10-24-2019, 12:29 AM
Re: TFG Rosters + OSFX Draft Files
Although I would have liked for them to be compatible, It likely would conflict with TFG rosters the draft classes were designed to mesh more with the standard EA roster mostly because of contracts TFG has starters rated very low for the current contract algorithm so you wont get accurate player contracts, not his fault it's the primitive ovr based system Madden uses to determine contracts.
Also the top flight QB's have to be rated higher 78, 77 to make sure they go 1 and 2 overall etc and some cases where teams don't have a QB at all they will over draft QB's in the 1st rd which is good this happens if you use the OSFX Roster file that will be updated on the 29th. It's not perfect but fringe QB's are fringe QB's in this roster and the teams that should draft in next few years all end up doing so and you dont have all those crazy overrated players like Seth Robert's being 77 ovr etc.
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