08-29-2020, 02:24 AM
Stamina and Damage tuning
So, even though I still wish they would have gave the ground game the same care they gave the clinch with this near 24 month development cycle. One thing I do think they nailed is stamina usage. In the entire game, stamina and wear from grappling on the ground seems to be most realistic and represents the struggle if great attention is not given to what your doing.
I share my thoughts on that because I think everyone can agree striking and other actions don’t use nearly enough stamina (or damage for that matter) to require the same amount of strategy. What I hope does not happen is that they decrease stamina usage on the ground to close this gap. In fact I hope it’s quite the opposite with upping damage dealt on strikes and also increasing the long term stamina tax greatly for striking and other actions.
Even if it needs to come in the form of a ‘realism’ mode, please EA, provide an option for increased stamina use when striking and also damage increase from striking in ALL scenarios by about 30%. I think that change alone for me would make the game 110% more exciting and a better representation of the strategy and excitement associate with the sport.