
Ultimate-Legend players roster for AMP use

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Old 08-12-2019, 06:27 PM   #1
SGMRock's Arena
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*NEW With WK2 Official Rosters Ultimate-Legend players roster for AMP use

Just posting this roster I had put over on FootballIdiots but thought I would share here as well. This roster has a Ultimates team added you can access in Madden AMP by going to player editor then picking the team. It will be at the very bottom. You can then move any of those players you like to your team simply by changing the team from Ultimates to whatever team you want them on. So you can have fun with Barry Sanders or whatever.

Be aware they added like 74 new players to this that were not in Madden 19 but all of them have no player portrait because EA is lazy I guess I don't know. Maybe they plan to add them later through MUT, not sure. There are 193 totals players in there. Be aware you will not see them if you just load this roster in game unless you move them over to your team.

If anyone loves doing player portraits I can give you a list of the players if you like or you can grab them from the included CSV file, the players with a 0 in the EP (PSXP) are the ones with no portrait. CSV is also in the ROSTER-Ultimates.zip file.

If you want to make portraits for these you will need this tool https://www.footballidiot.com/forum/...?f=115&t=21414, this is a good tutorial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBxx4KgKsCc&t=

None of these players were edited in any way these are directly ported over from the teamdb_ultimates.DB extracted from Frosty also the Official rosters were not edited in anyway.

Including AMP in attachments for convenience, all credit to the guys that have created and improved AMP over the years! Also thanks to elguapo and Stringray68 over on https://www.footballidiot.com/forum/...p?f=13&t=21400 for the nice Madden DB editor that makes doing things like this so easy!
Attached Files
File Type: zip ROSTER-Ultimates.zip (1.04 MB, 397 views)
File Type: zip Amp443.zip (3.78 MB, 198 views)
File Type: zip ROSTER-WK2PlusUltimate.zip (499.6 KB, 232 views)
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Last edited by SGMRock; 09-12-2019 at 06:58 PM. Reason: Adding new update version.
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Old 08-20-2019, 12:42 PM   #2
OutSider123's Arena
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Re: Ultimate-Legend players roster for AMP use

Not sure if it's just Madden or something to do with this roster but I went and moved all the players to teams and made myself a team of all the added players and when going into the game and letting it sim the franchise I get an empty field. On defense they can right into the end zone, on offence they swam around the ball and down it right away. Yet if I play on any mode it seems to work out ok.
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Old 08-21-2019, 09:32 PM   #3
Yaoza11's Arena
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Re: Ultimate-Legend players roster for AMP use

I would love to learn how to do portraits and would easily do the portraits for this roster.
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Old 08-31-2019, 03:26 AM   #4
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Re: Ultimate-Legend players roster for AMP use

Hey first off huge thanks for this. I was looking for something like this for a while and it's exactly what I wanted.

I did have one question: If I want to use the ultimates roster and put them on a new roster (like if Madden updates their rosters or if I personally make a new roster with my own edits) is there a way to do it? I'd like to be able to use the legends as the rosters update throughout the season (if possible)

Again, thanks a ton. Sorry if there's an obvious answer to this as I'm new to using the roster editors in general.
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Old 09-12-2019, 05:43 PM   #5
SGMRock's Arena
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Re: Ultimate-Legend players roster for AMP use

Added an update with Week2 official rosters and Ultimate team players. There was a bug when I first updated the Week2 update so if you downloaded it in that hour you will need to download it again or it won't load in game. It was too big because they added a bunch of players to the roster so when I added the 180 legends it went over the max player size for rosters. So I had to go in and delete all the 53 overall and below Free Agents to make some room for the legends. Its working now I tested it.
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Last edited by SGMRock; 09-12-2019 at 06:59 PM.
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Old 09-12-2019, 07:35 PM   #6
SGMRock's Arena
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Re: Ultimate-Legend players roster for AMP use

Originally Posted by GoodPlayer
Hey first off huge thanks for this. I was looking for something like this for a while and it's exactly what I wanted.

I did have one question: If I want to use the ultimates roster and put them on a new roster (like if Madden updates their rosters or if I personally make a new roster with my own edits) is there a way to do it? I'd like to be able to use the legends as the rosters update throughout the season (if possible)

Again, thanks a ton. Sorry if there's an obvious answer to this as I'm new to using the roster editors in general.
Well you will need Frosty Editor and you will have to export out from the Madden Legacy explorer area in Frosty Editor Common>database>teams right click on teamdb_ultimate.db and export it to a folder on your system. Get the Madden Database editor I linked in my OP. Open up that file you exported with the database editor and click on the PLAY table on the left side, go to top menu and export just that table to CSV, then highlight the TEAM table an export that one to csv.

Next open the latest official roster you want to put these into and do the same thing. Export the PLAY and TEAM tables from that. Then open the excel file for the ultimate play csv you exported, copy all the lines accept the top one with the abbreviations into the official play csv you exported. Here is where it gets more tricky as you can't have more than about 3150 players in your roster or the file will be too big and not load in Madden20. To get around this I deleted about 100 of the really low overall FAs that were like 53 and below overall. You can use Excel to filter the TGID column to 1009 which is Free Agents and then sort that by POVR which is players overall and find the low hanging fruit to get rid of. I would recommend you get them below 3100 player lines in excel and you will be good. Now save that edited PLAY file with all the players you want and in Madden DB editor with the new Roster open you want to put these players into highlight the PLAY table, and to back to the top and import the CSV you saved with all the players you wanted. This will take a few seconds as its 3000 entries and then it should have all the players you put into the CSV in this table now. Keep that open for now and go back and open the TEAM CSV from the Official roster you wanted to use you exported before, open the other TEAM csv from the Ultimate team, copy that 1 line for the Ultimate team into the other team CSV so you will have like 34 lines of teams in that Official one. 32 NFL teams, a line for Free Agents and then Ultimate team. Save that, highlight the TEAM table in the Madden DB editor go to the top and import that new saved team CSV , you should see it update those 34 rows into the Madden database editor. Go to top file area, Save and then click Close from the same menu. you should now have the roster you want where ever you saved it to. the one without the file extension. It should be 1,556 KB exactly if you did everything right, if its bigger than that it wont load in game.
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Old 09-12-2019, 07:36 PM   #7
SGMRock's Arena
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Re: Ultimate-Legend players roster for AMP use

Originally Posted by Yaoza11
I would love to learn how to do portraits and would easily do the portraits for this roster.
I put links in my original post now that show you how to do it.
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Old 09-12-2019, 07:40 PM   #8
SGMRock's Arena
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Re: Ultimate-Legend players roster for AMP use

Originally Posted by OutSider123
Not sure if it's just Madden or something to do with this roster but I went and moved all the players to teams and made myself a team of all the added players and when going into the game and letting it sim the franchise I get an empty field. On defense they can right into the end zone, on offence they swam around the ball and down it right away. Yet if I play on any mode it seems to work out ok.
Remember teams cant have more than 75 players currently so make sure you didn't go over that cap on any of the teams you moved these to. Normally the way I use this is I put a couple of my favorite players on my favorite team with AMP and save the roster then load that in game and create a new franchise so I can use them in my franchise. Keep in mind that a lot of these players have high ages so you should edit their birthdays and age to match and lower their number of years in NFL to 0 if you want them to be rookies for instance. Though with the new Madden 20 hidden dev trait thing this can make them bugged and have hidden dev trait their whole rookie year sometimes which is no big deal it goes away after first season. To avoid that you could make them have 1 year experience and young if you want to use them in your franchise long term.
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