09-12-2019, 04:14 PM
OVR: 0
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 1,068
Players 2k League - XB1 Player Lock
The Players 2k League (P2KL) is a new take on a Sim 2k League. You will still be responsible for roster management; signing and trading players, setting rotations and all the other things typically found in an online league. Where things differ, is rather than control all 5 players on the court in game, you instead use the Player Lock setting to play as one single player for the entire game.
The player that you Player Lock on will be a created player, created using the MyPlayer Builder to determine physical skills and starting ratings. Every new player will start with 320 attribute points (equivalent of an 85 overall in MyCareer and around 75 overall on normal rosters) and 15 badge points to spend, with attribute and badge caps determined by your build.
This is a Sim league, and as such users are expected to not pad their player’s individual stats, playing games like its an offline MyCareer.
If you're interested in joining or have any questions let me know. This will be run on a Discord server and I will send the invite link to those interested.
Last edited by TheDominator273; 09-12-2019 at 09:10 PM.