
Can we re-evaluate snap count mechanics?

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Old 08-08-2019, 08:20 PM   #1
TennesseeVols16's Arena
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Can we re-evaluate snap count mechanics?

So, to start off, having lots of fun with Madden 20. Sure it has problems, but I'm still enjoying what it offers. I also only play offline, so this is mostly an offline issue I'm having. I also searched for similar threads and couldn't really find a recent/relevant thread. Anyways, one thing about Madden (and even NCAA back in the day) is that I cannot truly emulate a snap count/hard count. I cannot line-up on 4th & 1 and fake snap 3 or 4 times in an attempt to draw the defense offsides. I cannot lineup in shotgun on 3rd & long and fake snap it multiple times in an attempt to disrupt the defense's timing. I might be able to fake snap twice before my own OL false starts. That's just not realistic.

We either need dedicated plays that are purely hard count plays where you cannot snap the ball and you can fake snap to your heart's content without penalty with the option to audible into another play, or have the ability to actually set a snap count in the play call menu. For instance, let's say I'm in the play call menu, I find the play I want and before I select it, I can use my D-Pad to move the snap count to 3. Now, when my offense lines up this is what will happen:
A: I snap it on 3, no false starts, maybe the defense jumps offsides on 1 or 2. If not, the play continues as normal, no issues.
B: I don't snap it on 3, and instead I fake snap it on 3 and someone on offense (OL, WR, RB, etc.) false starts because they were going on 3, not 4.
C: I snap it on 2, one count early, my offensive lineman get a bad start and are highly susceptible to being beat by the pass rush/blitz/etc. WRs get a bad break off the line, more likely to be jammed, etc. RBs take a acceleration penalty on hand offs, and maybe increase the likelihood of a fumble at the LOS. QB mishandles the snap if he's under center, or the center delivers a bad snap if the QB is in Shotgun formation.

Some system like this could be very beneficial to the realism of the offense. Yeah, I know I can adjust penalty sliders, but I feel this would be much more sim and realistic. They could even give QBs like Rodgers and Luck abilities that make their snap counts/hard counts more effective in drawing the defense offsides. Give great pass rushers like Mack and Miller abilities where they might jump early, but don't physically go offsides and instead just take a ratings penalty for pass rush on that play. This kind of feature could provide the game with that much more realism.

I know this may not be something that can be implemented until Madden 21, but I still would like to mention it in hopes it can be worked on at the very least.
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Old 08-08-2019, 10:54 PM   #2
OhMrHanky's Arena
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Re: Can we re-evaluate snap count mechanics?

This will never be implemented by madden. Lol.

But, let me say, I love this idea, and have thought about something similar, before. U lay it out pretty well. And, honestly, this is something that could be implemented, but with the way madden and ea work, they seem to prefer simplicity over complexity, in general, so I just don’t see them adding this thinking that ‘the casual player won’t understand it,’ or something.

But, again, I love it. And, seriously, people could simply choose to never use it if it was added. I think adding it to the playcall menu would be perfect. Map it to whatever button, let’s say RB, and click it 1, 2, 3, or infinity, maybe? Lol. Meaning, with infinity selected, u will never call a play, u must call a TO. And, yeah, if u forget the snap count yourself, having it cause late jumps by WRs and OL would cause u trouble and whatnot. I’d love to have this feature added.

In general, the snap counts never work in madden and yeah, your Oline is more likely to jump.

Great idea, man. I’m onboard.

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Old 08-08-2019, 11:45 PM   #3
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Re: Can we re-evaluate snap count mechanics?

They'll implement it in Madden 23. Half-*** it. Remove it in Madden 24. Then reintroduce it after the next generation.
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Old 08-09-2019, 09:21 AM   #4
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Re: Can we re-evaluate snap count mechanics?

I love the idea but have little faith in Madden's ability to make awesome (or even necessary) changes.
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Old 08-09-2019, 12:22 PM   #5
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Re: Can we re-evaluate snap count mechanics?

Yes, I thought of this years ago but as another poster said, there is no way EA will implement this. I really cannot give you a reason they wouldn't but I wouldn't hold my breath on this.
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