
Madden A.I not that bad (Truth is stranger than Fiction)

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Old 05-01-2019, 08:59 AM   #1
underdog13's Arena
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Madden A.I not that bad (Truth is stranger than Fiction)

So I was reflecting on the recent Josh Rosen/Kyler Murray saga. What occured to me is that if that had happened in Madden, the first thing people would do is complain and call it unrealistic. Heck, my buddy and I thought it was when the Cardinals drafted another QB in the first round in our franchise.

My buddy ended up trading for Rosen for a future 1st and a current 3rd. Which end up being more than what the Cards got in real life. Just goes to show you how we compare A.I decision making to irl Gm's.
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Old 05-01-2019, 10:13 AM   #2
MtVasuvius's Arena
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Re: Madden A.I not that bad (Truth is stranger than Fiction)

Another way to look at this - the NFL has gotten so weird with transactions and teambuilding decisions that it makes Madden's awful AI look rational

(obvious joke is obvious, before I get angry replies)
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Old 05-01-2019, 10:27 AM   #3
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Re: Madden A.I not that bad (Truth is stranger than Fiction)

Originally Posted by underdog13
So I was reflecting on the recent Josh Rosen/Kyler Murray saga. What occured to me is that if that had happened in Madden, the first thing people would do is complain and call it unrealistic. Heck, my buddy and I thought it was when the Cardinals drafted another QB in the first round in our franchise.

My buddy ended up trading for Rosen for a future 1st and a current 3rd. Which end up being more than what the Cards got in real life. Just goes to show you how we compare A.I decision making to irl Gm's.
Rookie wage scale makes it much more feasible to move on from these guys and more teams should do so instead of wasting 2 or more years on someone who isn't going to work.

Would also like to see more QB needy teams doing what WAS did a few years back when they took RGIII and Cousins in the same draft.
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Old 05-01-2019, 12:30 PM   #4
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Re: Madden A.I not that bad (Truth is stranger than Fiction)

The difference between Madden and real life is that the Cardinals actually have a plan in real life to make Murray the QB of the future and are going to actively build around him. They also wanted to get whatever they could for Rosen.

In Madden they are just drafting another QB because he will be higher rated than their current one and no other reason really. They don't have a plan of attack on how they are going to build around him outside of the schemes system. They don't sit there thinking they have to move Rosen and get what they can while he holds value.

If Madden can get an AI that actually sets up plans so things happen like this in-game for actual reasons other than he's higher rated by a few points than their current year 1 QB then I think most here would be more than okay with it. The way the logic is now and the lack of actual plans from all the CPU controlled teams is what makes it irritating.
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Old 05-01-2019, 01:33 PM   #5
adembroski's Arena
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Re: Madden A.I not that bad (Truth is stranger than Fiction)

There's a big difference between the real life Cardinals taking the calculated risk that Murray is going to be a special player and Madden Cardinals not knowing the 81 OVR QB on it's roster is 21 years old.
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Old 05-01-2019, 02:20 PM   #6
4thQtrStre5S's Arena
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Re: Madden A.I not that bad (Truth is stranger than Fiction)

Valid point by the OP. The Cardinals changed Head Coaches. This probably had some influence on the decision to change QBs. Would be nice if Madden's AI had some logical steps which could be followed to decisions made on the field and off field.

A scenario which could play out in the NFL and which would be nice to see happen in Madden - Eli Manning starts slow and the Giants are 2-6 at the halfway point. Time to put in rookie Daniel Jones. 1st round money also pushes players into starting positions regardless of their OVR rating.
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Old 05-01-2019, 04:56 PM   #7
briz1046's Arena
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Re: Madden A.I not that bad (Truth is stranger than Fiction)

I think we would all agree that Maddens GM A.I. is simplistic and basic , however it does get some undue criticism due to a general misunderstanding of probability within the general population ( the same can be said for some gameplay criticism )

Most people have the preconcieved notion that unlikely events ' never' happen when in reality they are guarranteed to do so given a large enough sample size ,
Its said people encounter a " one-in-a-million " event approximately once a month in daily life , but if such events are to occur in a video game are up in arms with outrage
Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon .... No matter how good you are , the bird is going to **** on the board and strut around like it won anyway .
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Old 05-01-2019, 05:46 PM   #8
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Re: Madden A.I not that bad (Truth is stranger than Fiction)

Originally Posted by briz1046
I think we would all agree that Maddens GM A.I. is simplistic and basic , however it does get some undue criticism due to a general misunderstanding of probability within the general population ( the same can be said for some gameplay criticism )

Most people have the preconcieved notion that unlikely events ' never' happen when in reality they are guarranteed to do so given a large enough sample size ,
Its said people encounter a " one-in-a-million " event approximately once a month in daily life , but if such events are to occur in a video game are up in arms with outrage

The thing is, these "once in a million" events like a team taking a QB in the 1st round two years in a row happen year after year and sometimes with multiple teams in franchise mode. EA tried to correct this and now once in a lifetime QBs are falling to the 3rd and 4th rounds.

It's not undue criticism to expect the AI to set up plans and draft, trade, and sign free agents based off of their goals. As it stands right now the AI doesn't seem to do anymore than look at player A vs player B and choose the higher overall player and that's that. They don't plan for the future. They make decisions based off of now and have no concept of time it seems.
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