
chiliad's NBA 2K20 Draft Classes

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Old 02-02-2020, 09:00 PM   #1
chiliad's Arena
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chiliad's NBA 2K20 Draft Classes

Username: chiliad999
Title: 2020 v1.0

Hey guys!

Not sure if anyone here remembers my draft classes from the NBA 2K12-13 days on PS3, but after a long hiatus I'm finally back and making draft classes again. After being upset with the lack of quality classes available on PC, and after figuring out that it's much easier to make a draft class using a keyboard, I decided to provide what I feel is the best draft class available right now on any platform.

I've uploaded version 1 of my 2020 draft class to 2KShare on PC. If you used my draft classes back on PS3, you know the type of work I put in, and this draft class is no exception. It features 150 fully edited draft prospects. And when I say fully edited, I mean it. Ratings, Tendencies, Appearances, Badges, Animations.

Here is a quick rundown of what this draft class features and a few minor notes.

- 150 fully edited prospects

I used various scouting websites and databases to accurately rate the players to the best of my ability. I also edited every tendency for every player so that they line up with the default roster in the game. I did my best to provide a good mix of underclassmen, college juniors and seniors, and international prospects, and it should make Summer League especially fun.

- Accurate Appearances

Again, I used a lot of different resources to accurately depict how players look. I won't say they're perfect, but I'm proud of the work I put in on this aspect. I also tried to provide accurate depictions of the accessories each player wears, although I admit I did not spend a ton of time on this area.

- Dynamic Potential

So this is something new I decided to try with this draft class. Instead of rating a player's potential based on their draft stock, I decided to choose their potential at random (within a certain floor/ceiling scale of course). I feel like this does a great job at providing busts and sleepers, and is a more accurate representation of how the NBA Draft actually works. And because I used a different potential scale for each player, you should still see guys get drafted close to where they're projected, they just won't necessarily be guaranteed to be superstars. You might also be able to find a diamond in the rough late in the draft, or even find rotation guys who go undrafted a la Duncan Robinson and Terence Davis.

- Ages aren't always going to be accurate.

There's a glitch in the game that sometimes changes player ages when you load a class into a MyLeague file. I spent a lot of time trying to fix it and couldn't figure it out, so my suggestion would be to edit the ages yourself once you load the class into your file. RealGM is a great resource to use. It's unfortunate, but it's the only workaround I know of.

- I didn't really touch hot zones.

I debated making all hot zones neutral, but in the end I just left them at whatever the game had by default. It's very difficult to find accurate information about hot zones online, unless you're willing to spend money on a scouting service.

- The players I chose are set in stone for the time being

Please don't ask me why a certain guy might not have made it into the class. I started work on this class months ago, and I did the best I could to reflect what mock drafts and scouting sites had at those times. So I'm sure there are some guys I didn't include who will absolutely be drafted, and some guys I did include who will remain in school. I plan on releasing version 2 of this class once the declaration deadline passes in June, but until that time any updates to the class will be minor.

- I'm very open to feedback and will be making regular updates to the class

I more interested in tendency feedback than ratings feedback, but if you see a rating that you believe is egregious and can back it up with stats, I'm very willing to make changes. Also, I didn't spend a ton of time on tendencies for lower rated guys, so if you know a player uses a tendency more or less than I have them using that tendency, please let me know and I'll update it. Also if a guy's handedness or college is wrong, let me know. I did my best to make sure this information was correct, but I could have accidentally messed a few up. If a guy's country wasn't in the game I typically used whatever country they play in professionally. Finally, if you think I've got guys running the wrong types of plays, let me know. I tried to follow along with the play types listed for current rookies in the game, but if I have a guy set to Post Up Low and he's never posted up a single time in his life, tell me and I'll fix it.

- I'm not as interested in feedback on appearances.

Please don't tell me I have a guy wearing the wrong shoes or the wrong color arm band or that a guy's hair style is wrong. These things weren't very high on my radar, and they're very easy to edit yourself, so I did not spend a lot of time in these areas. Also the game sometimes doesn't provide a hairstyle or facial hairstyle to match the player, so I had to take some artistic license in some cases.

- A few names are spelled incorrectly.

There are a few players with names spelled incorrectly in order to bypass the game's foul language censor. It's dumb, but it's the only way I could get the guys in. If anyone knows a workaround, please let me know. The players who fit this category are Cassius Winston, Cassius Stanley, Jarron Cumberland, and Devin Vassell.

- If you're interested in making your own updates to these, I ask that you please just give me credit.

If you feel like doing an overhaul on appearances or accessories, by all means please use this class as your base. I know a lot of cosmetic stuff can be done on the PC version of this game, and I'm a PC newbie. Just make sure you give me credit. I spent an insane amount of time on these and I've had people try to pass my work off as their own in the past. Also, if you happen to have access to the previously mentioned scouting databases that show hot zones, I'd love to collaborate on an updated version of the class.

- There is absolutely no timetable on a 2021 class or beyond

And I won't budge on this. Do I plan on releasing a 2021 class? Yes. Do I know when it will be completed. No, and please don't ask me. The amount of time it takes to do these draft classes justice is insane, so I have no idea when (or if) future classes will happen. Now that I've finished this class I'd like to actually play the game. I'll provide an update when I've started the 2021 class, and I'll provide an update when it's finished, but that's it.

- There are no plans to bring this to PS4 or XBOX

I don't own the game on either of these platforms, and at this time I don't plan to.

Please feel free to ask any questions about anything I didn't cover in this post. Hope you guys enjoy this draft class!
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Old 02-02-2020, 10:15 PM   #2
chiliad's Arena
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Re: chiliad's NBA 2K20 Draft Classes

One thing I forgot to do that will be in the first update is an increase in stamina pretty much across the board. I went way too low with a bunch of guys, which I'm seeing in testing.
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Old 02-03-2020, 08:23 AM   #3
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Re: chiliad's NBA 2K20 Draft Classes

I will have to check this out
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Old 02-05-2020, 10:32 PM   #4
chiliad's Arena
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Re: chiliad's NBA 2K20 Draft Classes

Just finished a minor update with a few ratings changes. I did a test sim of the 2020-21 season and I really liked what I saw, but I'll keep fine tuning as I continue to use the class.
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Old 02-07-2020, 01:41 AM   #5
Farewell and 'ado
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Re: chiliad's NBA 2K20 Draft Classes

Thanks man! I am way beyond 2020 draft class already but if I ever start over I’ll give it a whirl.

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Old 03-19-2020, 12:51 AM   #6
chiliad's Arena
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Re: chiliad's NBA 2K20 Draft Classes

Just a quick update:

I've started work on the 2021 draft class and I'm making really good progress. Still no timetable on when it will be complete, but hopefully within the next few weeks.

After it's complete I probably won't be releasing a 2022 class, at least not any time soon. I'll shift my focus to fine tuning the 2020 class once the draft entry announcements start rolling in, and I'd also like to release a couple of fictional classes so people can go a little deeper into their MyLeague with consistent, uniform draft classes.
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Old 04-01-2020, 11:09 PM   #7
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Re: chiliad's NBA 2K20 Draft Classes

Just wanted to say thank you for your contributions to the PC Community!
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Old 05-11-2020, 05:52 PM   #8
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Re: chiliad's NBA 2K20 Draft Classes

will you ever put these rosters as offline files available for download? like uploaded to mediafile or a file hosting service so I could download and import into the game?
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