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Old 05-15-2020, 03:13 PM   #1
cbrown119's Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Mar 2009
Hitting advice

I would like to get some hitting advice and how to adjust without messing with the sliders.

The problem is, is that I'm constantly Early or Very Early on most pitches - both fastball and off-speed pitches.

I been trying different cameras (strike zones 1-3) to help me get a better perspective/sight on pitches.

I tried backing the camera all the way to get a full view of the batter and the plate, but didn't help with my timing.

I tried the opposite, (strike zone 1, I think) editing the view to all the way forward, so I have less time to see the pitch.
But I'm still early.

So, any advice. Looking through the forums, YouTube the preferred cam is the strike zone cams. Just my timing sucks-well consistently early.

What are some ways to correct, without messing with sliders, a tendency to always swing early?

Btw, I'm using zone hitting (my first year).

It's a hard question to answer, but appreciate any thing that could be a solution.

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Old 05-15-2020, 10:11 PM   #2
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Join Date: Jul 2017
Re: Hitting advice

I tend to swing earlier than later as well. I've had to teach myself to wait a split second more before hitting the button. Are you tracking the ball well? Able to put the pci in the right place despite swinging early?

This is the 1st year I've really been able to track the ball well and its helped tremendously. Sometimes waiting the split second more spoils it foul, sometimes I miss entirely. I still swing slightly early quite a bit too.

If all else fails, up the pitch spd sliders by a click.
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Old 05-17-2020, 10:20 AM   #3
killaxxbearsxxx's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Re: Hitting advice

I had a similar problem, and I adjusted by making my swing more of a process, and less of a click decision.

I started to lower my PCI in the zone similar to a load/leg kick in real life. I make a point to try to stay underneath the ball with my PCI until I make my decision to swing. That forces me to make that upward movement with the stick a part of my swing and keeps me back a half a second longer.

It got real comfortable when offspeed and pitches low in the zone started to force me to stay down with the PCI, and create a feeling similar to staying back after seeing the offspeed. Satisfying stuff.

Anyway, If you try it, let me know how it works out. I’ll mess around and see if I can figure something else out and hopefully remember to come back to the thread.
Apparently you can't change your username.

Kingzxkobra if you want to catch me on PSN
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Old 05-18-2020, 06:31 AM   #4
cbrown119's Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Mar 2009
Re: Hitting advice

Originally Posted by killaxxbearsxxx
I had a similar problem, and I adjusted by making my swing more of a process, and less of a click decision.

I started to lower my PCI in the zone similar to a load/leg kick in real life. I make a point to try to stay underneath the ball with my PCI until I make my decision to swing. That forces me to make that upward movement with the stick a part of my swing and keeps me back a half a second longer.

It got real comfortable when offspeed and pitches low in the zone started to force me to stay down with the PCI, and create a feeling similar to staying back after seeing the offspeed. Satisfying stuff.

Anyway, If you try it, let me know how it works out. I’ll mess around and see if I can figure something else out and hopefully remember to come back to the thread.
Interesting approach...

So, if I understand this correctly, you have the PCI WAY DOWN in the zone (in the dirt??), then you have to raise the PCI bacically all of the time.

I'm going to try this approach - it sounds really good. Yesterday, I was trying different cams to get a better depth perspective, but all it did was to confuse things even more.

I'll let you know how your approach turns out.

Thank you!
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