
JoshC1977's MLB 19 Sliders

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Old 04-24-2019, 11:35 AM   #1
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JoshC1977's MLB 19 Sliders

Update: September 23, 2019 - Updates to Pitch Control and Pitch Speed Settings

I strongly debated whether starting a slider thread, given the sheer simplicity of what I am using. However, as I looked across the other slider threads, I realized that I am a bit 'different' in terms of philosophy/approach than many. The sliders you DO NOT change are just as important as the ones you DO change.

Why All Star?

I’ve always preferred the “feel” of All Star – it doesn’t feel forced or biased. It feels like little subtleties in player ratings mean more. Don’t get me wrong, HOF is fine and dandy, but things that should happen on occasion (like a mid-40s power guy hitting a HR or hitting an oppo-field shot) are just a touch too rare for my taste. I've historically waffled a bit between AS and HOF and I ultimately went to HOF last year as I rarely felt "threatened" by the CPU offense on AS.

All star is a really good difficulty level this year; it's more challenging than it was last year. That said, I want to ramp-up the mental challenge a bit...I want a "smarter" version of All Star, but one that maintains the fundamental balance of the level.

Before I get into the setup, a couple of general comments about how I approach the game:

•Directional hitting/classic pitching are a 'must'. I want player ratings to be at the forefront of outcomes. To me, it's pointless to play a game with real players if the user can dictate too much of the outcome. On All Star, interfaces like meter pitching and zone hitting can allow the user too much control over the outcomes; which we do not want.

•I care WAY more about gameplay than I do stats. I just want variety in outcomes; if every game feels the same, it's boring. I don't go crazy looking at in-depth stats to try to compare to real life trends. As long as the final outcomes fall in the range of what's believable, I'm good.

•Turn off every possible visual aid - you'll never learn to walk on your own if you always use a crutch. Turn off vibration too, it's an aid for aiming pitches that we don't need. Real pitchers' arms don't magically vibrate when they're aiming out of the zone, our controllers shouldn't either. Do everything by feel. Of course, it enhances the beauty of the game, but it does something else; it adds a layer of difficulty for the user without changing a darn thing slider-wise.

•If slider adjustments are needed, adjust to make the game "smarter" whenever possible. Yes, you can actually tone things down by toning other things up. That said...I STRONGLY believe that going more than 1 point from default in either direction will begin to cause issues (see the next bullet). So, our world here will be defined by values between 4-6.

•I disdain "Slider RNG". Slider RNG is basically where a slider is set to heavily influence outcomes outside of player ratings. When I push a button to swing the bat or throw the ball, I want the player ratings to drive the outcome (not the fact that I changed a slider to preferentially favor an outcome). Now, sometimes there are game imbalances which necessitate a slight adjustment to bring it back to balanced; but I will not adjust a slider to favor one outcome more than another (i.e. tailoring the game to what I think baseball should be).

The Settings

Batting and Baserunning:
Hitting Difficulty: All-Star
Hitting Interface Directional
Input Type - Buttons
Plate Coverage Indicator - Off
Camera Shift - Off
In-Play View Offense - Broadcast

Hitting View: Retro (Users Choice)
The camera angle you hit with. Majorly important!! Retro works really well for me but it may not for you. If you have a nice solid sample size (~40 games) or if you've had very consistent outcomes over a 15-20 game stretch and feel hitting is overly easy or overly difficult for you based on the team/players you're using, this should be the first place to look. I do know for a fact that one's perception of the pitch speed will vary depending on your camera (fish eye is an example of a camera where pitch speed will seem faster).

Ball Trail - Off
Button Interface: Classic

Guess Pitch: Off
There are horror stories about people who think this will make the game a bit easier. The reality is that the game arbitrarily punishes you for guessing wrong. Anticipating the pitch and location is already part of the game - guess pitch is an redundant and unneccessary setting. I implore everyone to not use it.

Baserunner Interface: Default
Baserunning Decisions: Assist
Sliding Decisions: Assist
Runner Window: Off (Much more challenging and rewarding plus cleaner screen)

Pitching Difficulty: All Star
Pitching Interface: Classic

Pitching View: Broadcast
This adds a little variety as the angle changes for each stadium (and it will change how much you need to move the stick to move the ball marker as well...so it is an adjustment for road games...like real life). If you're not a fan of that (or if you get a bad angle that doesn't show the catcher's sign), the Outfield camera is a nice option (I used that all last year)

Pitching Ball Marker: Off ("On" for those that struggle with it off)
Pitch Callout: Off (cleaner screen but turn it on if you like)
Pitch Confidence: On
Pitch Delay: Normal
API: Default

Throwing Interface: Buttons

Throwing Meter: Off
Throwing Difficulty: NA
Throwing Decision: Off
Throw Canceling: On

Fielding Decision: Auto
Auto fielding is awesome because it maximizes player ratings and it looks beautiful. I've also seen manual fielding in action and SDS did a good job of making those ratings matter. So, if you like the challenge, go for it.

Defensive Shift: Manual
Auto-shift has cost more players games (both offline and online) than any other thing. If you use auto-shift, be very conscious of extreme shifts...an oppo hit away from the shift can change the outcome of a game.

All Indicators - off
Fielding View Offense: Broadcast
Fielding View Defense: Broadcast

Strike Zone: Off
Hot Zones: Off
Warm Up Relievers - On
Balks: Off
Tutorial Tips - Off
Post Game Auto Save - On
Umpire Balls and Strikes: Personalized
Umpire Close Plays: On
Check Swing Appeals: On
Injuries: On
Ejections: On
Scorebar Display - On
Pitch Select Display - Off
Swing/Pitch Info - Off
Vibration - Off
Game Log Order - Default

Presentation Options
Presentation Mode - Broadcast
Pre Pitch Cameras - Your choice
Frequency - Your choice
Batter Walkup - On
In-game Ticker - On
Closed Captioning - Off

The Sliders

Dynamic Difficulty Sensitivity 0

User/CPU Contact 5
This is a big change from before where we had it at 6. I just feel as though the change from default made high contact hitters a bit too good (particularly for users). It lead to some amazing ball physics but it was ultimately too imbalanced for my tastes.

User/CPU Power 5
Power/exit velo is fine on default All Star.

User/CPU Timing 5

User/CPU Foul Frequency 5
Dropping this to even 4 and you start seeing some BAD looking swings that make no sense (meaning we have to compensate with about 3 other sliders...which is taking us the wrong direction, away from default). I'll say this, I see just as many 10 pitch ABs on lower values as I do at default. I've never really seen the benefit in changing this slider. We leave this alone.

User/CPU Solid Hits 4
The classic adjustment most slider guys make, lowering solid hits. This is a good global tuning for hitting. This will allow for more batted ball variety without introducing too much 'Slider RNG' to the mix.

User/CPU Starter Stamina 6
Looking to add ~10 or so more pitches per start - this works very well. My belief is that SDS' default setting is geared towards the 'average gamer' who will be unable to draw an appropriate number of pitches per inning. You should target 12-15 pitches per inning as a goal for number of pitches seen....which means a SP will throw about 90 pitches in 6 innings.

User/CPU Reliever Stamina 5

User Pitcher Control 6
I've gone back and forth on this. I really do feel like this is the best overall value. The CPU hitting is just smarter here. Sure, I arbitrarily miss spots more at 5, but I tend to walk more batters at 6. I can't explain it, but I get hammered a lot more by the CPU offense with this setting.

CPU Pitcher Control 6
I've gone back and forth on this as well. Ultimately, the CPU pitchers are just smarter here.

User/CPU Pitcher Consistency 5
I see an adequate number of wild pitches here; no need to change.

Strike Frequency 5
First strike percentages are fine and vary depending on context. No changes needed.

Manager Hook 5
You're going to see wonky outcomes at times, but you do IRL too. Just roll with it.

Pickoffs 5
Looks fine as is.

Fastball Pitch Speed 7 (users choice)
Off speed Pitch Speed 6 (users choice)

Updated for my own personal preferences. Huge shoutout to Gman here. The thing I've always hated with the higher pitch speed setting is that it makes the input feel entirely reflex-based. By keeping the off-speed pitch setting a notch below, it helps keep the 'skill' in hitting while adding more velo.

Fielding Errors Infield 5
Fielding Errors Outfield 5
Throwing Errors Infield 5
Throwing Errors Outfield 5
Default is beautifully well-done this year with respect to errors. Raising these just makes major leaguers look like little leaguers on the field.

Fielder Run Speed 5
Fielder Reaction 5
Fielder Arm Strength Infield 5
Fielder Arm Strength Outfield 5
Baserunner Speed 5
Baserunner Steal Ability 5
Baserunner Steal Frequency 5
Wind 5

Injuries 6 (optional)
You're welcome to use whatever you'd like here; Armor's injury approach should be ok here for sure; I just forget to change them back-and-forth half the time.

Trade Slider 5 - April
Trade Slider 6 - May
Trade Slider 7 - June
Trade Slider 10 - July
Trade Slider 6 - August
Trade Slider 5 - September
Trade Slider 5 - October
Trade Slider 9 - November thru February
Trade Slider 6 - Spring Training

This is similar to Armor's, but I like to see a little "ramp-up".

Possible Set Modifications

1. Camera...camera...camera. Hitting is 'too easy' or 'too hard'? Look at this before ANYTHING else.

2. Pitch speed. If you feel like you are ahead of every pitch, bump up the speed ONE notch. That's it. If you feel like you are behind every pitch, bump down the speed ONE notch. That's it.

3. To change your challenge but without changing game difficulty, adjust the timing slider to make it easier/harder for the user or CPU. One-click is enough to make a major difference.

4. If you need an extreme change in difficulty (harder or easier), just change the difficulty and use the current set - it should work beautifully regardless of level.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is an appropriate sample size?
I consider a 'small sample size' for any sports games to be about 1/4 of a season. For baseball, that's about 40 games. Now, corroborating support (when assessing a change) can reduce the sample size significantly. But for 'run of the mill' assessments of a slider set's balance and effectiveness, I consider that 1/4 season to be the smallest acceptable sample size.

How do you handle pitch selection?
I do not believe that following your catcher's pitch suggestions is "more sim" than calling your own. The fun part of pitching (and that requiring the most user skill) is knowing how to pitch and set up a batter.

Can I use Quick Counts?
First of all, I never use them; I like to see the pitcher/batter duel unfold. I've heard positive reports with QCs and this setup. Just know that you might be making it tougher on yourself using these, as sometimes those early count pitches are the ones you can feast on.

Can I use other control interfaces (meter, zone, analog, etc) or use these for MoM or CPU v CPU mode?
You can try, but you're leaving more of the outcome in your hands instead of with the ratings. If you're skilled at those interfaces, it may skew the results in your favor. For you guys who enjoy just watching the action, I have no clue. We're pretty balanced here, so it should be OK...but if you're a 'stat hound' and expect every little stat to be perfect, I suggest you go to a dedicated thread.

I see (too many/too few) of (insert stat name). What slider can I adjust to fix that?
The most common (and annoying) question. Be objective and look at your own approach at how you play the game. It's often quite revealing and will give you ways to improve upon that stat(s) without changing a single slider. Sliders are all relative, so it can be tricky to isolate one particular area of the game without affecting 5 or 6 more.

How many games do you play in franchise?
I play every pitch of every game. I just cannot sim through stuff, I feel disconnected.

What's the best roster to use?
There is no such thing as a 'best roster' - they are all flawed in some way. I'm using an SDS roster for my Reds franchise (as the prospect potentials are more muted and make it much harder to make trades when you don't have 15 - 20 A/B potential guys in nearly every farm system) but will dabble with some custom rosters as well. One piece of advice: choose wisely.
Play the games you love, not the games you want to love.

Last edited by JoshC1977; 01-07-2020 at 11:34 AM.
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Old 04-24-2019, 01:34 PM   #2
SFNiners816's Arena
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Re: JoshC1977's MLB 19 Sliders

Much like you I was using All-star on every version except for last year when All Star just seemed a bit too easy. I've played probably 40-50 games thus far with HOF hitting on 19 and honestly I haven't liked it as much as I did with the AS on the previous versions.

I was currently using dynamic (Only 5 or 6 games so, I think my Hitting is at a veteran +) with the hopes that an All Star + would suit me well when I got there.

I'm liking the looks of your slider set here and I plan on giving them a try.
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Old 04-24-2019, 06:59 PM   #3
No.27's Arena
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Re: JoshC1977's MLB 19 Sliders

Josh, thanks for sharing these and providing such a coherent slider explanation. I moved back to Default All Star about a week ago because basically I like the way it pIays and looks. I have also noticed pitches drifting back into the zone. Cutters for me have been particularly annoying. I aim well outside the zone and have my Pitchers delivery points down but I’m never sure whether it will be a strikeout or giving up a home run. I’m going to give the tweaks a try for a week and see how I go.
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Old 04-24-2019, 07:16 PM   #4
bravesfan1984's Arena
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Re: JoshC1977's MLB 19 Sliders

Love your philosophy for sliders Josh, use your Madden ones every year. So glad you decided to share your MLBTS sliders!
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Old 04-24-2019, 07:57 PM   #5
SFNiners816's Arena
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Re: JoshC1977's MLB 19 Sliders

I wanted to sneak in one of my 2025 Cubs franchise games with your sliders before my real Cubbies play the Dodgers

I gotta say that was a very fun game of baseball and not nearly the chore that HOF/zone/with everything on screen had become for me on 19. I can’t stress how much of a revealation it is to play a game with a clean screen and directional hitting. It just feels right and I honestly think that I have found a new way to play after over 1800 franchise games that goes back to Mlb14.

As for the game, I won a 9-3 contest over the pirates. I had 9 hits and 8 walks. The pirates had 5 hits and 2 walks. I realize that the true test of sliders lies in a nice sample size but this just felt different. It’s just so much fun tracking balls without all the stuff on the screen. I’m almost mad I haven’t been playing like this all along

My team is a dynasty (5 WS in 11 years and 10 straight division titles) I have 6 90+ rated players so I should be seeing good results. The highlight of the game was Kris Bryant (now this is an 11th year HOF track 450+ career HRs 95 rated guy) going deep 3/4 of the way up the batter eye in PNC. That definitely didn’t suck

I look forward to using these settings for a lot more games. However, first impressions are very favorable on my end.
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Old 04-24-2019, 09:34 PM   #6
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Re: JoshC1977's MLB 19 Sliders

Originally Posted by No.27
Josh, thanks for sharing these and providing such a coherent slider explanation. I moved back to Default All Star about a week ago because basically I like the way it pIays and looks. I have also noticed pitches drifting back into the zone. Cutters for me have been particularly annoying. I aim well outside the zone and have my Pitchers delivery points down but I’m never sure whether it will be a strikeout or giving up a home run. I’m going to give the tweaks a try for a week and see how I go.
Yeah, I feel ya. It took me a while to figure out, but there was just a tad too much variability on pitch movement for my taste on default. Bad pitchers still can get punished, but your aces will definitely feel more like aces. My results for my first five games in my real franchise (using Twins):

7-1 Win
5-4 Win
14-6 Loss
5-2 Win
7-2 Loss

Definitely some variability (which is the key of what I am looking for)...

As a total side note, in 5 games I also lost Sano for 2 months and Buxton for the season. Injuries are for real and I am loving it (yes, at default)

Originally Posted by SFNiners816
I wanted to sneak in one of my 2025 Cubs franchise games with your sliders before my real Cubbies play the Dodgers

I gotta say that was a very fun game of baseball and not nearly the chore that HOF/zone/with everything on screen had become for me on 19. I can’t stress how much of a revealation it is to play a game with a clean screen and directional hitting. It just feels right and I honestly think that I have found a new way to play after over 1800 franchise games that goes back to Mlb14.

As for the game, I won a 9-3 contest over the pirates. I had 9 hits and 8 walks. The pirates had 5 hits and 2 walks. I realize that the true test of sliders lies in a nice sample size but this just felt different. It’s just so much fun tracking balls without all the stuff on the screen. I’m almost mad I haven’t been playing like this all along

My team is a dynasty (5 WS in 11 years and 10 straight division titles) I have 6 90+ rated players so I should be seeing good results. The highlight of the game was Kris Bryant (now this is an 11th year HOF track 450+ career HRs 95 rated guy) going deep 3/4 of the way up the batter eye in PNC. That definitely didn’t suck

I look forward to using these settings for a lot more games. However, first impressions are very favorable on my end.
Absolutely man, if you have a stacked team, you should perform well....I mean, that's the whole point of team-building. Glad you enjoyed the feel in your first game!
Play the games you love, not the games you want to love.
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Old 04-24-2019, 11:16 PM   #7
No.27's Arena
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Re: JoshC1977's MLB 19 Sliders

Thanks for the heads up on the injury slider and will leave it as is. I’m convinced the game on Default All Star out of the box this year is like a dream come true. It’s right in my wheelhouse. Like you I tinkered with Fielder Reaction and Speed, Foul Frequency etc but felt I kept going backwards in terms of animations and gameplay. With your tweaks I’m finished tinkering so early and the game is so good I can see myself getting in all 162 games.

Last edited by No.27; 04-24-2019 at 11:18 PM.
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Old 04-25-2019, 03:19 AM   #8
SFNiners816's Arena
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Re: JoshC1977's MLB 19 Sliders

Just a little update 4 games in:

W 9-3 with 9 hits and 8 walks
W 7-3 with 7 hits and 6 walks
L 3-4 with 7 hits and 5 walks
L 3-4 with 3 hits and 8 walks

I was always pretty patient and the clean screen makes it even easier to do so. I’m making it a point to grind ABs and take walks. I actually love it because it’s giving me Great Ave and On-base splits.

I have yet to face an ace (90+ rating). My next game is vs a 93 rated P.
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