
Crash Spielman's "No Flap Helmets" Blank Roster.

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Old 09-03-2020, 11:23 AM   #1
Sm27's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Oct 2004
Crash Spielman's "No Flap Helmets" Blank Roster.

New up in the vault after 9 straight hours of work and up all night:
"No Flap Helmets Blank Roster".
PS4 Username: Crash_Spielman.

1.) I started with the latest live roster update as the foundation for this "blank" roster so that I would be sure to get the updated audio names database in the foundation of the roster + ALL of the legends up to date as of yesterday's Roster Patch from SDS.

2.) I used KISS75's two "No Flap Helmet" generic player's, (one fielder, one pitcher) to build my own "blank" players from for every position, for every team. I made sure to build my generic player models with the right size "head" so you can see the sizing and scale of the head necessary for the player's head to fit properly into the "no flaps batting helmet" when you build your own players, so the helmet "fits"on his head instead of the helmet looking 80 sizes too big for your player.

3.) Every replacement player on every team has a batting helmet with "no ear flaps" so you can build vintage players with vintage batting helmets from these generic blanks. You can change any attribute, any face, head, or anything else you like as long as you DO NOT EDIT THE HELMET if you want your player to have a batting helmet with "No Flaps". Once you edit the helmet, you can never get it back to "no flaps" with out completely starting over again.

4.) Every player is Uni number "50", so as long as you import / build and replace these players in this roster with your own players numbers below "50", your new player's numbers will stick. No more chasing duplicate numbers below 50 causing your imported players numbers to change, unless you put them in there yourself.

5.) All players have "Zero Attributes" in all categories. This insures that as you fill in the roster with your own teams / players, these "blank" players will always serve as "place holders" only, and the CPU will never put them into a CPU controlled teams' "lineup" or "rotation" unless you don't have the required number of real players filling the slots on your roster. The CPU always sorts priority of players by OVR ratings. These players all have an OVR of "1".

6.) Just as an experiment, I played a game with these players, all with zero attributes, and boosted all sliders to 100 to see if the game would actually play...Suprise, it DID!...It was actually pretty cool. Game was smooth as butter. Some guys mashed, and pitchers were surprisingly challenging with all CPU pitching sliders boosted 100%.

7.) I have also attached to this post the RBU Ratings System's Excel for "Career" ratings of every MLB player dating back to the 1800's.

I never would have gotten through this tonight without Ken Burns. I had the Ken Burns "Baseball" documentary playing on my laptop the whole time I was building this roster, and it served as not only a distraction while numbingly replacing every player, but it also served as inspiration for building future classic teams...I would really like to see some teams from the 1910's like the Connie Mack's A's with the $100,000 Infield", etc.
Attached Files
File Type: zip RBU CareerRatings20 Excel.xlsx.zip (3.63 MB, 16 views)
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