
Genuine question about SIM mode

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Old 11-24-2020, 10:09 AM   #1
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Genuine question about SIM mode

I have been thinking about SIM mode after seeing it mentioned in a few threads recently. First off let me say I used to use sim mode on UD3 all the time as I found it way better and really helped the pacing of the fight and stopped ridiculously long spam/combos etc.

My question is, how would a SIM mode in UFC 4 differ from playing around with the sliders in custom fight now for example? I guess this is a question for both the community and Devs if they would be kind enough to weigh in?
If you turn up the stamina sliders and even increase the damage a little too, does this give us something similar to what we want? If not, what else is required?

I have been playing with stamina up and damage up with both stamina and health recovery off for a day or 2 and it's not bad. My biggest gripe is that there are way too many knockdowns if you fiddle with the stamina and power sliders. I would guess it is because you're in a weakened state more often due to higher stamina tax and there are more powerful shots coming at you too so you're knocked down more. If the knockdowns could be toned down then it would be a lot of fun imo.

If you had these slider settings and reduced the knockdowns somehow, would that be closer to UD3 SIM settings?

Also, final question and this is one for the Devs mainly, possibly @skynet as it pertains to the ai in particular. If I have increased the stamina tax (and to a lesser extent also increased the power of strikes) does the ai adapt and throw less so it doesn't gas itself out? Does it also block more/act more cautious in relation to the powerof it's opponents strikes being upped?
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Old 11-24-2020, 05:25 PM   #2
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Re: Genuine question about SIM mode

Esports Boxing Club game is very near, and the are thousands of people waiting for ten years for a simulation boxing game.

A simulation option mode, for online players in UFC 4, it would be wise in terms of marketing right now.

Last edited by The meticulous Esp; 11-24-2020 at 05:30 PM.
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Old 11-27-2020, 04:32 AM   #3
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Re: Genuine question about SIM mode

Without becoming a sim mode but ...
Modifying certain elements in the fight, such as resistance, damage in hit, and eliminating combos, both in standing fighting, as in custom fighting, I have had fantastic fights, the problem is that I cannot do this in the event and offline tournaments, which are the 2 game modes that I play the most, I would like to be able to modify these elements also in those 2 offline game modes
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Old 11-27-2020, 05:26 AM   #4
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Re: Genuine question about SIM mode

Originally Posted by Leiqueros
Without becoming a sim mode but ...
Modifying certain elements in the fight, such as resistance, damage in hit, and eliminating combos, both in standing fighting, as in custom fighting, I have had fantastic fights, the problem is that I cannot do this in the event and offline tournaments, which are the 2 game modes that I play the most, I would like to be able to modify these elements also in those 2 offline game modes
I too have had some great fights offline after messing with the sliders etc. It is a shame that they don't carry across all offline modes as it would be good to be able to set tournaments up the same way as custom fight now for example.

For me the knockdowns - specifically the excessive number of them - is one of the biggest issues as there just seem far too many when compared to a real fight and breaks the immersion quite a bit.

I may be wrong but it's like they took the Conor/Alvarez and possible Conor/Nate 2 fight as blue prints for how many knockdowns were acceptable. I remember playing 3 for the first time & thinking it was like the Alvarez fight. I don't remember there being that many in UFC 2 which was before that fight, but I may be wrong on that as I haven't played 2 since 3 came out.

I don't even know if it was possible or how it would work, but a knockdown tendency or knockdown resistance slider might help if it isn't possible or desirable to change the frequency globally?
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Old 12-05-2020, 07:53 PM   #5
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Re: Genuine question about SIM mode

The most simple way to explain how SIM mode would work (in ANY MMA game) is that your stamina and health bars drain way quicker and easier.

Combos and sub attempts take 5-10x more energy. Whereas every strike deals 5-10x more damage.

The result is an extremely on-edge, high stakes matchup where every action matters WAY more. REGARDLESS of the game, one thing is guaranteed: SIM mode removes the ability to “spam” attacks in sequence. Every attack must be thought out and delivered with intent.

It’s also worth noting, though, that SIM mode doesn’t remove the ability to have a high-paced fight, or to use “pressure”. UD3 Sim mode was full of exhilarating high-paced fights. You just couldn’t execute consecutive attacks in repetitive sequence - ie “spam”. You also couldn’t overuse “power” attacks (ie headkicks, haymakers, combos, etc).

So, specifically on UFC 4, I envision SIM Mode having a very positive effect. It’s impossible to predict what strategies would arise within such a mode - the meta would be very different. But certain tactics would certainly disappear right off the bat, such as:

-Clinch, knee spam. One could still of course clinch then throw a knee, but stringing together multiple clinch-> double knee attacks in sequence would be impossible.

-Pressure based upon constant output of combinations. This would gas the attacker very quickly.
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Old 12-06-2020, 10:23 AM   #6
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Re: Genuine question about SIM mode

Excellent question. For me personally a couple points come to mind:

1) in terms of pure gameplay point I think there might not be much of a difference. Ideally the community would be able to find the right slider set to give the same outcome as a sim mode would. My concern is how the AI would adapt to a pre programmed sim mode vs sliders. Do they fight based on the default mode or do they adjust their fight style for sliders. Those are questions I’m not sure of.

2) a big issue for me as stated by others is that the sliders have not seemed to translate into even or career mode. Now I have going off the beta I played and the footage I’ve watched so it might have changed, if not that is a big issue

3) this is my personal bias now... I am not a fan of sliders generally speaking. I don’t have the time nor energy to play with and tweak sliders for my preference. I feel it’s the job of developer of a game to create a sim experience and difficulty. But I appreciate the guys who do test it out because the sliders people have found have given me great experiences. But that’s my own personal bias haha
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Old 12-07-2020, 10:39 AM   #7
Irish0331's Arena
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Re: Genuine question about SIM mode

Originally Posted by Leiqueros
Without becoming a sim mode but ...
Modifying certain elements in the fight, such as resistance, damage in hit, and eliminating combos, both in standing fighting, as in custom fighting, I have had fantastic fights, the problem is that I cannot do this in the event and offline tournaments, which are the 2 game modes that I play the most, I would like to be able to modify these elements also in those 2 offline game modes
The sliders are very helpful and definitely add value to the offline experience. Not having them available in event more is pretty frustrating, but honestly i barely use event mode anymore because I'm constantly changing profiles to play out my events (thanks to only having 22 lousy caf slots). So I'm just bouncing back and forth between profiles and I'm using custom fight now.

**Would be kind a nice have the custom fight now sliders be set up as player and computer. Having them set up as red corner and blu corner yet AGAIN removes immersion. I have to change the sliders between every fight if I wanna play out of either corner. Silly. Offline players seem to have to do enough work in order to have a universe experience and we spend alot less time actually fighting than we should so now I set it all up to always fight out of the red corner to avoid having to do the monotonous slider change.....removes fun when i want a challenger to win in a title fight, because im playing as the challenger out of the red corner so i miss the "and new" cut scene...unless i do the admin work of correcting the sliders beforehand. Yawn.
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Old 12-08-2020, 11:45 AM   #8
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Re: Genuine question about SIM mode

Idk how relevant this is but most wrestling game fans hate the newer games, some because they are more realistic but less fun. I guess that makes sense for wrestling games.

Maybe this is the silent majority for MMA games too. Even if hardcores prefer UD3 realism, apparently the casuals actually want different. Which is why we have the arcade style gameplay now.

I think online sliders with sim/rule presets is the answer.

Make the base game more balanced less arcade but have presets for arcade and sim mode so everyone is satisfied.
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