09-01-2020, 03:02 PM
[PS4 MADDEN 21 SIM LEAGUE] Top Shelf Sports
Hi guys, Top Shelf Sports was recently founded a month or two back but it has been a longtime community since Madden 20, we've run 8 successful seasons throughout the Madden 20 year and we're looking to match that and even more this year around!
We currently have 3 open slots for our sim styled M21 League. We will be using daddyleagues as well as we have in the past.
If you're looking for a chill community to be apart of with people always down to play not just Madden but a whole bunch of different games in our discord then Top Shelf would fit perfectly for you!
If interested you can either message me on here, PSN, or discord. I'll drop my users below, look forward to a great year!
PSN: TopShelfAnt
Discord: Anthony-#6123