA14 Coaching Dynasty)

Tuesday July 30th, 2019
Habitat for Humanity Offices
Kansas City, KS

Sitting at his desk on a regular Tuesday, Ryan Blacwood had no idea that his life was about to change. The 30 year old husband to Molly (Jamison) Blacwood and Dad to 22 month old Macy and 4 month old RJ was enjoying a fairly successful and normal midwestern life. Ryan loved his job working for Habitat for Humanity KC.

Ryan had just gotten into the office after dropping off Macy at daycare and was responding to emails while absentmindedly scrolling through the OperationSports.com forums when his phone rang with a call that would change everything.

"That's weird," Ryan thought to himself. "Why is Frank calling me from his cell phone. Isn't he supposed to be on Patrol right now? Well, maybe he's taking his coffee break and wants to talk some smack about how his Jayhawks are FINALLY going to beat my Wildcats this year since they convinced Les Miles to come be their head coach."

"Five-O Frankie, shouldn't you be out looking for broken tail-lights and grannies going 35 in 25's?"

Frankie quickly cut him off.

"Ryan, I don't know how to tell you this, but there's been an accident. Molly and RJ are being life-flighted to Saint Luke's. Ry, it doesn't look good."

July 30th, 2019
Saint Luke's Hospital waiting room
Kansas City, KS

"Yes ma, I'll let you know as soon as I know anything else. There's a 20 on the nightstand. Take Macy to McDonalds and get her a happy meal. Remember, she will ask for 'Orange Sauce' but she won't actually eat anything with Buffalo sauce since it's too hot for her. Yeah, Frank is here and so are Molly's parents. We're doing the best we can Mom. Tell Mace I love her. Yeah, I got a candy bar from the vending machine. I'm ok mom. Hey ma. Ma...MOM! I've got to go, the Dr. is coming over here."

In his disoriented and emotionally drained state, Ryan didn't notice the almost imperceptible nod the Dr. gave to Frank. Ryan also didn't feel his best friend's hand prepare to catch him. Thankfully Sergeant Franklin Jamison's years of experience on the force kicked in and he was able to focus on being there for his brother-in-law Ryan as the doctor delivered the news about his sister and nephew.

"Mr. Blacwood, I don't know how to tell you this...



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Old 02-07-2021, 03:03 AM   #3
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Re: "Rising from the Reckage: Ryan Blacwood's Journey" (An NCAA14 Coaching Dynasty)

Thursday August 8th, 2019
Blacwood Residence
Overland Park, KS

Ryan still couldn't believe everything that had happened in the last week. The worst part was the constant stream of questions running through his mind.

How can one split-second decision change everything?
Couldn't the $@#@!%d driving that semi have put his phone on do not disturb? Why did Molly have to take little RJ for his doctor's appointment that day when Ryan had meetings scheduled instead of letting him drive them like he had to every other check-up?
How do you tell your almost 2 year old that Mommy and Brother aren't coming back?
How do you do her hair in something other than a ponytail?
What was the Netflix password?
How is the rest of the world getting back to normal when Ryan's life was stuck in a loop of pain, tears, and questions?

Thank God that Molly had been working at that insurance office. Ryan had kind of laughed at Molly making him sit down and create an "in-case of emergency file" when Macy was born and then updating it after RJ turned a month old.

When Molly had told him to go back to the house after they dropped the kids off at Uncle Frank and Aunt Britney's house, Ryan sure had expected something alot different than He and Molly updating their "awful files" as she had called them. He couldn't help but allow a small smile to creep across his face as he re-read Molly's last letter and thought about that "date-night" of frozen pizza and funeral planning that now served as a bittersweet reminder and a beautiful gift from his bride of almost 9 years.

They'd gotten married young. Just babies who couldn't imagine spending any more time apart. Both of them had decided to put their dreams on hold as they worked to build their lives and then their family. Molly's dream of making a living as a travel photographer was replaced by working at the insurance agency and watching hundreds of hours of the travel channel. Ryan's dream of coaching football had been replaced by the desk job working for Habitat for Humanity and late night NCAA Football marathons on his Ps3. When the kids came along they were happy, in almost no debt, and enjoying their slice of the American Dream. They'd do their best to help each other experience at least small pieces of their dreams.

Ryan would accompany Molly on trips to insurance conventions. They'd go a few days early and stay a couple days late so she could get her travel fix. After Molly set up her brother Frank with her coworker Britney, they too would sometimes join the Blacwoods on these "bonus trips", as Molly called them.
When it was time for vacation, Ryan would follow Molly along, lugging the camera bag full of lenses so she could capture the "perfect shot."

Molly would watch football with Ryan, cheer him on as he invested hours into computer generated recruits on his playstation and pull up houses online when he was offered virtual coaching jobs. She also used her charm to get him real-world coaching opportunities at local middle and high schools when coaches (or more often their wives) came into the insurance office she worked at to update their policies.

"Well Frankie, I think that's the last letter. Thanks for being here with me man, I sure appreciate it," Ryan said to his brother-in-law and best friend as they finished off the leftover pizza from last night.

"Of course bro," Frank replied. "Molly was my little sister and I was so happy she found you. Even if you are a Wildcat fan. I can't imagine what you're going through buddy. I want you to know that Brit and I are always here for you and Macy. When you need some time, let us know and we can have her over for a while. Don't try to do this on your own, you've got people that love ya brother."

"Thanks Frank," Ryan responded. "I just don't think I can go back to that office. My job is great, but I can't sit at that desk again man. It just takes me to the call. I'm not sure what I can do. We had that life insurance policy, but after paying off the expenses and putting back a portion for Macy's college fund, I'm going to need to find something.

Just then Frank's phone rang.

"Hey Brit, yeah I'm here with Ryan. What? Are you sure?!?! Wow. That's crazy. Ok, we will be right over."

Frank looked at Ryan. "Hey dude, Brit just got out of a meeting with Mr. Rickson She says you need to get to the office right now. Rickson had his IT guy go through Molly's work computer and the policies she'd been working on. It seems like my sister may have one more thing to say to you.



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Old 02-07-2021, 03:29 AM   #4
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More Questions than Answers

Thursday August 8th, 2019
Rickson Insurance Agency
Kansas City, MO

"Ryan, I'm so sorry to call you down here on such short notice. Once again, I am so sorry for your loss. Molly was a great young lady. Not many people start here as temps and work their way up, but she had that special something. I really am going to miss her. I understand you've set up a trust for your daughter's college fund. Everyone here has chipped in a little. I talked to the Senior Partners and we decided to match what was given, I know it can never replace your wife and son, but I'd to give you this check to help take care of your little girl."

For yet another time in the past week, Ryan very quickly got woozy and had to take a quick seat.

"Mr. Rickson, are you sure?" Ryan asked quizzically. Rickson nodded. Ryan showed the check to Frank. "Are you serious? Frank asked emphatically. "That's 50-grand. He shouted. Disrupting everyone in the office.

Ryan was stunned. Rickson wasn't unkind or a bad boss, Molly really enjoyed working for Rickson, but for him to give a gift of this magnitude was far from ordinary.

"Mr. Rickson, I am extremely grateful. Thank you so much. This will help my little girl so much. I don't know how to thank you for helping us. Molly would be so incredibly appreciative of you helping her take care of Macy. That being said, this isn't exactly urgent. Was there anything else that I needed to be here today for? Ryan asked.

Rickson nodded. "Yes son, there is. As you know I trusted Molly with some substantial clients. I also gave her leeway to work on some side projects without keeping close tabs. As our techs were going through her computer we found a couple things in a password protected folder. The techs were able to get into it and found a couple work things that were of the utmost confidentiality. They also found a letter for you.

I want you to know that once we realized what was found we stopped reading it. Myself and our tech only read a couple lines and then had Britney call you. So, I want you to take the time to read it. I hope you understand that due to the other sensitive things on the computer the letter must be read on the premises. Please help yourself to the conference room. Let me know when you're done and I'd like to discuss one more thing with you. Take all the time you need. I'll be in my office. Please have Mrs. Jamison summon me when you're ready." With that Rickson handed Ryan the letter and then walked away.

Ryan stood there cemented to the floor for what seemed like an eternity. Clutching this unexpected communication from his wife. Knowing that barring any other surprises, these would be the last words Molly ever "spoke" to him.

Dear Ryan,



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Last edited by tsallen89; 02-11-2021 at 02:00 AM.
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Old 02-11-2021, 01:55 AM   #5
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Re: "Rising from the Reckage: Ryan Blacwood's Journey" (An NCAA14 Coaching Dynasty)

Dear Ryan,

I want you to know how much I love you. If you're reading this, I hope somehow you can feel my eternal love for you even though I won't be there with you. I pray that you and the babies are ok. Know that you are the BEST dad in the world and as I write these words praying you never read them, I am fully confident in the dad to our precious kids that you are. Whatever the circumstances, don't let you heart get bitter. I have loved watching you raise our little girl to love Paw Patrol and proper pass protection . I know that our second baby can't wait to meet you soon and I can't wait to see you raise him or her with that same love and care.

You've got a great support system. Lean on them as you begin to let me go. I am so sorry that I won't be there with you to watch our little ones grow or to see you achieve all your dreams. Being your partner has been the best blessing of my life. You have sacrificed so much for our family. Now that I'm gone, I want you to live out your dreams and give our kiddos all the best parts of the world.

As I've been getting more and more pregnant with baby number 2, Mr. Rickson has been encouraging me to get an additional catastrophic loss policy. I hope you don't mind, but I went ahead and signed up for one today. It was fairly cheap since we are both in good health. I hope we never need it, but I couldn't live with myself if something happened and I hadn't done everything possible to set you and our kids up financially. In the event of my death the policy will convert into a trust that will hopefully set you up for the next few years.

It won't make you a millionaire or anything like that, but it will help you reach your dreams. You've always done everything to help me reach mine. You're my favorite "camera guy". I love you Ry, so if you're reading this you HAVE to answer my last request: LIVE Seriously RYAN. LIVE use the money from this policy. Quit your job. Take the kids and pursue your goal. This policy will pay you out $100,000 a year for 5 years. It will also give you a one-time payment of $150,000 to buy a home and a vehicle. I hate to do this to you, but I know you'd never take this opportunity without a push, so the policy will only pay out after the first year if you meet the requirement of being a coach in college football. This is your chance for a new adventure with our family. Give it your all and I KNOW you will succeed.

Ry, you’ve always made everyone else’s dreams come true, now it’s time to pursue yours, SO GO FOR IT. You’ve got a chance to be a college football coach. In my “last letter” to Brit, I asked her to send your resume (and a letter from my emergency file) to her cousin Danny Gonzales. He’s a college football coach and I just know after meeting you, he will help you find a role.

There’s so much more I want to say, know that my love for you will never fade. Please keep living Ryan. You have more than my permission to keep living, you have it as my last request. Don’t let the light go out in your eyes. I see that light when you look at me and our kids and when you’re coaching your boys. I believe in you so much. I’m so sorry I won’t be there to watch you coach, but know that I’m looking down cheering you on. Make sure you teach our kids to love football and love taking pictures

All my love now and forever




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Old 02-11-2021, 02:15 AM   #6
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Re: "Rising from the Reckage: Ryan Blacwood's Journey" (An NCAA14 Coaching Dynasty)

After reading and re-reading the letter a few times, Ryan passed it on to the others in the room. While they read it, time seemed to stand still. Ryan's mind continued to think about the words he had read.

Quit my job and try to be a college football coach?
500grand over five years?
Danny Gonzales, as in the DC at Arizona State?
How do I explain to everyone that I'm quitting to try to coach football?
How can I take care of Macy and be a college football coach?
500 grand is a Half a million dollars. That could set us up for life.
I could offer to coach for nothing...

Sitting in that office, Ryan couldn't stop shaking his head in wonder at this amazing final gift his bride had left behind. He even allowed the hint of a smile to creep across his face. Molly had once again surprised him. She knew he'd never take this kind of a chance, especially with Macy depending on him. So, Molly had done it for him, much like that push she gave him to start helping out at the high school. She was pushing him to step out of his comfort zone and in to something new.

At some point after everyone had read the letter, Mr. Rickson came back into the conference room and handed Ryan a check for $100,000. Rickson also gave Ryan a document with the stipulations for the one time payment and the payments in the years to come. Mr. Rickson then took his turn reading Molly's letter.

After coming to the end of the letter, Mr. Rickson's booming chuckle got everyone's attention.

"Well Ryan," Rickson began, "That wife of yours sure was a special young lady. I know she wanted you to meet your goals and I'm certain she'd want that beautiful little carbon copy of her to see her daddy make her momma proud. I don't know this Danny Gonzales personally, but I understand he's currently on the staff at Arizona State and I do have some clients who sure enjoy snow-birding out that direction. Let me make some calls and get back to you in a couple of days. Also, please know that you'll always have a place here. Molly will be forever missed. If there's anything else I can do to help you or little Macy, don't hesitate to ask."



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Old 02-11-2021, 02:45 AM   #7
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Re: "Rising from the Reckage: Ryan Blacwood's Journey" (An NCAA14 Coaching Dynasty)

Monday August 19th, 2019
Love's Travel Plaza
Dodge City, KS

Ryan Blacwood still couldn't believe what was happening. This last month had run the gamut of emotions. The utter depths of losing Molly and RJ on one end and the crazy highs of Molly's last gift and how he was now looking at the opportunity to follow his dream of coaching college football.

As he was gassing up the RV, Ryan laughed as he listened to Frankie and Britney trying to help Macy get Paw Patrol to play on her iPad. Ryan was so glad that the stipulations for using the blessing of Molly's extra insurance policy didn't specify that the "house" couldn't be on wheels. In fact, Mr. Rickson had thought buying an RV was a great investment for Arizona State University's newest offensive quality control coach.

Ryan once again offered up a quick prayer of thanks. He knew that somehow in some way Molly was pulling unforeseen strings for him. Reaching out to Danny Gonzales had gone great. ASU had space for one more coach but no money left in the budget. When Ryan offered to pay his own way Danny and ASU head coach Herm Edwards gladly brought "Coach Blacwood" on to the staff.

Sure he'd be fairly low on the organizational chart, but Ryan's foot was in the door. Macy jumping on the skype interview definitely didn't hurt things either. Ryan had yet to find anyone who didn't fall under his baby girl's charming personality.

Frank and Britney were excited for Ryan's new adventure but also quite sad to see little Macy go. They had generously offered to go along for the ride as part of this new adventure team. They still couldn't believe that Ryan was going to be a part of a division one football coaching staff. Their worries about Macy's childcare arrangements were quickly reassured when they learned that the coach's wives had arranged for part of the football offices to include a daycare for the youngest members of the "ASU Family."

As for Ryan, he was all over the place. Excited about the opportunity. Terrified he was making a huge mistake. Still dealing with the pain in his heart that was always in the back of his mind, and so incredibly thankful that he'd married an amazing woman who loved making detailed plans.

He had made a promise to Molly's memory and to himself that he would give it everything he had to reach his goals. He also promised to give it 5 years and then go back to a regular job if things didn't work out. In 5 years Macy would be 7, still young enough to jump in and make new friends at school.

As he finished topping off the RV's gas tank and making sure his Blue (Molly's favorite color) FJ Cruiser was secured in the correct towing position at the back of the RV; Ryan took a deep breath, smiled, and looked at the western horizon.

"It's go time..."



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Old 02-11-2021, 02:03 PM   #8
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Re: "Rising from the Reckage: Ryan Blacwood's Journey" (An NCAA14 Coaching Dynasty)

Sunday December 1st, 2019
ASU Football Facility/Sun Devil Stadium
Tempe, Arizona

For the first time since Molly's funeral, Ryan Blacwood's family and the Jamison family were all under the same roof. Ryan was extremely thankful that Coach Edwards had allowed him to use the Coaches' kitchen and conference room when he learned just how many people were coming out to celebrate thanksgiving in Tempe. It seemed a little crowded with the tables and food set up in here, there was no way everyone would've fit in the RV.

The RV was a perfect home for Ryan, little Macy, and all her stuffed animals but it would've been impossible to fit Frank, Britney, Molly's parents, and Ryan's family inside. So, here everyone was breaking bread and remembering the many things they had to be thankful for, even in this the year of Molly and RJ's death. The meal was home to both loud laughter and quiet cries as those assembled enjoyed watching Macy show off and sharing stories of Molly and Ryan Jr.

In spite of the tremendous personal losses of the past year, Ryan Blacwood was in a good place. Work wise, things had gone great. The Sun Devils had just beaten their rival Arizona the night before and ended the regular season with a 7-5 record. A bowl bid was sure to follow. In the locker room celebration after winning the Territorial Cup, Coach Edwards had specifically made his way to Ryan and assured him of a promotion to Quarterbacks Coach and Assistant Passing Game Coordinator for the next season.

Ryan had put in countless hours (a perk of parking the RV so close was a minuscule commute.) of work and those around him were noticing. Macy had adjusted extremely well and had made friends with a couple other coaches' kids. The pain in Ryan's heart still hung like a weight, but he was doing the best he could. Trying to celebrate the life Molly's gift had given to he and Macy. Honoring Molly's memory meant sharing his story and grief with the players, coaches, and staff.

He had been shocked when Coach Herm (who he'd only briefly met a few days before) called on him during the opening team meeting. "Men," Coach Edwards began, "I'd like to introduce you to someone who would rather not be here with us. Like some of you freshmen and transfers, he has recently become a part of our ASU family. As the older guys can attest, around here football comes after family. We succeed on the field when we succeed as a family. And, Family means sharing our highs and lows. In my many years of coaching, I've learned you can't fully give your all to support your teammates until you fully know them. So, come up here Coach Ryan Blacwood. You're going to be kicking off our 'Sundevils share' sessions. Give it up for Coach and listen in men, you're going to hear a story about love, loss, and choosing hope to keep moving forward..."

By the time he finished sharing his story, you could hear a pin drop in the room. Coaches, Trainers, and players were enthralled by Ryan's recounting of the last few months of his life. There wasn't a dry eye in the room. Ryan knew Coach Edwards was a good man who truly cared about all of 'his guys' growing into men they could be proud of. Ryan was so glad that one of Herm's requirements for all new staff members was that they utilize the ASU counseling program. By the time he addressed the assembled team he'd already had a couple sessions and even Macy had been able to take part in some of the play-therapy and other age appropriate counseling the center offered.

Ryan didn't realize what opening up to the team would do not just for himself but for many of the others who were dealing with deep hurts and grief. His talk led to a large increase in counseling appointments made out of the football offices for both players and staff. It also helped set the tone for the year the team would have. After both losses and wins, Coach Herm would end gathering with the same phrase, "Family on me, Family on three, stronger together, games make us grow. One...two...three..FAMILY. Love ya men!!!"

Ryan looked around the table at all those who'd made the trip to watch the game and to celebrate thanksgiving. Molly's parents, Frank and Britney, His Parents, His Brother Jake, His Stepbrother Brad and his wife Ashely and their kids, His Stepbrother Dusty and his girlfriend, it was quite a group.

Everyone's relaxing and watching the mob of kids playing was interrupted by a sudden knock at the door. Everyone was shocked to see Coach Gonzales and his family come through carrying all sorts of goodies for the kids and a large assortment of deserts. "Well we thought y'all could use some extra company and I'm sure all these kids need some more sugar," Coach G said with a laugh.
Danny Gonzales then pulled Ryan aside, obviously wanting to tell him something.

"Ryan I've had a couple meetings since last night I want to tell you about." Coach Edwards wants to transition to a more pro-style offense so he's going to be letting most of the offensive staff go. Zak Hill from Boise has become available and Herm is going to be announcing him as our new OC sometime this coming week. I think you've got a good chance to stick around, but I know you're more of a fan of the College Spread. I’ve really enjoyed us looking at film together with your offensive perspective and me looking at it from the defensive side of the ball. I know you just got here, but I need to ask you to think about something

Coach Gonzales then said something that would once again change Ryan Blacwood’s life.

“Ryan, I’ve been offered and have accepted the Head Coaching position at the University of New Mexico. The budget there is pretty small, and I’d really like to invest in as many good coaches as possible. That being said, I’d sure like you to come with me. We love your family and I know my wife and kids are pretty fond of little Macy. I can’t offer you much if anything really in terms of salary but I can offer a promotion.

Coach Ryan Blacwood, I want you to be the offensive coordinator for the University of New Mexico Lobos.



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