
2k21 Quasi-Attention to Detail (current-gen / Switch)

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Old 11-19-2020, 03:36 AM   #1
vetmin's Arena
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2k21 Quasi-Attention to Detail (current-gen / Switch)

Available to those on the Nintendo Switch, this roster is a spin-off of CelticLG's amazing Attention to Detail roster (his UATD 2k20 numbers) and comes with compatible 2021 and 2022 draft classes (real-life prospects), with more to come. My Switch nickname is vetmin and the files are...

  • QuasiAttn2Detail - Season Start

Draft Classes:
  • 2021 DC QuasiAttn2Detail*
  • 2022 DC QuasiAttn2Detail*

*Jan. 17 UPDATE: I'm not a big fan of updating draft classes every time someone's stock rises or falls, but Brandon Boston has been so awful that there's even talk that he'd be better off staying in college another year, so I've moved him to 2022 (and moved Kai Jones to 2021 while I was at it).

MyLeague Scenario (RECOMMENDED):
  • QuasiAttn2Detail Dec1 30tmCtrl

Note that I made some tweaks in the MyLeague scenario that will give you a better experience than if you loaded the roster into MyLeague manually, plus I fixed all the staff names, etc. If you plan on running a normal, 30-team MyLeague, it's highly recommended that you work from this MyLeague Scenario rather than the roster file.

For a quick overview of the roster + draft classes + MyLeague Scenario...
  • Team Rosters: Opening Night, with injuries; not included are the two-way players missing from the Switch Official Roster as of Jan. 5, 2021 (the ones from the update that included Dakota Mathias, Nathan Knight, etc.). They will NOT be added to the roster file since in some cases it's impossible without wrecking a bunch of other stuff (since you can't assign players to a team on a two-way in the Roster Editor; you have to assign them to a roster spot AND THEN edit them into being a two-way, but in many cases there are no roster spots left). All of these players ARE in the MyLeague Scenario on two-ways with their correct teams though.
  • Attributes: Default, with tweaks by me (mostly to Mid-Range, Intangibles, and Potential)
  • Tendencies: CelticLG, with tweaks by me (influenced by RyanFitzmagic); rookies are based on player comps
  • Badges: None; this roster uses no badges except Personality Badges from CelticLG
  • Vitals: Peak Ages & Play-Types from CelticLG; Height/Weight and jersey #s from NBA.com and Basketball Reference
  • Appearances: With few exceptions, the CAP faces are default, mainly because it's clear that 2k is gradually adding more and more scans into the game. Not worth the trouble of editing them all in that case, and many of them are actually not bad.
  • Signatures: Taken from around the community, mostly via OS and YouTube
  • Staff: Owners + GMs by me; coaching staff by SimWorld, with tweaks by me; coaching "free agents" (all under "Assistant Coaches") are by SimWorld and me
  • Future Staff: In my rosters I always release certain players from historic & all-time teams into free agency so that they become staff candidates in future years; they're at the bottom of the free agent tab, so if you don't like this, just delete them; if you want to keep them, see below for more details
  • Points of Emphasis: Will be updated to AntDoggyDogg's POEs when he drops them; for now they are what CelticLG uses
  • Playbooks: CelticLG
  • Misc: Not sharing Advanced Rotations this year since injuries have made them far too variable; 2k21 for some reason doesn't allow editing the Help Defense coaching slider in the Edit Roster interface, so in MyLeague I would make it 100 for all teams; also, you have to set Scoring Options within MyLeague

...and the draft classes:
  • Prospects: 50 per class (deliberately not 60, since there are always 10 or so draftees each year that never really play in the NBA, and I don't want them to clutter the MyLeague player pool and force legitimate NBA players into retirement). Obviously a bit of guesswork goes into who is one-and-done and who isn't. Note that all of the fake, auto-generated players are 40 years old and super low-rated, so that they almost immediately filter out of the league instead of displacing real-life players.
  • Double Draft?: Though 2022 has been a popular guess for the double draft, since the pandemic I've mostly seen 2023 floated, so that will be my double draft (still a WIP)
  • Appearances: Da Infamous NY and SkillzFromThe6 where available, otherwise mostly my own
  • Ratings/Tendencies/Signatures/etc.: Lots of copying / pasting based on comps I've heard (obviously with adjustments due to being rookies), though in some cases of high-level prospects I used Da Infamous NY's or SkillzFromThe6's Attributes and/or Signatures. (I know that copying / pasting is poo-poo'd by some, but I think it's even worse to project high-school / college stats to pro skills and play style; draft classes are always mostly guesswork, so I'd rather they play like NBA players similar to what they're currently projected as.)

Regarding MyLeague sliders, I still need to tweak them, but Schnaidt's current-gen sliders are a great base. I've uploaded them as SimGmNtwk MyL Setup. If you want to run a few sims and tweak the Sim Slider section yourself, this thread is great for reference:*https://forums.operationsports.com/f...ts-strive.html

As for gameplay sliders, what's good for the Attention to Detail roster ought to be good for this. Personally I use a tweaked version of Schnaidt's sliders. Happy to upload them if anyone is interested.

For more details about some things...



















Please let me know if you have any questions!!

Last edited by vetmin; 01-17-2021 at 04:47 PM.
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Old 01-07-2021, 04:35 AM   #2
vetmin's Arena
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Re: 2k21 Quasi-Attention to Detail (current-gen / Switch)

Just FYI: I've now uploaded a MyLeague-ready roster plus accompanying draft classes. First post has been edited to reflect all of this.
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Old 01-07-2021, 07:08 PM   #3
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Re: 2k21 Quasi-Attention to Detail (current-gen / Switch)

Originally Posted by vetmin
Just FYI: I've now uploaded a MyLeague-ready roster plus accompanying draft classes. First post has been edited to reflect all of this.
Hi, thank you for this. I am having trouble finding the draft classes and sliders you have uploaded. They don’t come up when I search them by content type.

Thanks again for this !!!
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Old 01-09-2021, 02:32 AM   #4
vetmin's Arena
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Re: 2k21 Quasi-Attention to Detail (current-gen / Switch)

Originally Posted by pgd44
Hi, thank you for this. I am having trouble finding the draft classes and sliders you have uploaded. They don’t come up when I search them by content type.

Thanks again for this !!!
My bad, man; I accidentally saved the draft classes locally only instead of sharing. Just shared and they're definitely there now. If for some reason they don't come up when searching Content Name, search for my nickname (vetmin). As for sliders, I haven't uploaded gameplay sliders, but the MyLeague sliders were and are still up. Make sure you're trying to load them from within Setup Options when you're first creating your league (and don't forget to turn on Roster Injuries, which are always off at first no matter how the file was saved; also, personally I turn off Progressive Fatigue, Chemistry, zero out the Morale sliders, and turn off all CPU trade activity since I prefer to play 30-team control and handle all front office moves myself). If you don't see the sliders, again maybe try searching my nickname instead?

Or are you looking for gameplay sliders? Happy to share mine, but they're totally just my preference. The same way that people use all sorts of slider sets with the Attention to Detail roster, this one ought to be the same, since the key things affecting gameplay (tendencies, playbooks, play-types, attributes) are more or less the same.

EDIT: Oh, one other random thing I forgot to mention in the OP: I created the base MyLeague file a few weeks ago, I believe, so draft pick ownership (which is un-editable) should mostly be accurate, but it's not perfect, as it never is, so if you're really sensitive to pick protections, etc., be sure to cross-reference as needed what appears in 2k vs. real-life pick holdings via RealGM or something.

Last edited by vetmin; 01-09-2021 at 02:39 AM.
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Old 01-17-2021, 04:51 PM   #5
vetmin's Arena
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Re: 2k21 Quasi-Attention to Detail (current-gen / Switch)

Just a heads up to anyone on Switch. A MyLeague Scenario has now been added, and various other things have been updated.
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Old 05-15-2021, 06:39 PM   #6
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Re: 2k21 Quasi-Attention to Detail (current-gen / Switch)

Has anyone updated the roster?
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Old 05-18-2021, 01:54 AM   #7
vetmin's Arena
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Re: 2k21 Quasi-Attention to Detail (current-gen / Switch)

Originally Posted by dubbduces
Has anyone updated the roster?
I wasn't going to bother mentioning unless someone asked, but I did make a post-deadline MyLeague Scenario. I didn't (and won't) update the actual roster file, as I'm more of a MyLeague guy and it's kind of pointless for that (since any MyLeague is going to start in December 2020, so it makes sense for it to always be an opening-night roster).

For anyone interested in the post-deadline scenario, just search my username (vetmin). Note that I had a bit of a change of heart re: Badges, and in the post-deadline scenario, default 2k Badges are for the most part reintegrated, minus some badges that are OP or that I don't like (pretty easy to see which they are by going into Roster -> All Players and sorting by each Badge column; some of them will repopulate in the offseason, but it takes 2 seconds to just wipe them again).

In addition to reintegrating Badges, I took a different approach to OVR/Intangibles. What I've done here is adjust Intangibles to make most guys OVR equivalent to whatever their Badge-less OVR is in their best position, except for centers, where their OVR is equivalent to whatever their Badge-less OVR is according to the Intangibles scale in my original post. My goal here was to keep the gameplay effect of Badges without having star players with absurdly high OVR ratings (which often results in absurdly high MPG relative to their teammates). Note that player attribute ratings don't reflect some of the more recent boosts some guys have gotten. Previously underrated players like Lu Dort, Moses Brown, Jordan Poole, Juan Toscano Anderson, etc. may need to be nudged up (https://www.2kratings.com/ is helpful for making adjustments).

Also, the draft class that is present in the scenario is more up to date than the 2021 DC I uploaded separately. Badges are there too (only for top guys), BJ Boston is back in, some missing dudes (like Johnny Juzang) were added, etc. When you get to the offseason, use my 2022 DC file, which has Badges now too and is compatible with the post-deadline scenario.

Re: standings, etc.: The standings in the scenario are in the ballpark of what they were at the time. If you want to skip ahead to the playoffs and want it to be realistic, maybe wait until after the real-life play-in tournament is over and then use Force Win to rig the post-All Star Break part of the season so that you end up with the right matchups (kinda hard to get it just right, but I'm not super obsessive about it). Also, this scenario is immediately pre-All Star Weekend, so it gives you the chance to do those games / events. I manually rigged the All Star teams so that they're pretty close to what they really were, though there are a few omissions since injury substitutions only work for team captains in 2k.

As for any scenario, be aware that all gameplay and MyLeague settings represent what I personally like, so obviously go through and adjust everything to taste. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Last edited by vetmin; 05-18-2021 at 01:57 AM.
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Old 05-18-2021, 02:13 PM   #8
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Re: 2k21 Quasi-Attention to Detail (current-gen / Switch)

Originally Posted by vetmin
I wasn't going to bother mentioning unless someone asked, but I did make a post-deadline MyLeague Scenario. I didn't (and won't) update the actual roster file, as I'm more of a MyLeague guy and it's kind of pointless for that (since any MyLeague is going to start in December 2020, so it makes sense for it to always be an opening-night roster).

For anyone interested in the post-deadline scenario, just search my username (vetmin). Note that I had a bit of a change of heart re: Badges, and in the post-deadline scenario, default 2k Badges are for the most part reintegrated, minus some badges that are OP or that I don't like (pretty easy to see which they are by going into Roster -> All Players and sorting by each Badge column; some of them will repopulate in the offseason, but it takes 2 seconds to just wipe them again).

In addition to reintegrating Badges, I took a different approach to OVR/Intangibles. What I've done here is adjust Intangibles to make most guys OVR equivalent to whatever their Badge-less OVR is in their best position, except for centers, where their OVR is equivalent to whatever their Badge-less OVR is according to the Intangibles scale in my original post. My goal here was to keep the gameplay effect of Badges without having star players with absurdly high OVR ratings (which often results in absurdly high MPG relative to their teammates). Note that player attribute ratings don't reflect some of the more recent boosts some guys have gotten. Previously underrated players like Lu Dort, Moses Brown, Jordan Poole, Juan Toscano Anderson, etc. may need to be nudged up (https://www.2kratings.com/ is helpful for making adjustments).

Also, the draft class that is present in the scenario is more up to date than the 2021 DC I uploaded separately. Badges are there too (only for top guys), BJ Boston is back in, some missing dudes (like Johnny Juzang) were added, etc. When you get to the offseason, use my 2022 DC file, which has Badges now too and is compatible with the post-deadline scenario.

Re: standings, etc.: The standings in the scenario are in the ballpark of what they were at the time. If you want to skip ahead to the playoffs and want it to be realistic, maybe wait until after the real-life play-in tournament is over and then use Force Win to rig the post-All Star Break part of the season so that you end up with the right matchups (kinda hard to get it just right, but I'm not super obsessive about it). Also, this scenario is immediately pre-All Star Weekend, so it gives you the chance to do those games / events. I manually rigged the All Star teams so that they're pretty close to what they really were, though there are a few omissions since injury substitutions only work for team captains in 2k.

As for any scenario, be aware that all gameplay and MyLeague settings represent what I personally like, so obviously go through and adjust everything to taste. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Thank you! I can’t tell you the amount of time I’ve typed your name in on switch and then it occurred to use OS! I appreciate it!
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