04-11-2020, 03:51 PM
Injuries, Roster Control, and Exporting
I know this is a popular subject on this forum, but I have yet to find a definitive answer, especially for the 2020 version of the game.
Here is the summary.
Starting on The Show 14 every year I would make a 50 man created team. That would fill the MLB and AAA team for my user controlled team. I played with CPU roster control on and made real life transactions as they happened. After a couple years the year to year saves became a life saver! I could transfer my save, export my players, and start a new franchise with those players with the updated rosters. After a couple more years I got bored with everyone on my team being the same service time and around the same stats. So after some precise roster construction and service time manipulation my players all have career stats! Some players are still rookies or in the minors with no service time. Some players are at the ends of their careers chasing all time stats or milestones. It is great and immersive!
My dilemma.
I want real injuries!!! I want to use more than the 26 man roster and have to make tough roster decisions when someone goes down. If I understand correctly, I cannot get injuries while playing with CPU roster control on. If I play regular franchise I get injuries, but I lose the ability to export all my created players at the end of the year and put them on an updated roster next year.
On to the question.
What would all of you recommend as the best way to play this year? I have all my players ready (deciding between real roster or Bacon's Fictional for the first time). Do I forget injuries and just play, or play with a fictional roster and not export and reset every year?
Look forward to the discussion!